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Critically consider the role of insurance law and practice in the regulation of international business transactions.

Critically consider the role of insurance law and practice in the regulation of international business transactions.

Project description
Added on 10.12.2014 13:27
The writing style is NOT APA. The writing style is VEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERY STRICT TO (OSCOLA) style The Oxford Standard for the Citation of Legal Authorities 2010 4th edition; please follow this style in your writing and citation in both footnotes and biblography. As required by the ordered OSCOLA style Please cite every single information in the research from whatever the source is books,articles,cases,reports, legislation and websites in footnotes and bibliography
you can find detailed description of OSCOLA style in: http://www.law.ox.ac.uk/published/OSCOLA_4th_edn.pdf
Pleeeeeeeeeeeease cite for every single information whatever is minor or major even for paraphrasing , definitions in the footnotes and bibliography.
In bibliography please classify every resource in a separate class , for example books in a separate class article in a separate cases in a separate one and so on.
As I have asked your customer support and they feed me back it possible to the send the paper you work on talking notes for the structure of the essay, please attach it me when you done the work.
Please use Sudan in one of the examples in your writing.
Please make table of content.
Please follow this structure;
This section will highlight a general description of insurance law and international business transactions. The history of insurance law and its role within the international business transactions will be highlighted. The aim of the paper and what the paper will take about will also be detailed in this section.
This section will contain a brief preview and definitions of terms: insurance, types of insurance laws including Islam insurance, insurance principles, and the thesis statement will be states.
The body of the paper will have several sub-topics as follows:
Insurance law
This section will highlight laws regarding insurance companies, insurance contract and insurance market. There will be a description of certain special rules concerning insurance contracts founded on general contract law such as duty of utmost good faith and insurable interest. Regulations of insurance agents and insurance companies will also be introduced. There will be arguments on insurance policies and regulatory issues concerning risk and operation management of insurance businesses. There will be a discussion of the nature and fundamentals of insurance, its functions and purpose in commerce, and its effects and function on tort litigation and recovery. These will be discussed in relation to insurance contract, structure, interpretation, and use.

International business transaction
This section will discuss international company, business transactions involving insurance law. Examples of treaties and international trades will be highlighted, as well as the benefits and effects to the global economy.
Economic analysis of the law
There will be an economic analysis of the law. This section will describe the role of economic principles in analyzing the law.
International and comparative criminal justice
It will highlight different paradigms of justice in form of business contracts and international developments. The section will also state possible tensions resulting from international business.
Law of International Trade
This section will highlight private law of transactions involving the movement of goods from one country to another. It will also describe the public law controls which effect such transactions and transactions which are governed by other legal systems such as WTO and ICC and examine the rules of insurance in INCOTERMS.
Legal and Commercial Principles in Project Financing Transactions
This section will describe the way in which major projects are financed, focusing on the key features of the financing and the players who bring infrastructure projects to life. There will be emphasis on the key legal and other risks in the project financing (FROM INSURANCE POINT OF VIEW).
Trade and Investment Law
This section will examine the international trade landscape, the main institutional protagonist in insurance industry and whether or not possible to establish international organization for insurance.

This section will contain a general summary of the major ideas. Thesis statement will also be restated.

PLEASE USE DIFFERENT TYPES OF RESOURCES, INCLUDED BUT NOT LIMITED TO; BOOKS,ARTICLES, CASES, REPORTS, LEGISLATIONS, Preliminary list of References. Please use below reference as main references then you can use the others references.
Please try to include the different types of insurance including the Islam Insurance

Carr I and Goldby M, International Trade Law Statutes and Conventions 2011-2013 (Routledge 2013)

Carr I and Stone P, International trade law (Routledge 2013)

Chaput N, “An Introduction to Insurance Law and Coverage in the People”s Republic of China” (1995) Tort Insur Law J 871

Chatterjee A, “Business Conduct in Islamic Insurance with Special Reference to Emerging Markets” (2011) Takaful Islamic Insurance: Concepts and Regulatory Issues 85

Grath A, The handbook of international trade and finance: the complete guide to risk management, international payments and currency management, bonds and guarantees, credit insurance and trade finance (Kogan Page Publishers 2011)

Guang-yi Z and Rui W, “Procyclicality and Insurance Regulation” (2010) 3 Insurance Studies 016

Hasson RA, “Good Faith in Contract Law-Some Lessons from Insurance Law” (1987) 13 Can.Bus.LJ 93

Hodges S, Cases & Materials on Marine Insurance Law (Routledge 2012)

Jerry RH and Richmond DR, Understanding insurance law (LexisNexis 2012)

Kitagawa Z, Administrative Regulations, vol 4 (Doing Business in Japan 2013)

Logue KD and Baker T, “Mandatory Rules and Default Rules in Insurance Contracts” (2013)

Oduntan G, “CIF Gatwickand Other Such Nonsense Upon Stilts: Incoterms and the Law, Jargon and Practice of International Business Transactions” (2010) 21(6) International Company and Commercial Law Review 214
Raisch MJ, “Book Survey 2012” (2013) 16(1) Journal of International Economic Law 269.

Raisch MJ, “Book Survey 2013” (2014) 17(1) Journal of International Economic Law 203

Ramberg J, ICC Guide to Incoterms 2010 (ICC International Chamber of Commerce 2011)

Rejda GE, Principles of risk management and insurance (Pearson Education India 2011)

Ritter MJ, “Disputing Arbitration Clauses in International Insurance Agreements: Problems with the Self-Execution Framework” (2012)

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