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x‘ Semai nredaar
‘5 “’ figéfe Gof*iL£rec1:4c “err can-eams
7319 newer and femaée oowertessness‘ is a feminist mterpretauon po-ssabie?
Going, Where Have You Been?” vs. Smooth Tailr. an anaiyticai or persuaswe
een story and mm
av ~:~- influence on fine story {fndude citations to song lyrics and to the essay by ‘fierce
in MLA sty!e-quotations‘ parapnrases. summanes-
the story étse-if {required} and other matena! by Oates (optionai), such as the
V Characters from me Page Are Made Flesh on the Screen‘
M’ v». . sources. cnficaz interpretations (print and/or etectronic;
3 , iismg at éeast three secondary sources as wen as the story itseif
g of the story. validity of ideas: soundness of arguments
3′ kwoduaicn ending with thesis, detailed anafysis, conciusion.