Critically analyse an example of knowledge management as used in healthcare
The example of knowledge management is Prescribing Decision Support Systems ( PDSS ) .
Please follow these instructions ,
The essay should cover all these instructions :
1- Introduction: The introduction should contain the definition of Prescribing Decision Support Systems ( PDSS ).Address the assignment question, show why it’s interesting and how you will answer by addressing the headings in the main body . Tell the reader what you will discuss in this assignment(i.e. How you plan on answering the question). The word count in the introduction should be 200 .
2- Main body :
These headings should be considered in the main body :
a- Patient safety : This section should discuss and analysis as critically about the impact of Prescribing Decision Support Systems on patient safety . ( word count = 400 ).
b- Cost effectiveness : This section should discuss and analysis as critically also about the impact of Prescribing Decision Support Systems on Cost effectiveness .( word count = 400 ).
c- Following guidelines : This section should discuss and analysis as critically also about the impact of Prescribing Decision Support Systems on Following guidelines .( word count = 400 ).
d-Medical errors : This section should discuss and analysis as critically also about the impact of Prescribing Decision Support Systems on Medical errors.( word count = 400 ). If this heading you think should discuss and analysis within patient safety title , you can change and discuss here about the challenges of Prescribing decision support system and write about medical errors in patient safety heading.
3- Conclusion : The conclusion should summarise the main points in the main body and draws together ideas in a meaningful way… ( word count = 200 ).
Critical Analysis…
Some ways to get more critical analysis into this essays…
Avoid unnecessary description – only include general background details when they add to your argument, e.g. to show a crucial cause and effect. Practice distinguishing between description (telling what happened) and analysis (judging why something happened).
Interpret your evidence – explain how and why your evidence supports your point. Interpretation is an important part of critical analysis, and you should not just rely on the evidence “speaking for itself”.
Be specific – avoid making sweeping generalisations or points that are difficult to support with specific evidence. It is better to be more measured and tie your argument to precise examples.
Use counter-arguments to your advantage – if you find viewpoints that go against your own argument, don’t ignore them. It strengthens an argument to include an opposing viewpoint and explain why it is not as convincing as your own line of reasoning.( the most importance point ).
This point means one author has viewpoint and another author has viewpoint against that author . Writing style should be like this .
Critical Analysis Involves…
Carefully considering an idea and weighing up the evidence supporting it to see if it is convincing.
Then being able to explain why you find the evidence convincing or unconvincing.
It helps if you ask yourself a series of questions about the material you are reading. Try using these questions to help you think critically:
Who is the author and what is their viewpoint or bias?
Who is the audience and how does that influence the way information is presented?
What is the main message of the text?
What evidence has been used to support this main message?
Is the evidence convincing; are there any counter-arguments?
* Every sentence in this essay should be cited with reference . ( important point )