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Data Analysis and Analytics Research Utilization Project Proposal

Data Analysis and Analytics Research Utilization Project Proposal
Order Description
This is the first part of a 4 part course work paper. I can upload each section separately or together, please let me know. The first part should be only 3 pages long with 3 sources. Ideally, whoever works on this part, I would like to work on the complete paper.

Kaplan University School of Health Sciences
Unit 3 Assignment
Unit 3 Assignment
Data Analysis and Analytics Research Utilization Project Proposal, Part 1:
Unit outcomes addressed in this Assignment:
• Assess the impact that economics has on data extraction methods.
• Explain the impact ethics, standards, and the law have on the ability to optimize financial and clinical outcomes.
• Discriminate between clinical, financial, and public health outcomes.
Course outcome addressed in this Assignment:
• HI560-2: Create data analysis projects.
This is a three-part Assignment designed for you to perform, in writing, what you have learned so far in the course. The research proposal takes place over multiple units. In Unit 3 you will construct Part 1. Make sure to use the most recent version of APA format. Citations and references should be no older than three years.
Create Part 1 of the three-part Data Analysis and Analytics Research Utilization Project Proposal on the topic of health informatics and data analysis and analytics that can be used to improve costs, quality, safety, and clinical outcomes in the real world. Part 2 will be added in Unit 5 and Part 3 will be added in Unit 7 to complete the proposal. Look ahead to examine how this Assignment fits together.
In Part 1, add the following critical elements:
1. Write an introduction based on a literature review of the background of how data analytics can improve clinical, financial, and public health outcomes and how adherence to research administration processes and policies will support compliance with research and regulatory agencies. Include Institutional Review Board (IRB) rules and security and privacy under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).
2. Explain data supported steps to optimize clinical, financial, and public health outcomes using a health informatics platform.
3. Using what was created in the unit one discussion board, craft one combined leadership, innovation, change model that will become the theoretical framework for the research proposal.
Kaplan University School of Health Sciences
Unit 3 Assignment
End with no conclusion. The last page of section 1 of the Assignment will be the reference page. In Unit 5, Part 2 of the proposal will be added to Part 1. In Unit 7, Part 3 will be added to Part 2, completing the proposal.
• This is a fact-based assignment that will not include unsupported opinion.
• The proposal will be paraphrased with cites and references from scholarly and fact-based publications and without quotations.
• Access the writing center for assistance with your Assignment.
• View this important information regarding plagiarism for any work submitted at Kaplan.
Due: Tuesday, day 7 of Unit 3
Submitting Your Work
Put your responses in a Microsoft Word document. Save it in a location and with the proper naming convention: username-Course Name-section-Unit x_Assignment.doc (username is your Kaplan username, section is your course section, x is your Unit number). When you are ready to submit it, go to the Dropbox and complete the steps below:
1. Click the link that says “Submit an Assignment.”
2. In the “Submit to Basket” menu, select Unit 3: Assignment.
3. In the “Comments” field, make sure to add at least the title of your paper.
4. Click the “Add Attachments” button.
5. Follow the steps listed to attach your Word document.
To view your graded work, come back to the Dropbox or go to the Gradebook after your instructor has evaluated it. Make sure that you save a copy of your submitted work.
Kaplan University School of Health Sciences
Unit 3 Assignment
Unit 3 Assignment Grading Rubric = 100 points
Assignment Requirements
Points possible
Points earned by student
Writes an introduction based on a literature review of the background of how data analytics can improve clinical, financial, and public health outcomes and how adherence to research administration processes and policies will support compliance with research and regulatory agencies including Institutional Review Board (IRB) rules and security and privacy under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).
Explains data supported steps to optimize clinical, financial, and public health outcomes using a health informatics platform.
Using what was created in the unit one discussion board, crafts one combined leadership, innovation, change model that will become the theoretical framework for the research proposal.
The Proposal has no conclusion and is paraphrased with cites and references from scholarly and fact-based publications and without quotations that are no older than 3 years.
Total (Sum of points earned)
The Proposal is written in the most current version of APA format with no grammatical, spelling, copyright, plagiarism or proof reading errors.
Points deducted for spelling, grammar, and/or APA errors.
Adjusted total points earned
Instructor Feedback*:
*Instructor may also leave feedback comments within assignment paper.

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