After reading Chapters II-1 and II-2 of Differentiated Instructional Strategies in Practice: Training, Implementation, and Supervision, you will answer the following reflective questions that will require you to think and respond critically. In a two- to four-page paper, address the questions below, using specific examples from your professional experience, and cite the book when possible.
What are the benefits to the six-column framework for differentiated instruction? How can you use this framework in preparation for differentiated instruction? How might a leader use it to support change or improve instruction?On page 39 of Differentiated Instructional Strategies in Practice: Training, Implementation, and Supervision, you were given a concept formation exercise to use with teachers. Read each step to the concept formation exercise. What is the purpose of each step? Will each step provide a pre-assessment of the teachers, or merely provide the instructor with baseline data?What are the primary factors to consider when determining classroom climate? How do teachers use these factors in differentiated instruction? How can you use these factors to differentiate instruction when providing professional development to teachers?
Critical Thinking Questions