Click on this link to Kwintessential Language and Culture Specialists. The site may take a moment to load, so be patient! You will find a selection of 20 or so cultural awareness quizzes. Choose one or two that look interesting to you. (Hint: You will learn the most if you choose a general quiz, or one that concerns a country with which you are not familiar, and then choose a quiz that tests your knowledge of a culture with which you think you are highly familiar.) After completing the quiz(s), address the following questions in a 3-4 page essay:Which quiz(s) did you take?
Were you surprised at your score?
What strengths do you think you have in the area of inter-cultural awareness?
What weaknesses are you able to identify?
Create a plan of specific steps you can take to build on your strengths and improve areas of weakness.
Why is it important for managers to increase their levels of cultural awareness?
Cultural Awareness