Critically review the evidence base for The management of patellar instability in a 15yr old female gymnastOrder DescriptionThe aim of these assessments is to develop skills in:
Critical analysis of the role of assessment and management techniques used in the management of complex orthopaedic lower limb conditions.
Researching & utilising the evidence base
Being discerning about the relevance of literature with regard to quality of the methodology of the studies usedLower Limb Orthopaedics Module Assessment Guidelines 2014You will be assessed formatively throughout the module and summatively at the end. This document outlines the expectations of both. The table below indicates the learning outcomes of the module and how they are assessed.Learning Outcomes Assessment1. Critically reflect on their current proficiencies and plan their personal and professional development Formative
2. Critically analyse the structure and function of the lower limb in the assessment and management of a range of patients with common clinical conditions Formative
3. Critically evaluate abnormal movement patterns (including posture and alignment) related to the lower limb using biomechanical principles Formative
4. Synthesise principles of preoperative, intraoperative and post-operative care and apply these to relevant orthopaedic conditions in a holistic client centred manner. Summative
5. Critically evaluate the role of imaging techniques in assessment, diagnosis and treatment of orthopaedic disorders of the lower limb Summative
6. Synthesise and evaluate the theoretical concepts of relevant surgical and other appropriate interventions in relation to the clients needs. Formative
7. Critically evaluate the physiology and pathology of disorders of the lower limb to clinical findings, appropriate conditions and management of patients. OSCE
8. Synthesise and evaluate information to create high level clinical reasoning skills which are consistent and follow logical progression. Formative
9. Demonstrate advanced clinical assessment procedures in the assessment of complex lower limb disorders. Formative
10. Demonstrate advanced level treatment techniques in the management of lower limb disorders Summative
11. Critically reflect on the psychosocial and cultural aspects that may influence the management of patients
FormativeFormative Assessment (FA)Formative Assessment will be used throughout the module in the form of short assignments, wikis (production of a document through group work), on line discussion boards and quizzes. All FA will be graded, but although this mark will not contribute to the overall mark for credit for the module, it will be formative in developing skills for your summative assessment and will therefore have an impact on your mark. You are expected to do a minimum of 75% of these.The aim of these assessments is to develop skills in:
Critical analysis of the role of assessment and management techniques used in the management of complex orthopaedic lower limb conditions.
Researching & utilising the evidence base
Being discerning about the relevance of literature with regard to quality of the methodology of the studies usedAll launch and completion dates of these formative assessments are provided in the on-line learning section of Blackboard.Summative Assessment (SA)There are two components to the assessment: 3000 word assignment representing 60% of the module mark
20 minute OSCE representing 40% of the module markThe pass mark is 50%. Students must pass both components of the assessment in order to pass the module.Assignment TitleChoose ONE case of the following options;Critically review the evidence base for ONE of the following;
i) The management of patellar instability in a 15yr old female gymnast
ii) The management of ATFL Gd III injury of the ankle in 24yr old a semi-professional footballer
iii) The management of a labral tear of the hip in a 34yr old kick boxerEnsure you apply the evidence to the particular case scenario you choose.
The student must demonstrate;a) Evidence of debate in a wide range of relevant knowledge in the chosen scenario.
b) Knowledge of critique of the literature.
c) Critical evaluation of the underpinning theory.
d) Accurate referencing within the text and reference list in line with the current University guidanceYour assignment should be typed, double-spaced with 1 margins on either side. You should use 12pt Arial. A header or footer should be inserted on each page with your university number only. Your name should not appear on your submission.Marking Grid
The assignment will be marked in association to the marking guidelines using the assignment marking grid (See Assessment/marking grid on Blackboard)The sections below relate to the corresponding columns on the module assessment marking grid. It is recommended this is referred to when reading the information below.KnowledgeWhen marking this section, consideration will be given to your knowledge of:
Key themes pertinent to your chosen topic (assignment) area
Subject area in relation to orthopaedic & trauma management
Current clinical practiceCognitive processesWhen marking this section, consideration will be given to your ability to:
Relate the evidence appropriately to your assignment
Carry out systematic critical comment on appropriately selected evidence
Critically debate alternative views of the subject area
Critically evaluate the validity of the evidence and its significance to practice in orthopaedic management and future research i.e. answer the so what? question. Is the research you have studied valid enough for you to change your practice as a result of the evidence you have read if so why, if not why not? Isolated critique which is not then used to justify or develop discussion is discouraged.
Synthesise evidence to come to an informed objective conclusion regarding the quality and current state of the evidence base
Consider how the evidence relates to clinical practiceReferencing and Using EvidenceWhen marking this section, consideration will be given to your ability to:
Justify your literature search & inclusion of literature. Rationalisation of inclusion of literature is as important as the number of references used.
A guide to minimum amount of literature to be used (i.e. for pass in 50-59
Correct referencing throughout the text in British Harvard style refer to University regulations
Produce an accurate reference list in British Harvard style using current university guidelines
Use a wide range of both primary (direct from research papers) and secondary sources (Systematic reviews/meta analyses, books, web references).
Use a range of appropriate literature in terms of currency
Identify key papers and guidelines relating to the themeCommunicationWhen marking this section, consideration will be given to your ability to:
Organise your work in a logical manner, adhering to the guidance given for design and content
Produce well presented work with correct spelling and grammar, utilising an academic style
Concisely summarise the key points relating back to the case study within the conclusionAcademic Regulations
Students are reminded that they must adhere to the University of Salfords Academic Regulations For Taught Programmes 2013/14 and should refer to the programme handbook for
Penalties incurred for exceeding word count
Penalties for late submissionRemember that direct copying from other peoples work is classed as plagiarism and is taken very seriously by the university. Your attention is drawn to university regulations on plagiarism. Please note that this applies even to inadvertent plagiarism ignorance is no defence!The examination board is empowered to impose penalties where students are found guilty whether it relates to copying the work of published authors or fellow students.SubmissionSubmission is via electronic submission on blackboard Turnitin. Submission procedure is according to university guidelines.You must complete a School Course work Cover Sheet with your assignment and your student number must be the only identifying mark. Assignments must not be submitted with your name on them.OSCEThe aim of the OSCE is to enable students to demonstrate advanced clinical assessment and treatment procedures in the assessment and management of complex orthopaedic lower limb disorders .You are required to undertake 4 OSCE stations, one for each of the core skills identified in the module:
Clinical Assessment
TherapyYou must present yourself for the assessment at the agreed time and venue. Failure to attend the assessment will constitute a fail for this part of the assessment.
Critically review the evidence base for The management of patellar instability in a 15yr old female gymnast

Critically review the evidence base for The management of patellar instability in a 15yr old female gymnast

Critically review the evidence base for The management of patellar instability in a 15yr old female gymnast
Order Description
The aim of these assessments is to develop skills in:
Critical analysis of the role of assessment and management techniques used in the management of complex orthopaedic lower limb conditions.
Researching & utilising the evidence base
Being discerning about the relevance of literature with regard to quality of the methodology of the studies used
Lower Limb Orthopaedics Module Assessment Guidelines 2014
You will be assessed formatively throughout the module and summatively at the end. This document outlines the expectations of both. The table below indicates the learning outcomes of the module and how they are assessed.
Learning Outcomes Assessment
1. Critically reflect on their current proficiencies and plan their personal and professional development Formative
2. Critically analyse the structure and function of the lower limb in the assessment and management of a range of patients with common clinical conditions Formative
3. Critically evaluate abnormal movement patterns (including posture and alignment) related to the lower limb using biomechanical principles Formative
4. Synthesise principles of preoperative, intraoperative and post-operative care and apply these to relevant orthopaedic conditions in a holistic client centred manner. Summative
5. Critically evaluate the role of imaging techniques in assessment, diagnosis and treatment of orthopaedic disorders of the lower limb Summative
6. Synthesise and evaluate the theoretical concepts of relevant surgical and other appropriate interventions in relation to the clients needs. Formative
7. Critically evaluate the physiology and pathology of disorders of the lower limb to clinical findings, appropriate conditions and management of patients. OSCE
8. Synthesise and evaluate information to create high level clinical reasoning skills which are consistent and follow logical progression. Formative
9. Demonstrate advanced clinical assessment procedures in the assessment of complex lower limb disorders. Formative
10. Demonstrate advanced level treatment techniques in the management of lower limb disorders Summative
11. Critically reflect on the psychosocial and cultural aspects that may influence the management of patients
Formative Assessment (FA)
Formative Assessment will be used throughout the module in the form of short assignments, wikis (production of a document through group work), on line discussion boards and quizzes. All FA will be graded, but although this mark will not contribute to the overall mark for credit for the module, it will be formative in developing skills for your summative assessment and will therefore have an impact on your mark. You are expected to do a minimum of 75% of these.
The aim of these assessments is to develop skills in:
• Critical analysis of the role of assessment and management techniques used in the management of complex orthopaedic lower limb conditions.
• Researching & utilising the evidence base
• Being discerning about the relevance of literature with regard to quality of the methodology of the studies used
All launch and completion dates of these formative assessments are provided in the on-line learning section of Blackboard.
Summative Assessment (SA)
There are two components to the assessment:
• 3000 word assignment representing 60% of the module mark
• 20 minute OSCE representing 40% of the module mark
The pass mark is 50%. Students must pass both components of the assessment in order to pass the module.
Assignment Title
Choose ONE case of the following options;
Critically review the evidence base for ONE of the following;
i) The management of patellar instability in a 15yr old female gymnast
ii) The management of ATFL Gd III injury of the ankle in 24yr old a semi-professional footballer
iii) The management of a labral tear of the hip in a 34yr old kick boxer
Ensure you apply the evidence to the particular case scenario you choose.
The student must demonstrate;
a) Evidence of debate in a wide range of relevant knowledge in the chosen scenario.
b) Knowledge of critique of the literature.
c) Critical evaluation of the underpinning theory.
d) Accurate referencing within the text and reference list in line with the current University guidance
Your assignment should be typed, double-spaced with 1” margins on either side. You should use 12pt Arial. A “header or footer” should be inserted on each page with your university number only. Your name should not appear on your submission.
Marking Grid
The assignment will be marked in association to the marking guidelines using the assignment marking grid (See Assessment/marking grid on Blackboard)
The sections below relate to the corresponding columns on the module assessment marking grid. It is recommended this is referred to when reading the information below.
When marking this section, consideration will be given to your knowledge of:
• Key themes pertinent to your chosen topic (assignment) area
• Subject area in relation to orthopaedic & trauma management
• Current clinical practice
Cognitive processes
When marking this section, consideration will be given to your ability to:
• Relate the evidence appropriately to your assignment
• Carry out systematic critical comment on appropriately selected evidence
• Critically debate alternative views of the subject area
• Critically evaluate the validity of the evidence and its significance to practice in orthopaedic management and future research i.e. answer the ‘so what?’ question. Is the research you have studied valid enough for you to change your practice as a result of the evidence you have read –if so why, if not why not? Isolated critique which is not then used to justify or develop discussion is discouraged.
• Synthesise evidence to come to an informed objective conclusion regarding the quality and current state of the evidence base
• Consider how the evidence relates to clinical practice
Referencing and Using Evidence
When marking this section, consideration will be given to your ability to:
• Justify your literature search & inclusion of literature. Rationalisation of inclusion of literature is as important as the number of references used.
• A guide to minimum amount of literature to be used (i.e. for pass in 50-59
• Correct referencing throughout the text in British Harvard style refer to University regulations
• Produce an accurate reference list in British Harvard style using current university guidelines
• Use a wide range of both primary (direct from research papers) and secondary sources (Systematic reviews/meta analyses, books, web references).
• Use a range of appropriate literature in terms of currency
• Identify key papers and guidelines relating to the theme
When marking this section, consideration will be given to your ability to:
• Organise your work in a logical manner, adhering to the guidance given for design and content
• Produce well presented work with correct spelling and grammar, utilising an academic style
• Concisely summarise the key points relating back to the case study within the conclusion
Academic Regulations
Students are reminded that they must adhere to the University of Salford’s Academic Regulations For Taught Programmes 2013/14 and should refer to the programme handbook for
• Penalties incurred for exceeding word count
• Penalties for late submission
Remember that direct copying from other people’s work is classed as plagiarism and is taken very seriously by the university. Your attention is drawn to university regulations on plagiarism. Please note that this applies even to ‘inadvertent plagiarism’ – ignorance is no defence!
The examination board is empowered to impose penalties where students are found guilty whether it relates to copying the work of published authors or fellow students.
Submission is via electronic submission on blackboard Turnitin. Submission procedure is according to university guidelines.
You must complete a School ‘Course work Cover Sheet’ with your assignment and your student number must be the only identifying mark. Assignments must not be submitted with your name on them.
The aim of the OSCE is to enable students to demonstrate advanced clinical assessment and treatment procedures in the assessment and management of complex orthopaedic lower limb disorders .
You are required to undertake 4 OSCE stations, one for each of the core skills identified in the module:
• Clinical Assessment
• Imaging
• Surgery
• Therapy
You must present yourself for the assessment at the agreed time and venue. Failure to attend the assessment will constitute a fail for this part of the assessment.
Critically review the evidence base for The management of patellar instability in a 15yr old female gymnast

Critically review the evidence base for The management of patellar instability in a 15yr old female gymnast
Order Description
The aim of these assessments is to develop skills in:
Critical analysis of the role of assessment and management techniques used in the management of complex orthopaedic lower limb conditions.
Researching & utilising the evidence base
Being discerning about the relevance of literature with regard to quality of the methodology of the studies used
Lower Limb Orthopaedics Module Assessment Guidelines 2014
You will be assessed formatively throughout the module and summatively at the end. This document outlines the expectations of both. The table below indicates the learning outcomes of the module and how they are assessed.
Learning Outcomes Assessment
1. Critically reflect on their current proficiencies and plan their personal and professional development Formative
2. Critically analyse the structure and function of the lower limb in the assessment and management of a range of patients with common clinical conditions Formative
3. Critically evaluate abnormal movement patterns (including posture and alignment) related to the lower limb using biomechanical principles Formative
4. Synthesise principles of preoperative, intraoperative and post-operative care and apply these to relevant orthopaedic conditions in a holistic client centred manner. Summative
5. Critically evaluate the role of imaging techniques in assessment, diagnosis and treatment of orthopaedic disorders of the lower limb Summative
6. Synthesise and evaluate the theoretical concepts of relevant surgical and other appropriate interventions in relation to the clients needs. Formative
7. Critically evaluate the physiology and pathology of disorders of the lower limb to clinical findings, appropriate conditions and management of patients. OSCE
8. Synthesise and evaluate information to create high level clinical reasoning skills which are consistent and follow logical progression. Formative
9. Demonstrate advanced clinical assessment procedures in the assessment of complex lower limb disorders. Formative
10. Demonstrate advanced level treatment techniques in the management of lower limb disorders Summative
11. Critically reflect on the psychosocial and cultural aspects that may influence the management of patients
Formative Assessment (FA)
Formative Assessment will be used throughout the module in the form of short assignments, wikis (production of a document through group work), on line discussion boards and quizzes. All FA will be graded, but although this mark will not contribute to the overall mark for credit for the module, it will be formative in developing skills for your summative assessment and will therefore have an impact on your mark. You are expected to do a minimum of 75% of these.
The aim of these assessments is to develop skills in:
• Critical analysis of the role of assessment and management techniques used in the management of complex orthopaedic lower limb conditions.
• Researching & utilising the evidence base
• Being discerning about the relevance of literature with regard to quality of the methodology of the studies used
All launch and completion dates of these formative assessments are provided in the on-line learning section of Blackboard.
Summative Assessment (SA)
There are two components to the assessment:
• 3000 word assignment representing 60% of the module mark
• 20 minute OSCE representing 40% of the module mark
The pass mark is 50%. Students must pass both components of the assessment in order to pass the module.
Assignment Title
Choose ONE case of the following options;
Critically review the evidence base for ONE of the following;
i) The management of patellar instability in a 15yr old female gymnast
ii) The management of ATFL Gd III injury of the ankle in 24yr old a semi-professional footballer
iii) The management of a labral tear of the hip in a 34yr old kick boxer
Ensure you apply the evidence to the particular case scenario you choose.
The student must demonstrate;
a) Evidence of debate in a wide range of relevant knowledge in the chosen scenario.
b) Knowledge of critique of the literature.
c) Critical evaluation of the underpinning theory.
d) Accurate referencing within the text and reference list in line with the current University guidance
Your assignment should be typed, double-spaced with 1” margins on either side. You should use 12pt Arial. A “header or footer” should be inserted on each page with your university number only. Your name should not appear on your submission.
Marking Grid
The assignment will be marked in association to the marking guidelines using the assignment marking grid (See Assessment/marking grid on Blackboard)
The sections below relate to the corresponding columns on the module assessment marking grid. It is recommended this is referred to when reading the information below.
When marking this section, consideration will be given to your knowledge of:
• Key themes pertinent to your chosen topic (assignment) area
• Subject area in relation to orthopaedic & trauma management
• Current clinical practice
Cognitive processes
When marking this section, consideration will be given to your ability to:
• Relate the evidence appropriately to your assignment
• Carry out systematic critical comment on appropriately selected evidence
• Critically debate alternative views of the subject area
• Critically evaluate the validity of the evidence and its significance to practice in orthopaedic management and future research i.e. answer the ‘so what?’ question. Is the research you have studied valid enough for you to change your practice as a result of the evidence you have read –if so why, if not why not? Isolated critique which is not then used to justify or develop discussion is discouraged.
• Synthesise evidence to come to an informed objective conclusion regarding the quality and current state of the evidence base
• Consider how the evidence relates to clinical practice
Referencing and Using Evidence
When marking this section, consideration will be given to your ability to:
• Justify your literature search & inclusion of literature. Rationalisation of inclusion of literature is as important as the number of references used.
• A guide to minimum amount of literature to be used (i.e. for pass in 50-59
• Correct referencing throughout the text in British Harvard style refer to University regulations
• Produce an accurate reference list in British Harvard style using current university guidelines
• Use a wide range of both primary (direct from research papers) and secondary sources (Systematic reviews/meta analyses, books, web references).
• Use a range of appropriate literature in terms of currency
• Identify key papers and guidelines relating to the theme
When marking this section, consideration will be given to your ability to:
• Organise your work in a logical manner, adhering to the guidance given for design and content
• Produce well presented work with correct spelling and grammar, utilising an academic style
• Concisely summarise the key points relating back to the case study within the conclusion
Academic Regulations
Students are reminded that they must adhere to the University of Salford’s Academic Regulations For Taught Programmes 2013/14 and should refer to the programme handbook for
• Penalties incurred for exceeding word count
• Penalties for late submission
Remember that direct copying from other people’s work is classed as plagiarism and is taken very seriously by the university. Your attention is drawn to university regulations on plagiarism. Please note that this applies even to ‘inadvertent plagiarism’ – ignorance is no defence!
The examination board is empowered to impose penalties where students are found guilty whether it relates to copying the work of published authors or fellow students.
Submission is via electronic submission on blackboard Turnitin. Submission procedure is according to university guidelines.
You must complete a School ‘Course work Cover Sheet’ with your assignment and your student number must be the only identifying mark. Assignments must not be submitted with your name on them.
The aim of the OSCE is to enable students to demonstrate advanced clinical assessment and treatment procedures in the assessment and management of complex orthopaedic lower limb disorders .
You are required to undertake 4 OSCE stations, one for each of the core skills identified in the module:
• Clinical Assessment
• Imaging
• Surgery
• Therapy
You must present yourself for the assessment at the agreed time and venue. Failure to attend the assessment will constitute a fail for this part of the assessment.