Questions are:
What must be in your own familys Thanksgiving meal? What is typical in an American familys meal? What cant be in your own familys Thanksgiving meal? How much of the Thanksgiving meal is produced/cultivated/grown by the people eating the meal, either in your family or in a typical American family? What is the gender division of labor of a typical American familys Thanksgiving meal? How does that compare with the gender division of labor of your familys Thanksgiving meal?
Compare and Contrast these observations regarding an American Thanksgiving meal with observations of foodways of a non-industrial society of your choosing. What does a typical meal of your chosen non-industrial society look like? What does a celebratory meal of your chosen non-industrial society look like? How much of the typical or celebratory meal of your chosen non-industrial society is produced/cultivated/grown by the people eating the meal? What is the gender division of labor of a typical meal of your chosen non-industrial society?
Cultural Anthropology Foodways Paper