Assignment Description: Make an argument to define America in a way that readers will find illuminating given the essays and excerpts concerning American culture in Read, Reason, Write, as well as the supplementary readings on our Blackboard site. You must cite at least two of the assigned readings to support your argument. Take care not to define America as a dictionary, encyclopedia, or other outside source defines it. Instead, articulate a precise and defendable definition of your own, a definition whose merits you explain throughout your paper. To explain and clarify your definition, you should also discuss your view in relation to competing perspectives on what America is, or what it represents. Audience: Your readers are college students in American or international universities who have not taken the time to analyze what America, or being American, really means. They are open to being informed and persuaded. Context: Aided by the first few chapters in Read, Reason, Write, we have discussed and written about what an argument is, including how differing understandings of a term may rest at the heart of an argument. We have discussed, for instance, how different definitions of marriage emerge from various belief systems and traditions and how those definitions include, exclude, respect, frustrate, control, and liberate people. As this and other examples show, precise and carefully supported and explained definitions of a fuzzy term can change minds and shape actions. Now is your opportunity to define a term in a way that you see fit, not as a dictionary or encyclopedia defines it, but as you think the term should be defined so as to influence readers in a certain way. Length & Formatting: At least 3 pages, no more than 6 pages? typed? doublespaced? MLA or APA formatting and style. Purpose: Your purpose is to present your readers with insight regarding the definition of America , to demonstrate that you have thought creatively, critically, and carefully about the topic, and to put forth and organize your ideas in such a way that persuades your readers. Organization: Your paper should be thesisdriven with unified, coherent, and sequenced paragraphs, as well as well developed, connected ideas supported by specific evidence and examples, including quotations and paraphrases from readings. Resources: Chapter 7 offers indepth suggestions for arguing for a definition. Chapter 14 provides reminders about MLA & APA styles and formatting, including how to integrate quotations properly and how to cite sources in a Works Cited page. Chapter 22 includes readings on America, any of which you can use in your paper. You can also use the Supplementary Readings on America in our Blackboard shell.*For this first major paper, you should only use and discuss readings and sources that were assigned to the class. You may briefly refer to common knowledge, such as current or historical events or people, to support your ideas, but you should not need to cite any unassigned readings. Grading: Refer to the Major Paper #1 Grading Rubric on Blackboard for specific information regarding the criteria that will be used to evaluate the essay. Late papers will be penalized according to the policy for late papers outlined in the syllabus.