Critical Review Description. Thoroughly discuss, follow instructions, and answer all Questions 1-13. Included Proper in-text citation. Apply Attached AIUAPAWordTemplate2014. Use attached grade rubric. Use sources more current within the last 5 years. Use
Order Description
Critical Review Description. Thoroughly discuss, follow instructions, and answer all Questions 1-13. Included Proper in-text citation. Apply Attached AIUAPAWordTemplate2014. Use attached grade rubric. Use sources more current within the last 5 years. Use Full-text databases for journal articles and other peer reviewed resources for your research. Unit 2 IP Technological Influences Q1.Select an educational site such as a PreK–12 school district. Q2.Create a comprehensive proposal that includes technology-related recommendations based on evaluation data collected for the previous year. Q3.The data includes several forms of assessments that indicate different types of student achievement categories and the success of technology usage among all staff. Q4.Present your data in organized fashion with charts, tables, and lists of statistics describing student achievement and the amount of technology integration within each program. Q5.The data should indicate positive or neutral links between technology use and academic achievement and/or staff productivity. Q6.Your recommendations should include better use of existing technology, projected purchases over a 5-year period, future and long-range staff development, and the incorporation of newer or upgraded technologies into various programs. Q7.Your data should also include how the current technology is beneficial. The emphasis here is on different programs within one larger institution. Q8.Your recommendations should connect with the organization’s strategic plan, the institutions comprehensive technology plan, and other possible operational planning programs already in place to upgrade or introduce new programs. Q9.Use the full text databases and other peer reviewed resources for your research. Q10. Be sure to reference all sources using APA style. Q11. Here’s the website: that will help with this assignment. Q12. Make sure you cover all the elements mentioned in the directions. Here’s what I’m looking for in your papers: show me you know how to make data-driven decisions in the area of technology integration into the curriculum; include questions that ask whether present spending for technology has had a positive return on education within the institution; demonstrate your understanding of program evaluation, curriculum, instruction; discuss at least 1-2 electronic methods, procedures, or tools used for collecting instructional results data; show me that you understand institutional-wide data collection procedures for iterative evaluations and future technology planning; and address data collection associated with educational technology implementations and not the entire curriculum. Q13. Keep the sim scores to 10% or lower—I remove the sources when I look at sim scores.
Critical Review Description. Thoroughly discuss, follow instructions, and answer all Questions 1-13. Included Proper in-text citation. Apply Attached AIUAPAWordTemplate2014. Use attached grade rubric. Use sources more current within the last 5 years. Use

Critical Review Description. Thoroughly discuss, follow instructions, and answer all Questions 1-13. Included Proper in-text citation. Apply Attached AIUAPAWordTemplate2014. Use attached grade rubric. Use sources more current within the last 5 years. Use

Critical Review Description. Thoroughly discuss, follow instructions, and answer all Questions 1-13. Included Proper in-text citation. Apply Attached AIUAPAWordTemplate2014. Use attached grade rubric. Use sources more current within the last 5 years. Use
Order Description
Critical Review Description. Thoroughly discuss, follow instructions, and answer all Questions 1-13. Included Proper in-text citation. Apply Attached AIUAPAWordTemplate2014. Use attached grade rubric. Use sources more current within the last 5 years. Use Full-text databases for journal articles and other peer reviewed resources for your research. Unit 2 IP Technological Influences Q1.Select an educational site such as a PreK–12 school district. Q2.Create a comprehensive proposal that includes technology-related recommendations based on evaluation data collected for the previous year. Q3.The data includes several forms of assessments that indicate different types of student achievement categories and the success of technology usage among all staff. Q4.Present your data in organized fashion with charts, tables, and lists of statistics describing student achievement and the amount of technology integration within each program. Q5.The data should indicate positive or neutral links between technology use and academic achievement and/or staff productivity. Q6.Your recommendations should include better use of existing technology, projected purchases over a 5-year period, future and long-range staff development, and the incorporation of newer or upgraded technologies into various programs. Q7.Your data should also include how the current technology is beneficial. The emphasis here is on different programs within one larger institution. Q8.Your recommendations should connect with the organization’s strategic plan, the institutions comprehensive technology plan, and other possible operational planning programs already in place to upgrade or introduce new programs. Q9.Use the full text databases and other peer reviewed resources for your research. Q10. Be sure to reference all sources using APA style. Q11. Here’s the website: that will help with this assignment. Q12. Make sure you cover all the elements mentioned in the directions. Here’s what I’m looking for in your papers: show me you know how to make data-driven decisions in the area of technology integration into the curriculum; include questions that ask whether present spending for technology has had a positive return on education within the institution; demonstrate your understanding of program evaluation, curriculum, instruction; discuss at least 1-2 electronic methods, procedures, or tools used for collecting instructional results data; show me that you understand institutional-wide data collection procedures for iterative evaluations and future technology planning; and address data collection associated with educational technology implementations and not the entire curriculum. Q13. Keep the sim scores to 10% or lower—I remove the sources when I look at sim scores.
Critical Review Description. Thoroughly discuss, follow instructions, and answer all Questions 1-13. Included Proper in-text citation. Apply Attached AIUAPAWordTemplate2014. Use attached grade rubric. Use sources more current within the last 5 years. Use

Critical Review Description. Thoroughly discuss, follow instructions, and answer all Questions 1-13. Included Proper in-text citation. Apply Attached AIUAPAWordTemplate2014. Use attached grade rubric. Use sources more current within the last 5 years. Use
Order Description
Critical Review Description. Thoroughly discuss, follow instructions, and answer all Questions 1-13. Included Proper in-text citation. Apply Attached AIUAPAWordTemplate2014. Use attached grade rubric. Use sources more current within the last 5 years. Use Full-text databases for journal articles and other peer reviewed resources for your research. Unit 2 IP Technological Influences Q1.Select an educational site such as a PreK–12 school district. Q2.Create a comprehensive proposal that includes technology-related recommendations based on evaluation data collected for the previous year. Q3.The data includes several forms of assessments that indicate different types of student achievement categories and the success of technology usage among all staff. Q4.Present your data in organized fashion with charts, tables, and lists of statistics describing student achievement and the amount of technology integration within each program. Q5.The data should indicate positive or neutral links between technology use and academic achievement and/or staff productivity. Q6.Your recommendations should include better use of existing technology, projected purchases over a 5-year period, future and long-range staff development, and the incorporation of newer or upgraded technologies into various programs. Q7.Your data should also include how the current technology is beneficial. The emphasis here is on different programs within one larger institution. Q8.Your recommendations should connect with the organization’s strategic plan, the institutions comprehensive technology plan, and other possible operational planning programs already in place to upgrade or introduce new programs. Q9.Use the full text databases and other peer reviewed resources for your research. Q10. Be sure to reference all sources using APA style. Q11. Here’s the website: that will help with this assignment. Q12. Make sure you cover all the elements mentioned in the directions. Here’s what I’m looking for in your papers: show me you know how to make data-driven decisions in the area of technology integration into the curriculum; include questions that ask whether present spending for technology has had a positive return on education within the institution; demonstrate your understanding of program evaluation, curriculum, instruction; discuss at least 1-2 electronic methods, procedures, or tools used for collecting instructional results data; show me that you understand institutional-wide data collection procedures for iterative evaluations and future technology planning; and address data collection associated with educational technology implementations and not the entire curriculum. Q13. Keep the sim scores to 10% or lower—I remove the sources when I look at sim scores.