Articles for your Literature Review: Each student must locate 2 peer-reviewed RESEARCH articles on the selected topic. The UH library has created a resource for our class to help you find appropriate peer-reviewed articles and APA citations. Articles be either RESEARCH articles or articles from a government website.
After reading the articles, the student should
o Create a bulleted summary of EACH article. The bulleted summary should include at minimum 8 big ideas for EACH article. If you cant identify 8 big ideas, then you need to locate a different article. The 8 bulleted summary points should be IN YOUR OWN WORDS. Dont quote the authors and put a citation DONT COPY THE SENTENCE FROM THE ARTICLE. It should be written in your words, otherwise its plagiarism. Each bullet point should be written as a complete sentence.
o Each article needs to include an APA-formatted reference which includes the author(s), title, journal name etc. Use the APA Reference Doc in the Assignment Folder on BBL to correctly format your APA References.
o To receive full credit, your information needs to
o a) be relevant to your topic;
o b) focused on elementary age/early childhood age;
o c) written with no spelling/grammatical errors and in complete sentences;
o d) written in a robust, meaningful, informative way.
o When uploading a template into Blackboard. Save as a Microsoft Word document. Save in the following format: last name.first name Part A Lit Review
Culturally Responsive Teaching