Computer Hacking Subculture What values drive the hacker subculture?Identify how hackers become involved in hacking computer systems and describe in detail how hacking has evolved.
Criminal law

Criminal law
1. Explain in detail the two-pronged and totality-of-circumstances tests to determine the trustworthiness of informants evidence. What do the courts use today?
2. Explain in detail why are vehicle searches different from other searches by the police? How does a vehicle search differ from a search upon arrest?
Discuss fully and please list your references in Bluebook format.
Use Joel Samaha, Criminal Procedure, (8th ed. 2012) as a source
Criminal law

Criminal law
1. Explain in detail the two-pronged and totality-of-circumstances tests to determine the trustworthiness of informants evidence. What do the courts use today?
2. Explain in detail why are vehicle searches different from other searches by the police? How does a vehicle search differ from a search upon arrest?
Discuss fully and please list your references in Bluebook format.
Use Joel Samaha, Criminal Procedure, (8th ed. 2012) as a source