During this dissertation period, my writing progress will be frequently monitored by my supervisor. On week basis, i have to show my writing piece to my supervisor who will give me feedback looking at my work and keeps directing me about what should be focused more in my writing. My meeting with my supervisor will be at least once a week or twice sometimes.
This means i will need an access to my work frequently from beginning, least once a week before i go to see my supervisor. How much flexibility does the (my dissertation) writer will have regarding providing me the work frequently in parts.. rather than a bulk at the end? So that i can assure my supervisor that the work is mine.
Since my topic has been approved by my supervisor, my dissertation will also need to use the certain books that my supervisor has already guided me for referencing. How do you take this challenge?
Also, in my dissertation there are certain topics that my supervisor thinks i must include that(for e.g. Sub headings on Literature reviews, people i need to interview in my primary research) How does my writer takes this?
In total, although your writer will be writing the dissertation, but he won’t have freedom of writing it in his way.. instead it has to be done according to what my supervisor. I will be passing the message, guidance and feedback from my supervisor that i will receive in each meeting with him to my writer, in this case how flexible is your writer ?
Critique on marketing of Nepal as Tourist Destination