Write a five (5) page minimum, DOUBLE SPACED, 12-FONT TIMES NEW ROMAN paper with references and sources cited. The paper must discuss each step of the sections in detail. This project will be a minimum of five (5) pages for the entire paper, not five (5) pages for each step. Your cover sheet, abstract and your source citing/references are NOT included in the five page minimum. Your grade will depend upon the presentation of your analysis and research, the quality of the work presented – whether you give a detailed presentation or a vague overview, whether you addressed all parts of the question asked, and how you support your argument/discussion – as well as the citing of a variety of sources/use of references and whether you met the mandatory minimum page requirement. Please make sure to use AT LEAST 5 sources for your research. Please make sure you include your title and the page number in the header of each page.
The paper will be written using APA Format.
cyber bullying, a brief back ground about the start of it and recent crimes that have occurred in tragedy, and what is being done to combat the issue.