• Introduction on how Whitney was left obscurity till recent years. Is This due to her gender?
• How she was believed to be the first female writer to be published in English secular poetry – how she opened doors for other women poets
• “Lamentation upon the Death of William Gruffith,” proving herself as a committed feminist spokesperson in a male-dominated society during the Renaissance age with regard to its overall cultural scene
• Poems such as ”To her mistress sister” furthering her image as a feminist spokesperson
• What were men’s views on her poetry? Was it just the ramblings of a scorned woman?
• The Admonition by the Author to all Young Gentlewomen: And to all other Maids being in Love
• What did this ideal of scorned love do for the image of female poets?
• Her lack of education and how this was reflected in her poetry.
• How she used her gender as a positive to fight against a patriarchal society
• Conclusion on these points and how Whitney used her gender as appositive rather than a negative and though it took many years as she is being brought into light now was she not successful?
The creative use of early modern discourses of gender in Isabella Whitney’s fashioning of a poetic identity