Assignment Task:
After experiencing a number of problems, Greenford GP Surgery are considering installing a new computer software to manage patients bookings. Some of the issues they have encountered
The booking process was often incomplete.
Patients arrived for appointments that were not booked for them.
Doctors were booked on time slots when they were not available.
Patients details were incorrect and their information went missing.
The management commissioned a feasibility study to be carried out by a software consultancy firm, Micro Systems. In your role as trainee systems analyst for Micro Systems, you have been
requested by the senior systems analyst to make a preliminary investigation of the booking system currently in operation at Greenford GP Surgery and to produce a requirements specification
and design for a new improved system.
You should:
Determine the requirements for Greenford GP Surgery and produce a system requirements specification report that includes the following:
1.1. Introduction: Describe the background, purpose and objectives of the system, include any assumption about the system in this section.
1.2. Requirements Gathering Plan
1.3. Systems Requirements (Functional, Non-functional, Usability)
1.4. Systems Models
This section should contain all your diagrams.
Using UML produce the following diagrams for section 1.4 of your report:
1.1. Use Case diagram (minimum 4 use cases, max 8).
1.2. Use Case descriptions.
1.3. Class diagram.
1.4. Sequence diagram (for 4 use cases).
Coursework Assignment Brief

Coursework Assignment Brief

Coursework Assignment Brief
Semester: E15
Module Code: A001
Module Title: Management Principles
Programme Year 0 / Ext. Bachelors Degree Programme
Level: Level 3
Awarding Body: University of Plymouth
Module Leader H.Qamar
Format: Report
Presentation: No
Any special requirements: *NO MORE THAN 3 INTERNET SOURCES SHOULD BE USED*All work should be submitted on the student portal along with an acceptable Turnitin report
Word Limit: Total word limit is 1800 words, tolerance +/-10%. Acceptable Turntin report is required.
Deadline date for submission: Thursday, 10th December 2015 at 12pm
Learning outcomes to be examined in this assessment Upon successful completion of this module, students should be able to: (a) (b) (c) (d) The coursework will assess learning outcomes (a) (b) and (c).
Percentage of marks awarded for module: This assignment is worth 50% of the total marks for the module
Assessment criteria Explanatory comments on the assessment criteria Maximum marks for each section
Content, style, relevance, originality Clear demonstration of rigorous research from recognised authoritative sources. Audience focus. 50%
Format, referencing, bibliography Harvard 10 %
Constructive critical analysis, introduction, conclusion Demonstration of a clear understanding of the issues. Use of academic models. Clear understanding of a focused campaign 40%
Answer all tasks
Task 1
Assess the significance of middle level of managers in achieving organisational success, for a company of your own choice. 25 marks
Task 2
Compare and contrast matrix and functional organisational structures.
25 marks
Task 3
Evaluate the need of SWOT analysis in strategic management process.
30 marks
Task 4
Explain theterm organisational culture and suggest how a company can create an innovative culture? 20 marks
Please ensure that the following conditions are met
• Cover page and table of contents are required
• Introduction and conclusion should be very brief
• Overlapping and mixing up answers of different tasks should be avoided;clear tasks/question numbers or headings must be provided
• Reference list/bibliography and table of contents should not be included in the word count
• Word count for each task should be proportionate to the marks allocated to each task
Criteria for marking
Assessment categories
Knowledge& Understandingof Subject Major gapsin knowledgeand understanding.
Significant inaccuracies. Gapsin knowledge andsuperficial understanding.
Someinaccuracies. Thresholdlevel.
Broadlyaccurate knowledgeand understanding of thematerial.Some elementsmissing andflawsevident. Sound,routine knowledgeand understanding of
thematerial,main conceptsand key theories.
Someflawsmaybe evident. Good,consistent knowledgeand understanding ofthe
material,main conceptsandkey theoriesatthislevel. Detailedknowledge andunderstanding of themainconcepts/
theoriesatthislevel. Beginningtoshow awarenessofthe limitationsofthe knowledgebase. Highlydetailed knowledgeand understanding of
material,conceptsand theoriesatthislevel. Awarenessofthe ambiguitiesand limitationsof
(e.g.analysisand synthesis; logic and argument; analytical reflection; organisationand communication of ideasand evidence) Briefand irrelevant.
Onlypersonal viewsoffered.
Unsubstantiated generalisations. Little or no attempttodraw
conclusions. For themostpart descriptive.Views/
illogicalor contradictory.
Generalisations/ statementsmade with scant evidence.
Conclusionslack relevance and/or validity. Thresholdlevel.
ofissues. Sense of argumentemerging though not
completelycoherent.Some evidencetosupport views, but not
alwaysconsistent. Somerelevant conclusions Issuesidentified within givenareas.
An emerging
awarenessof differentstances
andabilitytouse evidencetosupport a coherent argument.
Broadly valid conclusions. Good analytical ability.
viewsof others. Argumentsgenerally
logical, coherently expressed,well organised and supported.
Soundconclusions. Verygoodanalysis throughout.
Perceptive and
persuasivepoints madewithingiven
area.Explicit acknowledgementof otherstances. Argumentswell-
articulated,and logicallydeveloped witharangeof evidence.
Strongconclusions. Logical,articulate analysisaconsistent
pointsmade throughoutthework
withina highly articulate,balanced argument.Judiciously selected evidence,
drawnfromrelevant research. Convincing conclusions.
Research- informed
(includingreferencing, appropriate academic conventionsand academichonesty) No evidenceof reading.Views
are unsupported andnon- authoritative. Academic
conventionslargelyignored. Evidenceoflittle readingappropriate
for thelevelof study,and/or indiscriminateuse of sources.
Academic conventionsused weakly. Thresholdlevel.
Someevidenceof reading,with superficiallinkingto giventext(s).
Someacademic conventions
consistent,butwith someweaknesses. Knowledge of literaturebeyond
coretext(s). Literatureused accuratelybut descriptively.
Academicskills generally sound. Knowledge ofthe fieldofliterature
appropriatelyusedto supportviews. Research-informed literatureintegrated
intothework.Good useofacademic conventions. Criticalengagement with appropriate
reading.Knowledge ofresearch-informed literatureembedded inthework.
Consistentlyaccurate useofacademic conventions. Exceptionallywide rangeofrelevant
literatureused critically to informargument, balancediscussion and/orinformproblem-
solving.Consistently accurateandassured useofacademic conventions.
GraduateSkills forLifeand Employment
(e.g. research- relatedskills; written, graphical and oral communication skills;
groupworking; problem-solving; practical and professionalskills) Little or no evidence ofthe
anyoftheskills areas. Limitedevidenceof skillsintherange
assessment atthis level.
Significant weaknesses evident,which suggestthatthe
candidateisnot on coursetogainskills necessaryfor graduate-level
employment. Researchskills:
Someevidenceof abilitytocollect appropriate data/ informationand undertake straightforward researchtaskswith external guidance. Cancommunicate inarangeof formats,including orally,appropriate tothediscipline(s), butwith evident weaknesses.
effectivelywith othersasa
memberofa group, andmeetmost obligationsto
others(e.g.tutors andpeers).
abilitytoapply methods appropriatelyto addressawell- definedproblem. Abletorecognise own strengths andweaknesses inrelationto professional and practicalskills
identified byothers, butlackinginsight
. Researchskills:
Can collectand interpret appropriate data/ informationand undertake straightforward researchtaskswith external guidance. Cancommunicate effectivelyina rangeofformats, including orally, appropriatetothe discipline(s).
effectivelywith othersasa
memberofa group, andmeet obligationsto
others(e.g.tutors andpeers).
Can applymethods accuratelyto
addressawell- definedproblem,
andbeginto appreciatethe complexityofthe issuesinthe discipline.
own strengths andweaknesses inrelationto professional and practicalskills
identified byothers. Researchskills:
Can collectand interpretappropriate data/informationand successfully undertake straightforward researchtaskswith limitedexternal guidance.
well andconsistently inarangeofformats, including orally, appropriatetothe discipline(s).
effectivelywith othersasamember ofa group,andmeet allobligationsto
others(e.g.tutorsand peers).
Can applymethods accuratelyto address
appreciatingthe complexityofthe issuesinthe discipline.
Abletotakeinitiative inevaluatingown strengthsand weaknessesin
relationto professional and practicalskills identified byothers. Researchskills:
Can collectand interpretappropriate dataandsuccessfully undertakeresearch taskswithadegree of autonomy.
veryeffectivelyina rangeofformats, including orally, appropriatetothe discipline(s).
Canworkvery effectivelywith othersasamember
ofa group,showing leadershipskills where appropriate, andmeetall obligationstoothers (e.g.tutorsand peers).
Can applymethods accuratelyandvery
effectivelytoaddress awell-defined problem,
appreciatingthe complexityofthe issuesinthe discipline.
Abletoshowinsight andautonomyin evaluatingown strengthsand weaknessesin
relationto professional and practicalskills. Researchskills:
Can collectand interpretappropriate data/informationand undertakeresearch taskswith autonomy and exceptional success.
highlyeffectivelyina rangeofformats, including orally, appropriatetothe discipline(s).
exceptionallywell with othersasakey
memberofa group, showingleadership skillswhere appropriate, negotiatingand meetingallobligations to others(e.g.tutors andpeers).
Can applymethods accuratelyandhighly effectivelytoaddressa well-definedproblem, appreciatingthe complexityofarange
of issuesinthe discipline.
Abletoshowinsight andautonomyin evaluatingown strengthsand weaknessesinrelation
to professionaland practicalskills.
Marks 0-25(Fail) 26-39(Fail) 40-49(3rd) 50-59(2.2) 60-69(2.1) 70-85(1st) 86-100(1st)
Coursework Assignment Brief

Coursework Assignment Brief
Semester: E15
Module Code: A001
Module Title: Management Principles
Programme Year 0 / Ext. Bachelors Degree Programme
Level: Level 3
Awarding Body: University of Plymouth
Module Leader H.Qamar
Format: Report
Presentation: No
Any special requirements: *NO MORE THAN 3 INTERNET SOURCES SHOULD BE USED*All work should be submitted on the student portal along with an acceptable Turnitin report
Word Limit: Total word limit is 1800 words, tolerance +/-10%. Acceptable Turntin report is required.
Deadline date for submission: Thursday, 10th December 2015 at 12pm
Learning outcomes to be examined in this assessment Upon successful completion of this module, students should be able to: (a) (b) (c) (d) The coursework will assess learning outcomes (a) (b) and (c).
Percentage of marks awarded for module: This assignment is worth 50% of the total marks for the module
Assessment criteria Explanatory comments on the assessment criteria Maximum marks for each section
Content, style, relevance, originality Clear demonstration of rigorous research from recognised authoritative sources. Audience focus. 50%
Format, referencing, bibliography Harvard 10 %
Constructive critical analysis, introduction, conclusion Demonstration of a clear understanding of the issues. Use of academic models. Clear understanding of a focused campaign 40%
Answer all tasks
Task 1
Assess the significance of middle level of managers in achieving organisational success, for a company of your own choice. 25 marks
Task 2
Compare and contrast matrix and functional organisational structures.
25 marks
Task 3
Evaluate the need of SWOT analysis in strategic management process.
30 marks
Task 4
Explain theterm organisational culture and suggest how a company can create an innovative culture? 20 marks
Please ensure that the following conditions are met
• Cover page and table of contents are required
• Introduction and conclusion should be very brief
• Overlapping and mixing up answers of different tasks should be avoided;clear tasks/question numbers or headings must be provided
• Reference list/bibliography and table of contents should not be included in the word count
• Word count for each task should be proportionate to the marks allocated to each task
Criteria for marking
Assessment categories
Knowledge& Understandingof Subject Major gapsin knowledgeand understanding.
Significant inaccuracies. Gapsin knowledge andsuperficial understanding.
Someinaccuracies. Thresholdlevel.
Broadlyaccurate knowledgeand understanding of thematerial.Some elementsmissing andflawsevident. Sound,routine knowledgeand understanding of
thematerial,main conceptsand key theories.
Someflawsmaybe evident. Good,consistent knowledgeand understanding ofthe
material,main conceptsandkey theoriesatthislevel. Detailedknowledge andunderstanding of themainconcepts/
theoriesatthislevel. Beginningtoshow awarenessofthe limitationsofthe knowledgebase. Highlydetailed knowledgeand understanding of
material,conceptsand theoriesatthislevel. Awarenessofthe ambiguitiesand limitationsof
(e.g.analysisand synthesis; logic and argument; analytical reflection; organisationand communication of ideasand evidence) Briefand irrelevant.
Onlypersonal viewsoffered.
Unsubstantiated generalisations. Little or no attempttodraw
conclusions. For themostpart descriptive.Views/
illogicalor contradictory.
Generalisations/ statementsmade with scant evidence.
Conclusionslack relevance and/or validity. Thresholdlevel.
ofissues. Sense of argumentemerging though not
completelycoherent.Some evidencetosupport views, but not
alwaysconsistent. Somerelevant conclusions Issuesidentified within givenareas.
An emerging
awarenessof differentstances
andabilitytouse evidencetosupport a coherent argument.
Broadly valid conclusions. Good analytical ability.
viewsof others. Argumentsgenerally
logical, coherently expressed,well organised and supported.
Soundconclusions. Verygoodanalysis throughout.
Perceptive and
persuasivepoints madewithingiven
area.Explicit acknowledgementof otherstances. Argumentswell-
articulated,and logicallydeveloped witharangeof evidence.
Strongconclusions. Logical,articulate analysisaconsistent
pointsmade throughoutthework
withina highly articulate,balanced argument.Judiciously selected evidence,
drawnfromrelevant research. Convincing conclusions.
Research- informed
(includingreferencing, appropriate academic conventionsand academichonesty) No evidenceof reading.Views
are unsupported andnon- authoritative. Academic
conventionslargelyignored. Evidenceoflittle readingappropriate
for thelevelof study,and/or indiscriminateuse of sources.
Academic conventionsused weakly. Thresholdlevel.
Someevidenceof reading,with superficiallinkingto giventext(s).
Someacademic conventions
consistent,butwith someweaknesses. Knowledge of literaturebeyond
coretext(s). Literatureused accuratelybut descriptively.
Academicskills generally sound. Knowledge ofthe fieldofliterature
appropriatelyusedto supportviews. Research-informed literatureintegrated
intothework.Good useofacademic conventions. Criticalengagement with appropriate
reading.Knowledge ofresearch-informed literatureembedded inthework.
Consistentlyaccurate useofacademic conventions. Exceptionallywide rangeofrelevant
literatureused critically to informargument, balancediscussion and/orinformproblem-
solving.Consistently accurateandassured useofacademic conventions.
GraduateSkills forLifeand Employment
(e.g. research- relatedskills; written, graphical and oral communication skills;
groupworking; problem-solving; practical and professionalskills) Little or no evidence ofthe
anyoftheskills areas. Limitedevidenceof skillsintherange
assessment atthis level.
Significant weaknesses evident,which suggestthatthe
candidateisnot on coursetogainskills necessaryfor graduate-level
employment. Researchskills:
Someevidenceof abilitytocollect appropriate data/ informationand undertake straightforward researchtaskswith external guidance. Cancommunicate inarangeof formats,including orally,appropriate tothediscipline(s), butwith evident weaknesses.
effectivelywith othersasa
memberofa group, andmeetmost obligationsto
others(e.g.tutors andpeers).
abilitytoapply methods appropriatelyto addressawell- definedproblem. Abletorecognise own strengths andweaknesses inrelationto professional and practicalskills
identified byothers, butlackinginsight
. Researchskills:
Can collectand interpret appropriate data/ informationand undertake straightforward researchtaskswith external guidance. Cancommunicate effectivelyina rangeofformats, including orally, appropriatetothe discipline(s).
effectivelywith othersasa
memberofa group, andmeet obligationsto
others(e.g.tutors andpeers).
Can applymethods accuratelyto
addressawell- definedproblem,
andbeginto appreciatethe complexityofthe issuesinthe discipline.
own strengths andweaknesses inrelationto professional and practicalskills
identified byothers. Researchskills:
Can collectand interpretappropriate data/informationand successfully undertake straightforward researchtaskswith limitedexternal guidance.
well andconsistently inarangeofformats, including orally, appropriatetothe discipline(s).
effectivelywith othersasamember ofa group,andmeet allobligationsto
others(e.g.tutorsand peers).
Can applymethods accuratelyto address
appreciatingthe complexityofthe issuesinthe discipline.
Abletotakeinitiative inevaluatingown strengthsand weaknessesin
relationto professional and practicalskills identified byothers. Researchskills:
Can collectand interpretappropriate dataandsuccessfully undertakeresearch taskswithadegree of autonomy.
veryeffectivelyina rangeofformats, including orally, appropriatetothe discipline(s).
Canworkvery effectivelywith othersasamember
ofa group,showing leadershipskills where appropriate, andmeetall obligationstoothers (e.g.tutorsand peers).
Can applymethods accuratelyandvery
effectivelytoaddress awell-defined problem,
appreciatingthe complexityofthe issuesinthe discipline.
Abletoshowinsight andautonomyin evaluatingown strengthsand weaknessesin
relationto professional and practicalskills. Researchskills:
Can collectand interpretappropriate data/informationand undertakeresearch taskswith autonomy and exceptional success.
highlyeffectivelyina rangeofformats, including orally, appropriatetothe discipline(s).
exceptionallywell with othersasakey
memberofa group, showingleadership skillswhere appropriate, negotiatingand meetingallobligations to others(e.g.tutors andpeers).
Can applymethods accuratelyandhighly effectivelytoaddressa well-definedproblem, appreciatingthe complexityofarange
of issuesinthe discipline.
Abletoshowinsight andautonomyin evaluatingown strengthsand weaknessesinrelation
to professionaland practicalskills.
Marks 0-25(Fail) 26-39(Fail) 40-49(3rd) 50-59(2.2) 60-69(2.1) 70-85(1st) 86-100(1st)