Part B Critical Literature Review (2,500 words) 1. Conduct a limited search of UOW databases using your criteria from Part A to find four (4) researchbased journal articles (quantitative, qualitative research articles) that relate specifically to your chosen topic. Of the four (4) articles, at least one (1) should contain quantitative research. (You do not have to conduct your entire search strategy as outlined by you for a systematic review, but rather do a more limited search designed to gather 4 pertinent research articles directly related to your topic). 2. Write a critical literature review of your four (4) chosen articles in essay format. The review should provide a description of the studies, the methodological quality of the studies and synthesized results or findings from the studies. You should then make conclusions on how these studies collectively progress knowledge on your chosen topic, with implications for practice and future research. (See Model Assignment) Submit an electronic version of your assignment via upload to eLearning
Critical Literature Review