Writer for the drop box below, please include cites right beneath each assignment instead of listing them all at the bottom of the page. I have listed some information that need to be incorporate information right beneath the assignment. You will need to use the book to gather some information.
Lyman, M. The Police: An Introduction. 4th edition, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. ISBN-13: 978-0-13-500566-8. MBS Direct offers a customized version of this text. To order use ISBN: 978-0-558-44066-4. Textbooks for the course may be ordered from MBS Direct
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20 points possible. Read your assigned chapter. By synthesizing information from your assigned chapter, the assigned Podcast, and video discuss police use of force. Focus on the extent that an officer should use force against traffic violators who are just being “uncooperative” opposed to a suspect who is posing a “threat.” Include in your discussion the standard of care for police use of force as well as what actions on the part of a suspect justify an increased or decreased force response by a police officer.
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20 points possible. Read your assigned chapter. By synthesizing information from your chapter readings and the assigned Podcast, discuss controlling police through litigation. Examine controlling police through litigation from the textbook and research, including but not limited to: Section 1983, vicarious liability, different types of immunities, and can the police sue back?
Criminal Justice
Criminal Justice
Writer for the drop box below, please include cites right beneath each assignment instead of listing them all at the bottom of the page. I have listed some information that need to be incorporate information right beneath the assignment. You will need to use the book to gather some information.
Lyman, M. The Police: An Introduction. 4th edition, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. ISBN-13: 978-0-13-500566-8. MBS Direct offers a customized version of this text. To order use ISBN: 978-0-558-44066-4. Textbooks for the course may be ordered from MBS Direct
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20 points possible. Read your assigned chapter. By synthesizing information from your assigned chapter, the assigned Podcast, and video discuss police use of force. Focus on the extent that an officer should use force against traffic violators who are just being “uncooperative” opposed to a suspect who is posing a “threat.” Include in your discussion the standard of care for police use of force as well as what actions on the part of a suspect justify an increased or decreased force response by a police officer.
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20 points possible. Read your assigned chapter. By synthesizing information from your chapter readings and the assigned Podcast, discuss controlling police through litigation. Examine controlling police through litigation from the textbook and research, including but not limited to: Section 1983, vicarious liability, different types of immunities, and can the police sue back?