Cultural studies from a political philosophy view Culture is known to be one of the basic theoretical terms in most social sciences. It entails learning characteristics of the human society. However, culture has never excused itself from politics as long as there is an interaction of humans, but it has to be part and parcel of it. It is neither fully autonomous nor reducible but interwoven with various factors of the society. Cultural studies from the political philosophy can influence political and the social outcome especially when it comes to democracy, governance or the economic performance. One has to note that in today’s world, most people’s identity is shaped by more than one culture. When we look at globalization, we can easily realize its impact in the cultural sphere. It is known to be the greatest contributor towards to destruction of cultural identities, victims of the accelerating encroachment of a homogenized, westernized and consumer culture. as a result, globalization has led to a new society characterized by cultural diversity. , as When we look at the culture and politics, one needs to understand what politics is all about so as to know how it influences the human behavior.
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