How is being familiar with digital forensic best practices and criminal justice standards benefit you, even if you worked in a non-criminal justice digital forensics position?
How do gender differences effect the Criminal Justice system?
Criminal Justice system

Criminal Justice System

Read/review the following resources for this activity:
•File (.pdf): APA Citation Style (in Course Documents)
•File (.pdf): Sample APA Paper (in Course Documents)
•Minimum of 5 academic resources (academic journals and other library resources)
For this assignment, you will select an actual issue or practice in the criminal justice system to research and restructure as a new and/or improved model for delivering justice services. You cleared your issue or practice with your instructor. You should now construct your analysis as your final course project.
This activity is based on the Integration Principle where you define a topic, research and discuss it, and synthesize your new knowledge to create a new whole. In this particular application, you will create a new plan or method that improves or remakes a model or system in the field of Criminal Justice.
Activity Instructions
Research the current practice or practice, find aspects of it that are worth continuing, define areas for improvement, and then offer a new and/or improved model or system for delivering justice services. This issue or practice should be one that lends itself to debate and has real world application.
Writing Requirements (APA format)
•10 pages (approx. 300 words per page), not including title page or references page
•1-inch margins
•Double spaced
•12-point Times New Roman font
•Title page with topic and name of student
•References page (minimum of 5 resources)
Grading and Assessment
The following general guidelines are an approximation of the grading structure:
30% of assignment grade will come from formatting, writing style, and research/referencing.
70% of assignment grade will come from content, critical thinking, and general treatment of the topic.
Course Learning Outcome(s): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9
1. From a contemporary perspective, describe the major criminal justice agencies, their agents, and required functions with emphasis on the latest recommended professional practices.
2. Identify and discuss contemporary problems and issues that confront administrators and managers in law enforcement, court, corrections, security, and juvenile justice agencies.
3. Evaluate current methods of measuring crime with attention to their impact on justice administration and society at large.
4. Identify new developments in the law and the legal process and know how each impact on crime victims, criminal justice agencies, citizen taxpayers, and practitioners.
5. Recognize the complexity in evaluating the effectiveness of past and currently popular crime theories.
6. Apply problem-solving skills to contemporary issues, ethical dilemmas, and critical questions in criminal justice.
7. Locate and critique current reports, research monographs, and discussions in print and electronic literature and relate them to contemporary criminal justice practice.
9. Regularly follow and report on crime and justice agency news found in print and World Wide Web media resources.
10. Prepare and present a major paper on a detailed new or improved model for delivering criminal justice services.