Candidate Assessment Guidance Notes: The assessment for this module consists of one written report. The report should be 2500 – 3000 words (excluding your reference list and appendices). It should include references to and citation of appropriate academic reading materials: all web references, books, articles and reports should be properly referenced using the Harvard referencing style. You should use Times New Roman or Arial 11pt font. Bold or underline section headings (if used). Make full use of paragraphing to space your points. Your report must use one and half or double line spacing, provide a footer which includes a page number and have margins set at 2 or 3cm. Your assignment should be submitted by paper copy by 4pm on 11 January 2016. Assessment submission instructions as well as marking criteria are provided on study direct. Refer to the case study provided and answer the following: 1. Briefly describe the key characteristics of the organisation in the case study, and the circumstances surrounding the change initiative/ programme. ( 20% of word count)
Change and leadership Module 715N1
2 | P a g e
2. With reference to relevant theories analyse the change processes
involved and the extent to which the change has impacted on both
individuals and teams ( 20% of word count)
3. Evaluate those aspects in the organisation and its environment that either
aided or hindered this change initiative. ( 20% of word count)
4. Critically evaluate the success of the leadership strategies employed to
manage the change programme, giving examples of how they supported
or hindered the success of the change programme. ( 20% of word count)
The remaining 20% of the word count should go on the introduction and conclusion
Your assignment should include the following: (Percentage of marks awarded for
each section in brackets):
• Contents page /Introduction (10%)
• Discussion and Analysis (related to the case study and using academic
concepts to appraise and critique the academic concepts and models
covered in the module. This also includes use of Appendices – diagrams/data
relevant to your discussion – these are not included in the work count (60%)
• Conclusion (including any recommendations if relevant which follow logically
from the preceding analysis) (10%)
• Bibliography showing evidence of wider reading and correctly referenced
• Presentation of work layout, headings, subheadings, structure etc
Coursework Assignment-Change and leadership

Coursework Assignment-Change and leadership

Candidate Assessment Guidance Notes: The assessment for this module consists of one written report. The report should be 2500 – 3000 words (excluding your reference list and appendices). It should include references to and citation of appropriate academic reading materials: all web references, books, articles and reports should be properly referenced using the Harvard referencing style. You should use Times New Roman or Arial 11pt font. Bold or underline section headings (if used). Make full use of paragraphing to space your points. Your report must use one and half or double line spacing, provide a footer which includes a page number and have margins set at 2 or 3cm. Your assignment should be submitted by paper copy by 4pm on 11 January 2016. Assessment submission instructions as well as marking criteria are provided on study direct. Refer to the case study provided and answer the following: 1. Briefly describe the key characteristics of the organisation in the case study, and the circumstances surrounding the change initiative/ programme. ( 20% of word count)
Change and leadership Module 715N1
2 | P a g e
2. With reference to relevant theories analyse the change processes
involved and the extent to which the change has impacted on both
individuals and teams ( 20% of word count)
3. Evaluate those aspects in the organisation and its environment that either
aided or hindered this change initiative. ( 20% of word count)
4. Critically evaluate the success of the leadership strategies employed to
manage the change programme, giving examples of how they supported
or hindered the success of the change programme. ( 20% of word count)
The remaining 20% of the word count should go on the introduction and conclusion
Your assignment should include the following: (Percentage of marks awarded for
each section in brackets):
• Contents page /Introduction (10%)
• Discussion and Analysis (related to the case study and using academic
concepts to appraise and critique the academic concepts and models
covered in the module. This also includes use of Appendices – diagrams/data
relevant to your discussion – these are not included in the work count (60%)
• Conclusion (including any recommendations if relevant which follow logically
from the preceding analysis) (10%)
• Bibliography showing evidence of wider reading and correctly referenced
• Presentation of work layout, headings, subheadings, structure etc