Critically assess theories of Transaction Cost Economics and Resource Based View in terms of their usefulness in explaining firms’ internationalising strategies. Illustrate your answer with reference to at least two case companies.
Write a discursive essay addressing the key issues relevant to the question and draw a suitable conclusion. Calculate the percentage value, mention their place on the fortune 500, Mention their market share industry both home and host country. The essay should be approximately 2,000 words excluding all appendices and references. Your work should appear professionally produced in terms of the quality and currency of the data, analysis and conclusions drawn. You should present your essay professionally by following the instructions below: 1. word processed on A4 paper with a font size of 12 2. word document ONLY (no PDFs or other formats are allowed) 3. page margin of 2.5cm on both sides 4. use 1.5 line space 5. pages are numbered 6. label all charts, tables, graphs, diagrams, etc 7. use Harvard referencing style ONLY
Critically assess theories of Transaction Cost Economics and Resource Based View in terms of their usefulness in explaining firms’ internationalising strategies. Illustrate your answer with reference to at least two case companies.