Choose an interesting patient, one with cultural problems, and nursing problems.
2. Paper is the divided up into five sections.
3. The first section is your introduction. You will write about your patient and identify problems:
a. Define the family
b. Define the problem
4. The second section will be the part where you introduce the culture of the patient:
a. National culture
b. Culture within a setting ( such as a long term care facility)
c. Medical culture
5. The third section of the paper has to deal with what type of care that you have given your patient. This will include a Nursing Diagnosis, Functional health pattern (these two must relate to one another), 4 Nursing Interventions with 4 rationales, and then an evaluation of the care.
This section can be set up like:
Functional Health Pattern: (Choose four different FHP’s from your “Problem” section)
Nursing Diagnosis: (This must relate back to your Functional Health Pattern)
Short Term Goal:
Long Term Goal:
This will be done 4 times with four different nursing diagnoses and FHP’s.
6.The fourth section: Community section: this is the section where you the nurse will include anything outside the hospital that would be appropriate for your patient/ family. Ex: for maternity, you may include WIC, church groups, and Visiting nurses to go in the home and assist the new mother with this baby. For Pedi: you may include car seat education, nutrition, or school safety. This part of the paper should really bring out the creative and informative nurse in you. The community portion should also connect and link all of these sections together so that the reader has a very good understanding of your patient, the family and the culture.
cultural problems, and nursing problems.