create a title for the lab reportOrder DescriptionInstructions for Lab report
The extra 150 words for the abstract is included in 5 pages. Note that all specified word limits are upper maximums
Write up the study from the perspective of the researcher who designed and conducted the study. Your lab report will consist of the following sections:
Title page
Appendices include your SPSS output for the statistical analyses
Indicates the central research question by identifying the predicted/observed relationship between variables.
No more than 15 words in length.
Concisely summarises the key aspects of the research report from each of the four main sections, including aim/hypotheses, participants and method, results and conclusions.
Summary is balanced across sections and systematic.
Review of past literature
Comprehensive review of past research to develop the research question and hypotheses.
Evidence presented in sufficient detail so the reader can objectively evaluate the quality of conclusions.
Past studies are critiqued e.g., findings are compared and contrasted to identify consensus in the literature and propose logical explanations for the conflicting results.
Insightful and focused synthesis of previous research points to a logical rationale for the study.Rationale
Provides a rationale that explains how the current study will address shortcomings in the existing literature.
Rationale follows logically from the review of past research.
Specifies an aim that clearly and concisely defines the general intentions of the research study.
Aim follows logically from the review of past research and study rationale.
Presents a comprehensive set of hypotheses as directed in the assignment instructions.
Hypotheses are positive, directional and fully operationalised.
Hypotheses follow logically from the review of past research, study rationale and aim.
Overall flow
Introduction outlines the area of research under investigation and its significance.
Key terms/constructs are explained and defined.
Introduction displays a logical flow of information from general to specific (i.e., a funnel-like process) with clear connections between the major points.
The report clearly describes the participants, where and how the participants were recruited and the sampling method used.
The research design is clearly and thoroughly described by:
Specifying the independent and dependent variables (or predictor and criterion variables for a correlational study) in their operationalised form.
Identifying the research strategies employed.
Expertly describes any materials used in the study (e.g., questionnaires).
Psychometric properties for questionnaires are competently reported.
Thoroughly describes how the study was carried out, in chronological order, to allow for replication.Analysis and reporting of results
Appropriate statistical analyses are conducted in light of the hypotheses of the study.
All elements of the results section (including data handling and descriptive/inferential statistics) are reported in a concise, systematic and clear manner as per APA 6th style.
Tables and figures are included as appropriate.
No inappropriate information is included (e.g., interpretation of results or reference to hypotheses).
Summary of main findings
Findings of the study, including significant and non-significant results, are clearly summarised and correctly interpreted in relation to the aim and hypotheses.
Comparison of findings to previous research
Clearly describes how the findings from the present study support or refute findings from past studies.
Expertly addresses implications for interpreting existing theory and research.
Supporting evidence for arguments
In interpreting the results the report competently references the literature to support arguments.
Methodological limitations suggestions for future research
Identifies significant limitations of the study and clearly explains their potential impact on the findings.
Suggestions for future research are clearly stated and these follow logically from the limitations.
Summary and practical implications of the findings
Concluding statements definitively summarise the main discoveries of the study.
Clearly identifies practical applications/implications that follow logically from the findings.
APA formatting
Correct in-text citation and referencing according to APA 6th edition style.
Correct APA 6th edition style formatting (i.e., headings, double spacing, page numbers, running header, etc.).
Expression and grammar
Writing is scholarly and succinct.
Correct spelling, grammar and punctuation.Lab ReportMethod and results
To ensure there are no delays impeding you from completing this assessment, the data has already been collected for you. A sample of undergraduate psychology students was recruited from the campuses of the University. As part of their psychology course these students were given the opportunity to participate in the study by completing the Self-monitoring Scale (Snyder, 1975), a commonly used measure of self-presentation, and the Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale (Rosenberg, 1965; see
for some starting information). The survey also obtained some demographic data, including the participants country of birth to use as a measure of their cultural identity.
Background to the study
Self-presentation can be defined as a deliberate effort to act in ways that create a particular impression, usually favourable, of ourselves (Vaughan et al., 2016, p. 67). Several dispositional, or personality, factors can influence the tendency of individuals to engage in self-presentation. For example adolescents who have low self-esteem are more likely to engage in fabrication to enhance their self-image than adolescents who have high self-esteem (Elliott, 1982). However other studies have found no relationship between self-esteem and self-presentation in social media use (Kramer & Winter, 2008). Further to this, cultural differences have been found for both self-esteem (Sprecher, Brooks, & Avogo, 2013) and self-presentation (Rui & Stefanone, 2013). This lab report will further investigate the relationship between self-esteem and self-presentation and how this relationship differs between cultures.Ratinale, aim and hypothesis
You will need to generate your own rationale, aim and hypotheses for the report such that they follow logically from the research you review in your introduction and align with the study methodology that has already been implemented (see below). Your rationale should identify how our study builds upon what has already been reported in the literature. You will need to formulate your own set of hypotheses to address each of the following:
1. A prediction regarding the difference in self-esteem across cultures
2. A prediction regarding the difference in self-presentation across cultures
3. A prediction regarding the relationship between self-esteem and self-presentation
4. A prediction regarding the cultural difference in the relationship between self-esteem and self-presentationuse references to support your points than the actual number of references you have. Nonetheless, as a rough guide, we recommend you aim for a minimum of 20 good quality sources (i.e., peer-reviewed research reports and literature reviews). You want to have enough space to delve deeply into the details of your sources, so you can adequately critique them, but also provide a comprehensive coverage of different viewpoints. With 20 references you should be able to do this, but this is a minimum so certainly feel free to include more if you can fit them in.
create a title for the lab report

create a title for the lab report

create a title for the lab report
Order Description
Instructions for Lab report
The extra 150 words for the abstract is included in 5 pages. Note that all specified word limits are upper maximums
Write up the study from the perspective of the researcher who designed and conducted the study. Your lab report will consist of the following sections:
• Title page
• Abstract
• Introduction
• Method
• Results
• Discussion
• References
• Appendices – include your SPSS output for the statistical analyses
Indicates the central research question by identifying the predicted/observed relationship between variables.
• No more than 15 words in length.
Concisely summarises the key aspects of the research report from each of the four main sections, including aim/hypotheses, participants and method, results and conclusions.
• Summary is balanced across sections and systematic.
Review of past literature
• Comprehensive review of past research to develop the research question and hypotheses.
• Evidence presented in sufficient detail so the reader can objectively evaluate the quality of conclusions.
• Past studies are critiqued – e.g., findings are compared and contrasted to identify consensus in the literature and propose logical explanations for the conflicting results.
• Insightful and focused synthesis of previous research points to a logical rationale for the study.
• Provides a rationale that explains how the current study will address shortcomings in the existing literature.
• Rationale follows logically from the review of past research.
• Specifies an aim that clearly and concisely defines the general intentions of the research study.
• Aim follows logically from the review of past research and study rationale.
• Presents a comprehensive set of hypotheses as directed in the assignment instructions.
• Hypotheses are positive, directional and fully operationalised.
• Hypotheses follow logically from the review of past research, study rationale and aim.
Overall flow
• Introduction outlines the area of research under investigation and its significance.
• Key terms/constructs are explained and defined.
• Introduction displays a logical flow of information from general to specific (i.e., a funnel-like process) with clear connections between the major points.
• The report clearly describes the participants, where and how the participants were recruited and the sampling method used.
• The research design is clearly and thoroughly described by:
• Specifying the independent and dependent variables (or predictor and criterion variables for a correlational study) in their operationalised form.
• Identifying the research strategies employed.
• Expertly describes any materials used in the study (e.g., questionnaires).
• Psychometric properties for questionnaires are competently reported.
Thoroughly describes how the study was carried out, in chronological order, to allow for replication.
Analysis and reporting of results
• Appropriate statistical analyses are conducted in light of the hypotheses of the study.
• All elements of the results section (including data handling and descriptive/inferential statistics) are reported in a concise, systematic and clear manner as per APA 6th style.
• Tables and figures are included as appropriate.
• No inappropriate information is included (e.g., interpretation of results or reference to hypotheses).
Summary of main findings
• Findings of the study, including significant and non-significant results, are clearly summarised and correctly interpreted in relation to the aim and hypotheses.
Comparison of findings to previous research
• Clearly describes how the findings from the present study support or refute findings from past studies.
• Expertly addresses implications for interpreting existing theory and research.
Supporting evidence for arguments
• In interpreting the results the report competently references the literature to support arguments.
Methodological limitations suggestions for future research
• Identifies significant limitations of the study and clearly explains their potential impact on the findings.
• Suggestions for future research are clearly stated and these follow logically from the limitations.
Summary and practical implications of the findings
• Concluding statements definitively summarise the main discoveries of the study.
• Clearly identifies practical applications/implications that follow logically from the findings.
APA formatting
• Correct in-text citation and referencing according to APA 6th edition style.
• Correct APA 6th edition style formatting (i.e., headings, double spacing, page numbers, running header, etc.).
Expression and grammar
• Writing is scholarly and succinct.
• Correct spelling, grammar and punctuation.
Lab Report
Method and results
To ensure there are no delays impeding you from completing this assessment, the data has already been collected for you. A sample of undergraduate psychology students was recruited from the campuses of the University. As part of their psychology course these students were given the opportunity to participate in the study by completing the Self-monitoring Scale (Snyder, 1975), a commonly used measure of self-presentation, and the Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale (Rosenberg, 1965; see
for some starting information). The survey also obtained some demographic data, including the participant’s country of birth to use as a measure of their cultural identity.
Background to the study
Self-presentation can be defined as “a deliberate effort to act in ways that create a particular impression, usually favourable, of ourselves” (Vaughan et al., 2016, p. 67). Several dispositional, or personality, factors can influence the tendency of individuals to engage in self-presentation. For example adolescents who have low self-esteem are more likely to engage in fabrication to enhance their self-image than adolescents who have high self-esteem (Elliott, 1982). However other studies have found no relationship between self-esteem and self-presentation in social media use (Kramer & Winter, 2008). Further to this, cultural differences have been found for both self-esteem (Sprecher, Brooks, & Avogo, 2013) and self-presentation (Rui & Stefanone, 2013). This lab report will further investigate the relationship between self-esteem and self-presentation and how this relationship differs between cultures.
Ratinale, aim and hypothesis
You will need to generate your own rationale, aim and hypotheses for the report such that they follow logically from the research you review in your introduction and align with the study methodology that has already been implemented (see below). Your rationale should identify how our study builds upon what has already been reported in the literature. You will need to formulate your own set of hypotheses to address each of the following:
1. A prediction regarding the difference in self-esteem across cultures
2. A prediction regarding the difference in self-presentation across cultures
3. A prediction regarding the relationship between self-esteem and self-presentation
4. A prediction regarding the cultural difference in the relationship between self-esteem and self-presentation
use references to support your points than the actual number of references you have. Nonetheless, as a rough guide, we recommend you aim for a minimum of 20 good quality sources (i.e., peer-reviewed research reports and literature reviews). You want to have enough space to delve deeply into the details of your sources, so you can adequately critique them, but also provide a comprehensive coverage of different viewp01oints. With 20 references you should be able to do this, but this is a minimum so certainly feel free to include more if you can fit them in.
create a title for the lab report

create a title for the lab report
Order Description
Instructions for Lab report
The extra 150 words for the abstract is included in 5 pages. Note that all specified word limits are upper maximums
Write up the study from the perspective of the researcher who designed and conducted the study. Your lab report will consist of the following sections:
• Title page
• Abstract
• Introduction
• Method
• Results
• Discussion
• References
• Appendices – include your SPSS output for the statistical analyses
Indicates the central research question by identifying the predicted/observed relationship between variables.
• No more than 15 words in length.
Concisely summarises the key aspects of the research report from each of the four main sections, including aim/hypotheses, participants and method, results and conclusions.
• Summary is balanced across sections and systematic.
Review of past literature
• Comprehensive review of past research to develop the research question and hypotheses.
• Evidence presented in sufficient detail so the reader can objectively evaluate the quality of conclusions.
• Past studies are critiqued – e.g., findings are compared and contrasted to identify consensus in the literature and propose logical explanations for the conflicting results.
• Insightful and focused synthesis of previous research points to a logical rationale for the study.
• Provides a rationale that explains how the current study will address shortcomings in the existing literature.
• Rationale follows logically from the review of past research.
• Specifies an aim that clearly and concisely defines the general intentions of the research study.
• Aim follows logically from the review of past research and study rationale.
• Presents a comprehensive set of hypotheses as directed in the assignment instructions.
• Hypotheses are positive, directional and fully operationalised.
• Hypotheses follow logically from the review of past research, study rationale and aim.
Overall flow
• Introduction outlines the area of research under investigation and its significance.
• Key terms/constructs are explained and defined.
• Introduction displays a logical flow of information from general to specific (i.e., a funnel-like process) with clear connections between the major points.
• The report clearly describes the participants, where and how the participants were recruited and the sampling method used.
• The research design is clearly and thoroughly described by:
• Specifying the independent and dependent variables (or predictor and criterion variables for a correlational study) in their operationalised form.
• Identifying the research strategies employed.
• Expertly describes any materials used in the study (e.g., questionnaires).
• Psychometric properties for questionnaires are competently reported.
Thoroughly describes how the study was carried out, in chronological order, to allow for replication.
Analysis and reporting of results
• Appropriate statistical analyses are conducted in light of the hypotheses of the study.
• All elements of the results section (including data handling and descriptive/inferential statistics) are reported in a concise, systematic and clear manner as per APA 6th style.
• Tables and figures are included as appropriate.
• No inappropriate information is included (e.g., interpretation of results or reference to hypotheses).
Summary of main findings
• Findings of the study, including significant and non-significant results, are clearly summarised and correctly interpreted in relation to the aim and hypotheses.
Comparison of findings to previous research
• Clearly describes how the findings from the present study support or refute findings from past studies.
• Expertly addresses implications for interpreting existing theory and research.
Supporting evidence for arguments
• In interpreting the results the report competently references the literature to support arguments.
Methodological limitations suggestions for future research
• Identifies significant limitations of the study and clearly explains their potential impact on the findings.
• Suggestions for future research are clearly stated and these follow logically from the limitations.
Summary and practical implications of the findings
• Concluding statements definitively summarise the main discoveries of the study.
• Clearly identifies practical applications/implications that follow logically from the findings.
APA formatting
• Correct in-text citation and referencing according to APA 6th edition style.
• Correct APA 6th edition style formatting (i.e., headings, double spacing, page numbers, running header, etc.).
Expression and grammar
• Writing is scholarly and succinct.
• Correct spelling, grammar and punctuation.
Lab Report
Method and results
To ensure there are no delays impeding you from completing this assessment, the data has already been collected for you. A sample of undergraduate psychology students was recruited from the campuses of the University. As part of their psychology course these students were given the opportunity to participate in the study by completing the Self-monitoring Scale (Snyder, 1975), a commonly used measure of self-presentation, and the Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale (Rosenberg, 1965; see
for some starting information). The survey also obtained some demographic data, including the participant’s country of birth to use as a measure of their cultural identity.
Background to the study
Self-presentation can be defined as “a deliberate effort to act in ways that create a particular impression, usually favourable, of ourselves” (Vaughan et al., 2016, p. 67). Several dispositional, or personality, factors can influence the tendency of individuals to engage in self-presentation. For example adolescents who have low self-esteem are more likely to engage in fabrication to enhance their self-image than adolescents who have high self-esteem (Elliott, 1982). However other studies have found no relationship between self-esteem and self-presentation in social media use (Kramer & Winter, 2008). Further to this, cultural differences have been found for both self-esteem (Sprecher, Brooks, & Avogo, 2013) and self-presentation (Rui & Stefanone, 2013). This lab report will further investigate the relationship between self-esteem and self-presentation and how this relationship differs between cultures.
Ratinale, aim and hypothesis
You will need to generate your own rationale, aim and hypotheses for the report such that they follow logically from the research you review in your introduction and align with the study methodology that has already been implemented (see below). Your rationale should identify how our study builds upon what has already been reported in the literature. You will need to formulate your own set of hypotheses to address each of the following:
1. A prediction regarding the difference in self-esteem across cultures
2. A prediction regarding the difference in self-presentation across cultures
3. A prediction regarding the relationship between self-esteem and self-presentation
4. A prediction regarding the cultural difference in the relationship between self-esteem and self-presentation
use references to support your points than the actual number of references you have. Nonetheless, as a rough guide, we recommend you aim for a minimum of 20 good quality sources (i.e., peer-reviewed research reports and literature reviews). You want to have enough space to delve deeply into the details of your sources, so you can adequately critique them, but also provide a comprehensive coverage of different viewpoints. With 20 references you should be able to do this, but this is a minimum so certainly feel free to include more if you can fit them in.