Choose a company in the headlinesideally a well-known brand and one that is of great interest to youand outline, in presentation form and with narration, a marketing plan. It can be either your reverse-engineered analysis of their current plan or a proposal that you come up with that does not conform to their plan. Consider target audience, pricing and promotion strategies, and distribution.For the presentation, prepare a 10- to 15-slide presentation with voice narration, as if you were presenting to the top management team or Senior VP of Marketing of the company in question. If you do not have access to a microphone, you may write out your narration as a script and submit as an accompanying Word document; or find an alternative way of presenting the narration, depending on the program. For instance, PowerPoint has the option to add notes at the bottom of each slide. Be sure to designate clearly which slide the narration accompanies.
CT 5 Intro to Business