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1)Answer this question from this section, with a 2 and half page essayDefine what you mean by terrorism, and explain in your terms the various justifications that Pavkovic and Primoratz consider for various forms of terrorism, and the criticisms they have of these putative justifications. Under what conditions, if any, is terrorism justified? Consider this question in relation to the relevant readings.
From terrorism and justice: moral argument in a threatened world edited by tony coody and micheal okeefe 2002 PP.55-71
TOWARDS LIBRATION: TERRORISM FROM LIBRATION IDEOLOGY PRESPECTIVE Aleksander pavkovicTHE MORALITY OF TERRORISM/IGOR PRIMORATZ ISBN/ISSN 0264-37582)Answer the following question from this section, with 2 and half page essayExplain behaviorism and functionalism. Do you believe these theories can satisfactorily deal with private, subjective experience? Justify your answer
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Define what you mean by terrorism, and explain in your terms the various justifications that Pavkovic and Primoratz consider for various forms of terrorism, and the criticisms they have of these putative justifications.