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Data analysis Results and Discussion only for 2 possible X, Y receptor inhibitors for cancer

Research paper/ Data analysis because only Results and Discussion are required. Use the Data file provided to form tables, graphs, line/bar to compare which drug X or Y is better in killing cancer cells. Need statistics, p values, need good written legends. For discussion need to conclude which drug is more effective.
On one of the files first there is a table with nM concentration of these drugs and we carried out a cell viability assay XTT need to make graphs compare cell viability (y axis) against nM concentration of drug (x axis) need IC50 for each (I believe that Drug Y is much better u can see it from the absorbance as you increase its concentration cell viability decreases. Second we have results from the flow cytometer and lastly flow cytometry cell cycle data. An article I attached the results and Discussion should be somewhat like that for the tables the graphs on Figure 2-Results should be similar.
Lastly, the word document attached I started modifying table 1 of data to find average absorbance corrected average (by subtracting the values from last well with no cells) and found SD ans SE but I am unsure of how to plot these because of the y axis how to find cell viability from absorbance values

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