critique of filmCritically examining bioethical issues. It is hoped that you will utilize information from class discussion, assigned readings as well as the NIH training to critique the film Miss Evers Boys from the following ethical frameworks:1. Beneficence
2. Justice
3. Respect for Persons
4. Duty-based ethics:
a. Duty-based ethics also are called deontological ethics. The Greek word deon means duty or obligation. The main proponent of this ethical framework was the German philosopher Immanuel Kant (17241804). Kant believed that there are higher principles that are good in every time, every culture, and every situation. When faced with an ethical dilemma, he believes we should ask ourselves: To whom do I owe a duty and what duty do I owe them?
5. Virtue-based ethics:
a. Virtue ethics make us decide what actions we should take based on the kind of person we want to be. This framework dates back to the Greek philosopher Aristotle (384/3322 B.C.). He believed that we can achieve happinessor the good lifeby developing virtue.
6. Rights-based ethics:
a. The recognition of human dignity at its most basic form. You have these rights merely because of the fact that you are human (i hope). There are both positive and negative rights, positive rights are those that are given to you while negative rights are those that you have that cannot be taken away.
critique of film

critique of film

critique of film
Critically examining bioethical issues. It is hoped that you will utilize information from class discussion, assigned readings as well as the NIH training to critique the film Miss Ever’s Boys from the following ethical frameworks:
1. Beneficence
2. Justice
3. Respect for Persons
4. Duty-based ethics:
a. Duty-based ethics also are called “deontological” ethics. The Greek word deon means duty or obligation. The main proponent of this ethical framework was the German philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724–1804). Kant believed that there are higher principles that are good in every time, every culture, and every situation. When faced with an ethical dilemma, he believes we should ask ourselves: “To whom do I owe a duty and what duty do I owe them?”
5. Virtue-based ethics:
a. Virtue ethics make us decide what actions we should take based on the kind of person we want to be. This framework dates back to the Greek philosopher Aristotle (384/3–322 B.C.). He believed that we can achieve happiness—or the “good life”—by developing virtue.
6. Right’s-based ethics:
a. The recognition of human dignity at its most basic form. You have these rights merely because of the fact that you are human (i hope). There are both positive and negative rights, positive rights are those that are given to you while negative rights are those that you have that cannot be taken away.
critique of film

critique of film
Critically examining bioethical issues. It is hoped that you will utilize information from class discussion, assigned readings as well as the NIH training to critique the film Miss Ever’s Boys from the following ethical frameworks:
1. Beneficence
2. Justice
3. Respect for Persons
4. Duty-based ethics:
a. Duty-based ethics also are called “deontological” ethics. The Greek word deon means duty or obligation. The main proponent of this ethical framework was the German philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724–1804). Kant believed that there are higher principles that are good in every time, every culture, and every situation. When faced with an ethical dilemma, he believes we should ask ourselves: “To whom do I owe a duty and what duty do I owe them?”
5. Virtue-based ethics:
a. Virtue ethics make us decide what actions we should take based on the kind of person we want to be. This framework dates back to the Greek philosopher Aristotle (384/3–322 B.C.). He believed that we can achieve happiness—or the “good life”—by developing virtue.
6. Right’s-based ethics:
a. The recognition of human dignity at its most basic form. You have these rights merely because of the fact that you are human (i hope). There are both positive and negative rights, positive rights are those that are given to you while negative rights are those that you have that cannot be taken away.