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Critically evaluate the main theories of travel motivation and typologies of tourist behaviour which are discussed in the academic literature.Critically assess how applicable the theories are in practice.

Critically evaluate the main theories of travel motivation and typologies of tourist behaviour which are discussed in the academic literature.Critically assess how applicable the theories are in practice.
You are required to write a 2,475 word individual essay on the following:

Critically evaluate the main theories of travel motivation and typologies of tourist behaviour which are discussed in the academic literature (around 1,500 words). Critically assess how applicable the theories are in practice by considering how well the available tourism data can support and utilise these theories (around 1,000 words).


The essay is assessed according to the following criteria:
1. Research and Knowledge: Evidence of a thorough investigation, comprehensive and appropriate research undertaken, use of academically credible sources, and a sound knowledge of the topic.
2. Understanding and Analysis: Understanding of the topic displayed, well focused on the topic, analytical rather than descriptive, with sound conclusions drawn from arguments and data, but with evidence of creativity.
3. Structure and organisation: Logically structured and clearly argued.
4. Standard of presentation: Information and ideas presented in a clear, reasoned and appropriate manner

Essential Reading

Cooper C., (2011) Essentials of Tourism, Pearson Education: Harlow
Fletcher J., Fyall A., Gilbert D. & Wanhill S. (2013) Tourism Principles and Practice, 5th Edition, Pearson: London
Holloway C. and Humphreys C. (2012) The Business of Tourism, 9th Edition, Pearson Education: Harlow
Inkson, C. and Minnaert, L. (2012) Tourism Management: An Introduction, Sage Publications: London
Page S., and Connell J., (2014) Tourism: A Modern Synthesis, 4th Edition, Cengage Learning EMEA: Andover
Weaver D. and Lawton L. (2014) Tourism Management, 4th Edition, Wiley: Milton Australia

Further Reading

Beech J. and Chadwick S. (Eds) (2006) The Business of Tourism Management, FT Prentice Hall: Harlow
Buhalis D. and Costa C. (eds) (2006) Tourism Business Frontiers, Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford
Cooper C. and Hall C. (2008) Contemporary Tourism, Butterworth- Heinemann: Oxford
Dwyer L., Forsyth P. and Dwyer W. (2010) Tourism Economics and Policy, Channel View Publications: Bristol
Knowles T., Diamantis D. and El-Mourhabi J. (2004) The Globalization of Tourism and Hospitality, 2nd Edition, Thomson: London
Page S. (2009) Tourism Management: Managing for Change, 3rd Edition, Butterworth-Heinemann: Oxford.
Pender L. and Sharpley R. (eds) (2005) The Management of Tourism, Sage Publications: London.
Ryan C. (ed) (2002) The Tourist Experience: A New Introduction, 2nd Edition, Cassell: London.
Shaw G. & Williams A. (2002) Critical Issues in Tourism, 2nd Edition, Blackwell: Oxford
Theobold W. (ed) (2005) Global Tourism: The Next Decade, 3rd Edition, Butterworth-Heinemann: Oxford.
Tribe J. (ed) (2009) Philosophical Issues in Tourism, Channel View Publications: Bristol
Tribe J. (2011) The Economics of Recreation, Leisure and Tourism, 4th Edition, Butterworth-Heinemann: Oxford.
Vanhove N. (2005) The Economics of Tourism Destinations, Elsevier: Oxford.

Periodical references

Annals of Tourism Research
Current Issues in Tourism
International Journal of Tourism Research
Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing
Mintel: Travel and Tourism Reports
Tourism Management

WWW references

United Nations World Tourism Organisation (www.unwto.org)
World Travel and Tourism Council (www.wttc.org)
Association of National Tourist Offices (www.tourist-offices.org.uk)
UK Department of Culture, Media and Sport: (www.culture.gov.uk)
Visit Britain (www.visitbritain.com)
Association for Tourism in Higher Education (www.tourismeducation.org)
Internet research resources:

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Critically evaluate the main theories of travel motivation and typologies of tourist behaviour which are discussed in the academic literature.Critically assess how applicable the theories are in practice.

Critically evaluate the main theories of travel motivation and typologies of tourist behaviour which are discussed in the academic literature.Critically assess how applicable the theories are in practice.
You are required to write a 2,475 word individual essay on the following:

Critically evaluate the main theories of travel motivation and typologies of tourist behaviour which are discussed in the academic literature (around 1,500 words). Critically assess how applicable the theories are in practice by considering how well the available tourism data can support and utilise these theories (around 1,000 words).


The essay is assessed according to the following criteria:
1. Research and Knowledge: Evidence of a thorough investigation, comprehensive and appropriate research undertaken, use of academically credible sources, and a sound knowledge of the topic.
2. Understanding and Analysis: Understanding of the topic displayed, well focused on the topic, analytical rather than descriptive, with sound conclusions drawn from arguments and data, but with evidence of creativity.
3. Structure and organisation: Logically structured and clearly argued.
4. Standard of presentation: Information and ideas presented in a clear, reasoned and appropriate manner

Essential Reading

Cooper C., (2011) Essentials of Tourism, Pearson Education: Harlow
Fletcher J., Fyall A., Gilbert D. & Wanhill S. (2013) Tourism Principles and Practice, 5th Edition, Pearson: London
Holloway C. and Humphreys C. (2012) The Business of Tourism, 9th Edition, Pearson Education: Harlow
Inkson, C. and Minnaert, L. (2012) Tourism Management: An Introduction, Sage Publications: London
Page S., and Connell J., (2014) Tourism: A Modern Synthesis, 4th Edition, Cengage Learning EMEA: Andover
Weaver D. and Lawton L. (2014) Tourism Management, 4th Edition, Wiley: Milton Australia

Further Reading

Beech J. and Chadwick S. (Eds) (2006) The Business of Tourism Management, FT Prentice Hall: Harlow
Buhalis D. and Costa C. (eds) (2006) Tourism Business Frontiers, Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford
Cooper C. and Hall C. (2008) Contemporary Tourism, Butterworth- Heinemann: Oxford
Dwyer L., Forsyth P. and Dwyer W. (2010) Tourism Economics and Policy, Channel View Publications: Bristol
Knowles T., Diamantis D. and El-Mourhabi J. (2004) The Globalization of Tourism and Hospitality, 2nd Edition, Thomson: London
Page S. (2009) Tourism Management: Managing for Change, 3rd Edition, Butterworth-Heinemann: Oxford.
Pender L. and Sharpley R. (eds) (2005) The Management of Tourism, Sage Publications: London.
Ryan C. (ed) (2002) The Tourist Experience: A New Introduction, 2nd Edition, Cassell: London.
Shaw G. & Williams A. (2002) Critical Issues in Tourism, 2nd Edition, Blackwell: Oxford
Theobold W. (ed) (2005) Global Tourism: The Next Decade, 3rd Edition, Butterworth-Heinemann: Oxford.
Tribe J. (ed) (2009) Philosophical Issues in Tourism, Channel View Publications: Bristol
Tribe J. (2011) The Economics of Recreation, Leisure and Tourism, 4th Edition, Butterworth-Heinemann: Oxford.
Vanhove N. (2005) The Economics of Tourism Destinations, Elsevier: Oxford.

Periodical references

Annals of Tourism Research
Current Issues in Tourism
International Journal of Tourism Research
Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing
Mintel: Travel and Tourism Reports
Tourism Management

WWW references

United Nations World Tourism Organisation (www.unwto.org)
World Travel and Tourism Council (www.wttc.org)
Association of National Tourist Offices (www.tourist-offices.org.uk)
UK Department of Culture, Media and Sport: (www.culture.gov.uk)
Visit Britain (www.visitbritain.com)
Association for Tourism in Higher Education (www.tourismeducation.org)
Internet research resources:

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