© Deakin University MIS101 – Business Information Systems
MIS101 – Assignment Detail – Trimester 3, 2015
This is an individual assignment
Compulsory Submission Deadlines: Note this assignment
requires 3 submissions and ALL must be named as your MIBT student
ID or they will not be marked.
1. Generation of TURNITIN Analysis Report for Part A (Referenced
& Cited Full Draft) Due Date: Week 5 in Class Tutorial
2. Second Generation of TURNITIN Analysis Report for Part A
(Final version) Due Date: Week 7 by 8th December 2015 11.55
? (If you submit after 8th December 2015 11.55 pm the
submission will incur penalties as per the Deakin College
Assessment policy).
? Please Note: Your Part A TURNITIN submission must be
EXACTLY the same as the final Part A (joined with Part B)
submitted through the Assignment Submission Link in the
portal in Week 7 or it will not be marked.)
3. Submission of completed final version of assignment Due Date:
Week 07 – Thursday 10th December 2015 (11:55 pm)
Both Part A and Part B combined into 1 file
Warning: Failure to read and comply with the instructions in the rest of this
document will result in failure.
© Deakin University MIS101 – Business Information Systems
100 marks (This accounts for 40% of the total assessment of this unit).
Assignment Instructions:
Download the Assignment Detail document file and the (Word) Assign Template Part A and Part B files from
the Deakin College portal Week 3. Save the files into your H: Drive or OneDrive Account.
For example: if your Student Number is CHXXD1402 then your file will be named accordingly as
CHXXD1402.docx. Your assignment must follow the guidelines listed below or will incur penalties: ? The Assignment final submission must be produced using Microsoft Office Word 2010 or later version;
Mac users must check their assignment file can be opened on a non-Mac computer in the Deakin College
labs before submitting. If you submit a file that cannot be opened by a staff member you will receive a
zero score and we will not accept another submission.
NOTE: The latest version of office is available to student for free through:
It is called Office 365 and can be used via the cloud through OneDrive or downloaded onto your computer
or tablet. Just click on the image below when you enter the Deakin University Software site through the
hyperlink above and it will explain all in a video!
? TURNITIN submissions require .PDF file formats (see Assignment submission document in week 3 of
portal for instructions) ? Length is not to exceed 1600 words (not including the Reference list); ? Completing the ‘Assignment Plagiarism and Collusion’ quiz in week 7 of the Deakin College portal and
submitting your assignment in week 7 of the portal will acknowledge your agreement and undertaking
© Deakin University MIS101 – Business Information Systems
that you have not copied, colluded or cheated and that your assignment is all your own work with
regard to plagiarism. This will also display the final ‘Assignment Submission’ link. ? All citations used should be referenced and included in a Reference List placed at the end of the
assignment document using the Harvard Referencing Style (Author, Date) only. An explanation of this
method and general referencing is available at: Harvard Referencing Guide in Week 3 and Week 7 of the
subject in the Deakin College portal (Starts at page 48).
1. If a source is listed in the ‘Reference List’ of your assignment submission and is used for an
answer in Part A then the source must have originally been produced in English and not have required
translation into English. Translated sources used in the assignment will result in a zero mark for the
reference and the content included in an answer in Part A. Even if the content has been paraphrased.
The assignment consists of two parts. In Part A you are asked to answer a number of questions and you are
expected to provide fully researched and referenced answers. Furthermore, you are expected to use at least
ten (10) academically acceptable reference sources as a minimum to support your answers to the questions.
Failure to supply any correct references as in accordance with the Harvard Referencing Guide will result in a
zero mark and an Academic Misconduct report.
Part A answers can only be completed using journals and articles sourced from the Deakin Library online
facilities e.g. Deakin Library database of Journals, Articles and ebooks. (Deakin Library web address:
www.deakin.edu.au/library) or either of the accepted current MIS101 textbooks.
Answers will only be accepted for marking if the online reference has been cited in the actual answer and
if the source is correctly referenced in Harvard style in the ‘Reference List’. Hence, it includes the hyperlink
to the correct online location for the full text. If the hyperlink does not work or is not present, the answer
will not be marked.
Don’t hyperlink URLs including the word ‘session’ as they will generally not work once you have closed
the article or journal because they are a temporary link.
2__Orightresult__X6;jsessionid=764B61E8160308406C4800849FF188E3?lang=eng&suite=gol The correct
© Deakin University MIS101 – Business Information Systems
URLs to hyperlink should be sourced from the search list where the book or article is displayed rather than
the link once they are open for view e.g.
Correct View to hyperlink URL
NOT once the book or article is open
Part B of the assignment requires you to apply Toulmin’s Argument Model to analyse a case study to determine
the validity or otherwise of the case study’s claim, again reference any additional information sources that you
may use.
© Deakin University MIS101 – Business Information Systems
Assignment Completion Method:
Your assignment will involve two important phases, which will require you to:
Part A:
Answer the following questions:
? Question 1: Describe ‘social engineering’ from an I.S. security perspective. Provide two examples of
social engineering and two safeguards to prevent these examples. (~250 Words)
? Question 2: Define ‘alien software’. Explain how it differs from viruses, worms and trojan horses. Give
4 examples of alien software and explain how they work. (~250 Words)
? Question 3: Define the difference between ‘unintentional’ and ‘deliberate’ threats to information
systems. Provide 4 examples of deliberate threats and explain how they work. (~250 Words)
? Question 4: Define ‘asymmetric encryption’ from an I.S. perspective. Discuss the relationship between
encryption, certificate authorities and digital certificates. (~250 Words)
Part B:
Use the Toulmin’s Model of Argument to analyse the supplied Assignment Case Study (see the Assignment Case
Study section below) and provide your opinion on the strength or weakness of the argument with relation to
the Claim that we have provided. (~ 600 words).
You MUST use these instructions to complete the ‘Your Opinion’ section of Part B:
To apply the model to test the validity/strength of a CLAIM the reader must examine each sentence in the
article and categorise them as a Toulmin element or as an unnecessary extra
e.g. ‘opinion’, ‘hearsay’, ‘definitions’ etc. Once all sentences have been categorised then the elements
should be examined in sequence.
1. What is the CLAIM?
2. Is there any EVIDENCE to support the CLAIM? If so how much and how does it affect the strength of the
3. Is there a WARRANT (Explicit or Implicit)? Explicit WARRANTS are often stronger because the author can
direct the reader to accept the CLAIM. Implicit WARRANTS leave the reader’s opinion open to
interpretation and this may go against the author’s intended purpose.
4. Is there BACKING? If so how much? If so how much and how does it affect the strength of the CLAIM.
5. Is there a REBUTTAL? The quantity and scope of the REBUTTAL may reduce the strength of the CLAIM
and thus dissuade the reader’s acceptance of the CLAIM.
6. Is there a QUALIFIER? If so, to what extent does it reduce the scope of the CLAIM because this will
impact on the strength of the CLAIM?
7. Your Opinion – this is a personal perception based on your interpretation of the article. The presence,
quality and quantity of the different Toulmin elements must be applied to make this critical assessment.
You must discuss whether you agree or disagree with the claim based on the stronger argument.
© Deakin University MIS101 – Business Information Systems
Assessment and Submission Instructions:
1. Week 5 Tutorial (Compulsory) – Generation of TURNITIN Analysis Report for Part A (Referenced Draft)
Upload a fully referenced .PDF draft version of Part A (do not upload Part B) of your assignment through
the ‘Assignment Part A TURNITIN Analysis Link’ (located in Week 7 of the portal) to generate a similarity
report. This submission is not marked at this point but will show you plagiarism and collusion issues that
need to be addressed before your final submission. Check the similarity index rating and address any
problems identified.
a. Note: If you do not do the TURNITIN Report or if you do not address the changes required then
you may receive a penalty that could result in a zero mark for your assignment and an Academic
Misconduct Report on your student file.
2. Week 7 (Compulsory) – Generation of a 2nd TURNITIN Analysis Report for Part A (final version) Upload
a fully referenced .PDF final version of Part A (do not upload Part B) of your assignment through the
‘Assignment Part A TURNITIN Analysis Link’ in Week 7 ‘Assignment Part A TURNITIN Analysis Link’ to
generate the final similarity report. This report will be considered when marking your final assignment
submission. Check the similarity index rating. It must be no greater than 20% after you have deducted
scores related to the template similarities e.g. the name section or the questions.
e.g. if the similarity score total is 25% but the colour associated with the Assignment Template name
section and included questions (usually red) is 5% or higher then your similarity score is actually 20
because 25 – 5 = 20.
3. Week 7 (Compulsory) – Final submission – (You MUST read the assignment submission document
located in week 3 and 7 of the portal)
a. Unite Part A and Part B Assignment templates into one document (Do NOT put them in a folder).
Make sure Part A is at the beginning of the document followed by the reference list then Part B.
b. You will need to do the ‘Assignment Plagiarism and Collusion quiz’ in week 7 for the submission
link to be displayed.
c. Upload the ‘Assignment Template’ document which should now contain both Parts A and B (one
(1) electronic Microsoft Office Word 2010 (or later) file only, re-named as your student number).
Make sure you have both Part A and Part B in this submission in the one file. It should be
© Deakin University MIS101 – Business Information Systems
submitted through Week 7 of the MIS101 subject in Moodle in the Deakin College portal via the
‘Assignment Submission’ link, selecting the ‘Assignment Submission’ folder to upload your
assignment document prior to the deadline stated above. Assignments submitted after the
deadline or via Email will incur a penalty as per the MIBT Assessment Policy.
Online submission and joining of documents will be covered in the instructions in the Week 6 Tutorial.
We will only assess your formally submitted work as uploaded online through the ‘Assignment Submission Link’
in Week 7 of the MIS101 subject in Moodle in the Deakin College portal prior to the deadline stated above.
Important Notes:
It is your responsibility to ensure that the correct assignment file is submitted and the 2 TURNITIN report files
are generated on time and in exact accordance with the submission requirements accordingly:
? The final template file saved in a valid version of Microsoft Office Word (2010 or later);
? The file is not damaged in any way, and that the file can be retrieved and opened in Microsoft Office
Word (2010 or later) for review and marking. Mac users must check their assignment file can be opened
on a non-Mac computer in the Deakin College labs before submitting. If you submit a file that cannot be
opened by a staff member you will receive a zero score and we will not accept another submission.
? You must check and verify that your submission was successful (do not ask your Lecturers or Tutors to
do this for you).
? If the submitted assignment file could not be retrieved or opened for marking, we will NOT ask for the
assignment resubmission and the final assignment mark will be entered as a ZERO (i.e. 0/100) result.
? No hard copy of the assignment is required and will not be accepted.
Learning Objectives:
In the process of this assessment task you will:
? Gain an understanding of:
o Social engineering and the associated safeguards;
o Alien software in its various forms;
© Deakin University MIS101 – Business Information Systems
o Threats to an Information Systems and the difference between intentional and
o Asymmetric encryption and the further security provided to businesses through the
addition of certificate authorities and digital certificates.
? Gain a fundamental understanding of Toulmin’s Model of Argument;
? Learn to apply the argument model for critical analysis of a case study; and,
? Demonstrate your critical thinking skills as applied to the argument Claim.
Assignment Case Study:
Claim: >>> Allowing Children to Use Social networks ‘exposes them to danger’
A 2015 study by Oxford University found around 59 per cent of children have already used a social network by
the time they are 10, and 43 per cent have messaged strangers online by the age of 12. Martha Change from
the FBI child pornography Unit noted that Facebook is the social network most likely to have underage
members breaching its minimum age of 13, with 52 per cent of 8 -16 year olds admitting they had ignored the
official age limit Martha also highlighted other social networking services were being utilised by under aged
children acknowledging mobile messaging app ‘WhatsApp’ requires members to be at least 16 years of age,
yet 40 per cent of the users were under the required minimum age.
Child psychologist Dr Ian Woolfman believes social media has removed the barriers between a young person’s
public and private self, leaving them vulnerable and exposed to danger by compulsive sharing online.
“Children are gaining access to social media sites at a younger age, which could expose them to content,
people or situations that are out of their depth and which they’re not emotionally prepared for,” Woolfman
said. Around 43 per cent of the 1,004 children questioned by The Social Age study by knowthenet.org.uk said
they had messaged strangers online, starting from an average age of 12. When children reach 13 – their social
maturity – they first try services like SnapChat and will try sexting for the first time. Professor Woolfman also
recommended parents should find out what computer safeguards are utilised by your child’s school, the
public library, and at the homes of your child’s friends as these are all places, outside your normal supervision,
where your child could encounter an on-line predator but you could still limit exposure through being diligent.
In order to reap the benefits of socialising and making new friends, teens often disclose information about
themselves that would typically be part of an acceptable “getting-to-know-you” process offline (name, school,
personal interests, etc.). On social network sites, this kind of information is now posted online where it is
sometimes in full public view. Ernie Allen, President of the National Centre for Missing & Exploited Children
noted “in some cases, this information is fake but in other cases, disclosure reaches a level that is troubling for
parents and those concerned about the safety of online teens, and once children put this information online,
they will never get it back”. However, Mr Allen also noted “If Kids are going to post photos and personal
information they should be aware of the risks, use the privacy tools built into the sites to keep people they
don’t know from accessing their information and their data and mums and dads should learn about what they
are doing.”
© Deakin University MIS101 – Business Information Systems
The FBI’s Parents Guide to Internet Safety 2015 explains keeping the computer in a common room in the house
so the screen is visible to a parent or another member of the household can prevent their child from being
exposed to online dangers. Martha Change further commented that most of these issues can be prevented
“Parents need to maintain an open dialogue and encourage children to share both good and bad online
experiences, and make sure they keep up with the latest social media crazes and work with their children rather
than trying to control them.” The FBI also state that parental controls provided by your service provider and/or
blocking software are highly effective tools to prevent your child accessing online content you deem
inappropriate. The FBI also acknowledge that while parents should utilise these mechanisms, they should not
totally rely on them.
MIS101 Teaching Team
Please note:
The main reasons students fail the assignment is because they fail to read this entire document and attend
all classes related to the assignment completion, TURNITIN submissions and final assignment submission.
Deakin University MIS101 – Business Information Systems ????????????????????????? 1

Deakin University MIS101 – Business Information Systems ????????????????????????? 1

© Deakin University MIS101 – Business Information Systems
MIS101 – Assignment Detail – Trimester 3, 2015
This is an individual assignment
Compulsory Submission Deadlines: Note this assignment
requires 3 submissions and ALL must be named as your MIBT student
ID or they will not be marked.
1. Generation of TURNITIN Analysis Report for Part A (Referenced
& Cited Full Draft) Due Date: Week 5 in Class Tutorial
2. Second Generation of TURNITIN Analysis Report for Part A
(Final version) Due Date: Week 7 by 8th December 2015 11.55
? (If you submit after 8th December 2015 11.55 pm the
submission will incur penalties as per the Deakin College
Assessment policy).
? Please Note: Your Part A TURNITIN submission must be
EXACTLY the same as the final Part A (joined with Part B)
submitted through the Assignment Submission Link in the
portal in Week 7 or it will not be marked.)
3. Submission of completed final version of assignment Due Date:
Week 07 – Thursday 10th December 2015 (11:55 pm)
Both Part A and Part B combined into 1 file
Warning: Failure to read and comply with the instructions in the rest of this
document will result in failure.
© Deakin University MIS101 – Business Information Systems
100 marks (This accounts for 40% of the total assessment of this unit).
Assignment Instructions:
Download the Assignment Detail document file and the (Word) Assign Template Part A and Part B files from
the Deakin College portal Week 3. Save the files into your H: Drive or OneDrive Account.
For example: if your Student Number is CHXXD1402 then your file will be named accordingly as
CHXXD1402.docx. Your assignment must follow the guidelines listed below or will incur penalties: ? The Assignment final submission must be produced using Microsoft Office Word 2010 or later version;
Mac users must check their assignment file can be opened on a non-Mac computer in the Deakin College
labs before submitting. If you submit a file that cannot be opened by a staff member you will receive a
zero score and we will not accept another submission.
NOTE: The latest version of office is available to student for free through:
It is called Office 365 and can be used via the cloud through OneDrive or downloaded onto your computer
or tablet. Just click on the image below when you enter the Deakin University Software site through the
hyperlink above and it will explain all in a video!
? TURNITIN submissions require .PDF file formats (see Assignment submission document in week 3 of
portal for instructions) ? Length is not to exceed 1600 words (not including the Reference list); ? Completing the ‘Assignment Plagiarism and Collusion’ quiz in week 7 of the Deakin College portal and
submitting your assignment in week 7 of the portal will acknowledge your agreement and undertaking
© Deakin University MIS101 – Business Information Systems
that you have not copied, colluded or cheated and that your assignment is all your own work with
regard to plagiarism. This will also display the final ‘Assignment Submission’ link. ? All citations used should be referenced and included in a Reference List placed at the end of the
assignment document using the Harvard Referencing Style (Author, Date) only. An explanation of this
method and general referencing is available at: Harvard Referencing Guide in Week 3 and Week 7 of the
subject in the Deakin College portal (Starts at page 48).
1. If a source is listed in the ‘Reference List’ of your assignment submission and is used for an
answer in Part A then the source must have originally been produced in English and not have required
translation into English. Translated sources used in the assignment will result in a zero mark for the
reference and the content included in an answer in Part A. Even if the content has been paraphrased.
The assignment consists of two parts. In Part A you are asked to answer a number of questions and you are
expected to provide fully researched and referenced answers. Furthermore, you are expected to use at least
ten (10) academically acceptable reference sources as a minimum to support your answers to the questions.
Failure to supply any correct references as in accordance with the Harvard Referencing Guide will result in a
zero mark and an Academic Misconduct report.
Part A answers can only be completed using journals and articles sourced from the Deakin Library online
facilities e.g. Deakin Library database of Journals, Articles and ebooks. (Deakin Library web address:
www.deakin.edu.au/library) or either of the accepted current MIS101 textbooks.
Answers will only be accepted for marking if the online reference has been cited in the actual answer and
if the source is correctly referenced in Harvard style in the ‘Reference List’. Hence, it includes the hyperlink
to the correct online location for the full text. If the hyperlink does not work or is not present, the answer
will not be marked.
Don’t hyperlink URLs including the word ‘session’ as they will generally not work once you have closed
the article or journal because they are a temporary link.
2__Orightresult__X6;jsessionid=764B61E8160308406C4800849FF188E3?lang=eng&suite=gol The correct
© Deakin University MIS101 – Business Information Systems
URLs to hyperlink should be sourced from the search list where the book or article is displayed rather than
the link once they are open for view e.g.
Correct View to hyperlink URL
NOT once the book or article is open
Part B of the assignment requires you to apply Toulmin’s Argument Model to analyse a case study to determine
the validity or otherwise of the case study’s claim, again reference any additional information sources that you
may use.
© Deakin University MIS101 – Business Information Systems
Assignment Completion Method:
Your assignment will involve two important phases, which will require you to:
Part A:
Answer the following questions:
? Question 1: Describe ‘social engineering’ from an I.S. security perspective. Provide two examples of
social engineering and two safeguards to prevent these examples. (~250 Words)
? Question 2: Define ‘alien software’. Explain how it differs from viruses, worms and trojan horses. Give
4 examples of alien software and explain how they work. (~250 Words)
? Question 3: Define the difference between ‘unintentional’ and ‘deliberate’ threats to information
systems. Provide 4 examples of deliberate threats and explain how they work. (~250 Words)
? Question 4: Define ‘asymmetric encryption’ from an I.S. perspective. Discuss the relationship between
encryption, certificate authorities and digital certificates. (~250 Words)
Part B:
Use the Toulmin’s Model of Argument to analyse the supplied Assignment Case Study (see the Assignment Case
Study section below) and provide your opinion on the strength or weakness of the argument with relation to
the Claim that we have provided. (~ 600 words).
You MUST use these instructions to complete the ‘Your Opinion’ section of Part B:
To apply the model to test the validity/strength of a CLAIM the reader must examine each sentence in the
article and categorise them as a Toulmin element or as an unnecessary extra
e.g. ‘opinion’, ‘hearsay’, ‘definitions’ etc. Once all sentences have been categorised then the elements
should be examined in sequence.
1. What is the CLAIM?
2. Is there any EVIDENCE to support the CLAIM? If so how much and how does it affect the strength of the
3. Is there a WARRANT (Explicit or Implicit)? Explicit WARRANTS are often stronger because the author can
direct the reader to accept the CLAIM. Implicit WARRANTS leave the reader’s opinion open to
interpretation and this may go against the author’s intended purpose.
4. Is there BACKING? If so how much? If so how much and how does it affect the strength of the CLAIM.
5. Is there a REBUTTAL? The quantity and scope of the REBUTTAL may reduce the strength of the CLAIM
and thus dissuade the reader’s acceptance of the CLAIM.
6. Is there a QUALIFIER? If so, to what extent does it reduce the scope of the CLAIM because this will
impact on the strength of the CLAIM?
7. Your Opinion – this is a personal perception based on your interpretation of the article. The presence,
quality and quantity of the different Toulmin elements must be applied to make this critical assessment.
You must discuss whether you agree or disagree with the claim based on the stronger argument.
© Deakin University MIS101 – Business Information Systems
Assessment and Submission Instructions:
1. Week 5 Tutorial (Compulsory) – Generation of TURNITIN Analysis Report for Part A (Referenced Draft)
Upload a fully referenced .PDF draft version of Part A (do not upload Part B) of your assignment through
the ‘Assignment Part A TURNITIN Analysis Link’ (located in Week 7 of the portal) to generate a similarity
report. This submission is not marked at this point but will show you plagiarism and collusion issues that
need to be addressed before your final submission. Check the similarity index rating and address any
problems identified.
a. Note: If you do not do the TURNITIN Report or if you do not address the changes required then
you may receive a penalty that could result in a zero mark for your assignment and an Academic
Misconduct Report on your student file.
2. Week 7 (Compulsory) – Generation of a 2nd TURNITIN Analysis Report for Part A (final version) Upload
a fully referenced .PDF final version of Part A (do not upload Part B) of your assignment through the
‘Assignment Part A TURNITIN Analysis Link’ in Week 7 ‘Assignment Part A TURNITIN Analysis Link’ to
generate the final similarity report. This report will be considered when marking your final assignment
submission. Check the similarity index rating. It must be no greater than 20% after you have deducted
scores related to the template similarities e.g. the name section or the questions.
e.g. if the similarity score total is 25% but the colour associated with the Assignment Template name
section and included questions (usually red) is 5% or higher then your similarity score is actually 20
because 25 – 5 = 20.
3. Week 7 (Compulsory) – Final submission – (You MUST read the assignment submission document
located in week 3 and 7 of the portal)
a. Unite Part A and Part B Assignment templates into one document (Do NOT put them in a folder).
Make sure Part A is at the beginning of the document followed by the reference list then Part B.
b. You will need to do the ‘Assignment Plagiarism and Collusion quiz’ in week 7 for the submission
link to be displayed.
c. Upload the ‘Assignment Template’ document which should now contain both Parts A and B (one
(1) electronic Microsoft Office Word 2010 (or later) file only, re-named as your student number).
Make sure you have both Part A and Part B in this submission in the one file. It should be
© Deakin University MIS101 – Business Information Systems
submitted through Week 7 of the MIS101 subject in Moodle in the Deakin College portal via the
‘Assignment Submission’ link, selecting the ‘Assignment Submission’ folder to upload your
assignment document prior to the deadline stated above. Assignments submitted after the
deadline or via Email will incur a penalty as per the MIBT Assessment Policy.
Online submission and joining of documents will be covered in the instructions in the Week 6 Tutorial.
We will only assess your formally submitted work as uploaded online through the ‘Assignment Submission Link’
in Week 7 of the MIS101 subject in Moodle in the Deakin College portal prior to the deadline stated above.
Important Notes:
It is your responsibility to ensure that the correct assignment file is submitted and the 2 TURNITIN report files
are generated on time and in exact accordance with the submission requirements accordingly:
? The final template file saved in a valid version of Microsoft Office Word (2010 or later);
? The file is not damaged in any way, and that the file can be retrieved and opened in Microsoft Office
Word (2010 or later) for review and marking. Mac users must check their assignment file can be opened
on a non-Mac computer in the Deakin College labs before submitting. If you submit a file that cannot be
opened by a staff member you will receive a zero score and we will not accept another submission.
? You must check and verify that your submission was successful (do not ask your Lecturers or Tutors to
do this for you).
? If the submitted assignment file could not be retrieved or opened for marking, we will NOT ask for the
assignment resubmission and the final assignment mark will be entered as a ZERO (i.e. 0/100) result.
? No hard copy of the assignment is required and will not be accepted.
Learning Objectives:
In the process of this assessment task you will:
? Gain an understanding of:
o Social engineering and the associated safeguards;
o Alien software in its various forms;
© Deakin University MIS101 – Business Information Systems
o Threats to an Information Systems and the difference between intentional and
o Asymmetric encryption and the further security provided to businesses through the
addition of certificate authorities and digital certificates.
? Gain a fundamental understanding of Toulmin’s Model of Argument;
? Learn to apply the argument model for critical analysis of a case study; and,
? Demonstrate your critical thinking skills as applied to the argument Claim.
Assignment Case Study:
Claim: >>> Allowing Children to Use Social networks ‘exposes them to danger’
A 2015 study by Oxford University found around 59 per cent of children have already used a social network by
the time they are 10, and 43 per cent have messaged strangers online by the age of 12. Martha Change from
the FBI child pornography Unit noted that Facebook is the social network most likely to have underage
members breaching its minimum age of 13, with 52 per cent of 8 -16 year olds admitting they had ignored the
official age limit Martha also highlighted other social networking services were being utilised by under aged
children acknowledging mobile messaging app ‘WhatsApp’ requires members to be at least 16 years of age,
yet 40 per cent of the users were under the required minimum age.
Child psychologist Dr Ian Woolfman believes social media has removed the barriers between a young person’s
public and private self, leaving them vulnerable and exposed to danger by compulsive sharing online.
“Children are gaining access to social media sites at a younger age, which could expose them to content,
people or situations that are out of their depth and which they’re not emotionally prepared for,” Woolfman
said. Around 43 per cent of the 1,004 children questioned by The Social Age study by knowthenet.org.uk said
they had messaged strangers online, starting from an average age of 12. When children reach 13 – their social
maturity – they first try services like SnapChat and will try sexting for the first time. Professor Woolfman also
recommended parents should find out what computer safeguards are utilised by your child’s school, the
public library, and at the homes of your child’s friends as these are all places, outside your normal supervision,
where your child could encounter an on-line predator but you could still limit exposure through being diligent.
In order to reap the benefits of socialising and making new friends, teens often disclose information about
themselves that would typically be part of an acceptable “getting-to-know-you” process offline (name, school,
personal interests, etc.). On social network sites, this kind of information is now posted online where it is
sometimes in full public view. Ernie Allen, President of the National Centre for Missing & Exploited Children
noted “in some cases, this information is fake but in other cases, disclosure reaches a level that is troubling for
parents and those concerned about the safety of online teens, and once children put this information online,
they will never get it back”. However, Mr Allen also noted “If Kids are going to post photos and personal
information they should be aware of the risks, use the privacy tools built into the sites to keep people they
don’t know from accessing their information and their data and mums and dads should learn about what they
are doing.”
© Deakin University MIS101 – Business Information Systems
The FBI’s Parents Guide to Internet Safety 2015 explains keeping the computer in a common room in the house
so the screen is visible to a parent or another member of the household can prevent their child from being
exposed to online dangers. Martha Change further commented that most of these issues can be prevented
“Parents need to maintain an open dialogue and encourage children to share both good and bad online
experiences, and make sure they keep up with the latest social media crazes and work with their children rather
than trying to control them.” The FBI also state that parental controls provided by your service provider and/or
blocking software are highly effective tools to prevent your child accessing online content you deem
inappropriate. The FBI also acknowledge that while parents should utilise these mechanisms, they should not
totally rely on them.
MIS101 Teaching Team
Please note:
The main reasons students fail the assignment is because they fail to read this entire document and attend
all classes related to the assignment completion, TURNITIN submissions and final assignment submission.