A skill that will be appropriate for the approach is creative and critical thinking. Mastery of outcomes can be effectively measured through formative evaluation. Formative analysis within the context of mastery studying is a diagnostic growth assessment to assess whether or no longer the student has mastered the area unit. Each unit is mainly is a finding out outcome that could gain knowledge of in a week or two of studying exercise. The formative assessments are administered on the learning items. Bloom insists that the diagnostic procedure has to be adopted through a prescription and the influence of formative evaluation is best to precise in not-grade structure considering the fact that using grades on repeated growth evaluations prepare pupils for accepting a degree of learning not up to mastery.
creative and critical thinking
Creative and Critical Thinking
Creative and Critical Thinking
Order Description
__ Ted Talks. (2009). Elizabeth Gilbert: Your elusive creative genius. (19:09)
__ Ted Talks. (2012) David Kelley: How to build your creative confidence (11:46)
READ: (about 23 pages)
*Required Textbook is Beyond Feelings A guide to Critical Thinking
Vincent Ryan Ruggiero
Ninth Edition
__1. Ruggiero, Vincent. Beyond Feelings. Chapter 3 “What is Truth?” (12 pages) [See required textbook.]
__2. Ruggiero, Vincent. Beyond Feelings. Chapter 5 “How Good Are Your Opinions?” (10 pages) [See required textbook.]
__3. Harris, Robert. “Introduction to Creative Thinking.” April 2, 2012. 10 pages. Retrieved July 17, 2015 from www.virtualsalt.com [PDF provided].
Creative thinking can help frame a problem in a new way that is different than has been done before.
According to David Holmgren, “… permaculture strategies focus on the opportunities rather than the obstacles. In the context of helping the transition from ignorant consumption to responsible production, permaculture builds on the persistence of both a culture of self-reliance, community values, and the retention of a range of skills…” (page 5, “Essence of Permaculture” )Apply your own creative thinking to one of the Permaculture Principles and think of something new that you can potentially implement or discuss an example of how you currently use a concept.
(A) Apply creative thinking to focus on an opportunity to promote or implement something in your home that addresses one of the 12 Permaculture Principles.
(B) Be specific about what you plan. It might be a big idea or something very small.
(C) Be sure to identify the Permaculture Principle (provide a brief summary explanation of the concept for those who did not read about that particular principle) that is the inspiration for your solution or implementation plan.
(D) Reflect on how you used creative thinking to solve your problem or to promote a solution.
Next, there are ways to creatively convey information and opinions other than just in writing (such as music, art and photography). Find an example of how an “artist” (in the broad sense of the word) has used a medium other than the printed word to convey a message that is relevant to any of the four course themes (spirituality/religion, social justice, science/sustainability, and women’s issues). Upload a copy as an attachment. Be sure to identify the work and artist.
(A) Write a brief summary on how this piece works to connect with one of the course themes.
(B) Explain how you feel the piece works to convey a message.
Creative and Critical Thinking
Creative and Critical Thinking
Order Description
__ Ted Talks. (2009). Elizabeth Gilbert: Your elusive creative genius. (19:09)
__ Ted Talks. (2012) David Kelley: How to build your creative confidence (11:46)
READ: (about 23 pages)
*Required Textbook is Beyond Feelings A guide to Critical Thinking
Vincent Ryan Ruggiero
Ninth Edition
__1. Ruggiero, Vincent. Beyond Feelings. Chapter 3 “What is Truth?” (12 pages) [See required textbook.]
__2. Ruggiero, Vincent. Beyond Feelings. Chapter 5 “How Good Are Your Opinions?” (10 pages) [See required textbook.]
__3. Harris, Robert. “Introduction to Creative Thinking.” April 2, 2012. 10 pages. Retrieved July 17, 2015 from www.virtualsalt.com [PDF provided].
Creative thinking can help frame a problem in a new way that is different than has been done before.
According to David Holmgren, “… permaculture strategies focus on the opportunities rather than the obstacles. In the context of helping the transition from ignorant consumption to responsible production, permaculture builds on the persistence of both a culture of self-reliance, community values, and the retention of a range of skills…” (page 5, “Essence of Permaculture” )Apply your own creative thinking to one of the Permaculture Principles and think of something new that you can potentially implement or discuss an example of how you currently use a concept.
(A) Apply creative thinking to focus on an opportunity to promote or implement something in your home that addresses one of the 12 Permaculture Principles.
(B) Be specific about what you plan. It might be a big idea or something very small.
(C) Be sure to identify the Permaculture Principle (provide a brief summary explanation of the concept for those who did not read about that particular principle) that is the inspiration for your solution or implementation plan.
(D) Reflect on how you used creative thinking to solve your problem or to promote a solution.
Next, there are ways to creatively convey information and opinions other than just in writing (such as music, art and photography). Find an example of how an “artist” (in the broad sense of the word) has used a medium other than the printed word to convey a message that is relevant to any of the four course themes (spirituality/religion, social justice, science/sustainability, and women’s issues). Upload a copy as an attachment. Be sure to identify the work and artist.
(A) Write a brief summary on how this piece works to connect with one of the course themes.
(B) Explain how you feel the piece works to convey a message.