Critical Read each individual Response ATTACHED 1. Rasool Saleem 2.Hi Rasool 3. Hi Marcelle 5.Calena Terry. In your own words, respond with constructive feedback, suggestions, questions, and a substantive response FOR EACH OF THE 5 INDIVIDUALRESPONSE LIST.1-5 This Not AN Essay. ////// FOR EXAMPLE: Hello Sonja Fantastic post. I agree that leadership is a broad subject and cannot be restricted to birth alone. Leadership cannot be measured by the level of aristocracy of a nation’s leadership but by the variances that ensure that every person participates. I agree with you on the various elements of participatory leadership. This Not AN Essay.
Critical Read each individual Response ATTACHED 1. Rasool Saleem 2.Hi Rasool 3. Hi Marcelle 5.Calena Terry. In your own words, respond with constructive feedback, suggestions, questions, and a substantive response FOR EACH OF THE 5 INDIVIDUALRESPONSE LIST.1-5 This Not AN Essay. ////// FOR EXAMPLE: Hello Sonja Fantastic post. I agree that leadership is a broad subject and cannot be restricted to birth alone. Leadership cannot be measured by the level of aristocracy of a nation’s leadership but by the variances that ensure that every person participates. I agree with you on the various elements of participatory leadership. This Not AN Essay.
Write 100 words for each questions.
1. Rasool Saleem
Total Quality Management is the management approach that aims for long-term success through he customers. Every member of an organization is meant to participate in the processes required to improve the company.
The first measure that this organization has undertaken is making the company customer focused. This fact is because he is the one who determines the level of quality of a product. No matter what a company does to improve the quality of a product, either being; upgrading computers, training employees or integrating quality in the design process, the customer will be the one to determine if the efforts are worthwhile. Secondly, total employee involvement is the second measure. The employees will participate in ensuring the organization reaches its shared goals. The only way this thought can be achieved is if the organization ensures the workplace is free from fear and the employees are empowered. Empowerment can be done by organizing the employees into self-managed teams. High performance from the employees will ensure the organization keeps improving (Sadikoglu & Zehir, 2010). The last total quality management measure that the organization undertook had an integrated system. Even though an organization has different functional specialties that are organized in vertically structured departments, the parallel processes that interconnect these functions are the most important focus in TQM.
In conclusion, the different total quality management measures that the organization undertook ensured that the organizations had loyal customers who kept coming back. The organization’s revenue kept rising, and the employees’ high performance through their good morale ensured every product was to the customer’s expectation and the products defects were eliminated. If the organization maintains its standard, then he company will continue improving and increasing its productivity (Tanninen, Puumalainen & Sandström, 2010). 1.
2.Hi Rasool: Thanks for sharing your thoughts here. You said something quite insightful “Secondly, total employee involvement is the second measure. The employees will participate in ensuring the organization reaches its shared goals. The only way this thought can be achieved is if the organization ensures the workplace is free from fear and the employees are empowered. Empowerment can be done by organizing the employees into self-managed teams.” This is one of the tenets of the Kaizen model that the Japanese adopted in the 80’s. American companies (especially the auto companies) were a bit slow to adopt this way of thinking. Why do you suppose they were so slow to move forward with an idea that worked quite well in Japan? DrW
3.Marcelle N. Fleurinor
Whiddon Rogers is an alternative school that has been developing for several years now. There has been an influx of students attending Whiddon Rogers do to retention, academic, and behavior issues. We have grown from 300 to 1400 students on campus. Whiddon Rogers is also one of the best alternative school. We recovery students daily to progress by achieving academically, resolving behavior issues and making sure students attend school to keep achieving. Do to the influx; there were 30 more teachers hired to improve students learning. Whiddon has taken students who retained and students who entered our school with 0.9 -1.0 G.P. A‘s and these students G.P.A are now above 3.0 G.P.A. The classroom has a minimum of 15 students in each class. Students are less likely to retain with less students. Having less than 15 students benefits the student to stay in school and earn better grades. The smaller class gets better results and each student gets noticed. Also, one of our phenomenal ACT and SAT teacher taught our students great strategy skills on how to pass with a high score on the ACT and SAT. Most of our students score has increased within three years. The students have made success for further studies, such as attending college or attend technical school to pursue their education. We have had students reading levels that were extremely low and their reading levels increased because of collaborative learning. The advance technology is good practice that contributed to students learning opportunities as well. With technology the students are able to advance in all subject areas. The fact that students use technology daily teachers is able to implement technology in the curriculum activity that leads to increase high levels of student’s grades and test results. Service learning offers our students the opportunity to get students involved with the community and their learning outcome. Many students need the experience to strengthen their communities to provide pragmatic progress learning experience. I mentioned in my previous bridge discussion, Whiddon Rogers graduate rate has increased tremendously. Encouraging students to take responsibility of their learning, getting the parents and the community involved helped with the increase our graduation rate. Furthermore, having a wide range of authentic performance from administrators, staff and faculty help development these opportunities towards students learning as well.
4. Scot Rice
The dictionary defines teaching as, the act of imparting knowledge or skill to some by instruction or example. As an individual I love learning, I feel that the process of learning should be a fun and enjoyable one and if it’s not then we are doing something wrong. I take this belief with me into my classroom, when I teach, I do everything with in my power to make the learning that happens there a fun, exciting and enjoyable process. I also attempt to have the same approach when I am the student. I am a constructivist I know that like my students who have prior knowledge about the subjects covered in my classes, my job as learner is to discover what prior knowledge I have, explore the level of my understanding making sure I have a solid foundation before I can learn more about the subjects covered in my new class. I strongly believe that learners are not empty boxes that teachers must poor all of their wisdom and knowledge into, it is because of this belief that I purposely examine my lesson plans and curriculum to plan multiple ways of covering a topic when I teach as well as stop myself when I am learning new information and see what parallels I can connect the new skills with. I also try to find ways to vary how I interact with new information; trying to hit as many learning styles as I possibly can
As the term lifelong learner implies learning is a process, it takes time and repetition and encouragement. I find it very helpful take mental snap shots of where I am so I can measure how far I have progressed. I try to get feedback from mentors along the way to help keep me motivated. I know when I am learning a new subject or skill I will not always hit the mark; this is where I need to remember to be patient with myself. I think being a lifelong learner means them trying understand where things went wrong and how I can hit the mark and learning from the process.
Very often when I encounter a new subject or I am often blissfully unaware of how little I know about this topic or skill, my role life longer is to take the opportunities as they arise to discover the depth and berth of the subject or skill. To seek out help as need to navigate the process, getting encouragement and tips and tricks along the way from others, until I gain the knowledge and skill to master this new skill. Learning is as much a process as it is a destination.
5. Calena Terry
Lifelong learning is not just receiving an education and stopping there, but to learn in all aspects even after school. Lifelong learning has four broad and mutually supporting objectives: personal fulfillment, active citizenship, social inclusion and employability/adaptability. Lifelong learning can instill creativity, initiative and responsiveness in people thereby enabling them to show adaptability in post-industrial society through enhancing skills to manage uncertainty, communicate across and within cultures, sub-cultures, families and communities and negotiate conflicts. As a professional educator the affects of this could be very positive feeling. Professional educators should be lifelong learners. Educators are constantly learning their students over and over. Educators know individuals have different learning styles, background and religion. The effects of this on educators should continue to be positive and informative at the same time. Learning should never be over for anyone and should continue to influence everyone’s life in order to grow mentally, physically, emotionally and educational wise. One could master learning tools rather than acquisition of structured knowledge, equipping people for the types of work needed now and in the future including innovation and adaptation of learning to future work environments, peacefully resolving conflict, discovering other people and their cultures, fostering community capability, individual competence and capacity, economic resilience and social inclusion along with learning to be education contributing to a person’s complete development; mind, body, intelligence, sensitivity, aesthetic appreciation and spirituality (Lifelong Learning Council Queenland, 2015).