DescriptionExamine how cultural differences affect the practice of management. You may use a specific country or countries or organization/s as examples.
In your essay you are expected to construct an argument that answers the question. What academic assessors look for in a students essay is evidence of your understanding of the issues that the question raises. This is gauged by the quality of your argument. A good argument is one that shows evidence of independent thought and of wide reading. It shows that the student has sought to answer the question by thinking about what it means and what it requires of them, reading widely on the topic and constructing an argument rather than simply presenting information piecemeal or undigested. It is also one in which the claims made are supported by evidence. Typically students will cite the various authors whose work they read in their essay. You need to cite the sources of any information that you use in the essay. If you do not do this then you are guilty of plagiarism.
Please refer to the documents attached to use as references and the other references must be only official journals and offical documents containing DOI numbers.
Cultural differences and management