Course: Race, Gender, Inequality, & Law
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The movie Crash, tells the interlocking stories of Blacks, Whites, Latinos, Asians and Persians all living in Los Angeles. There are cops and criminals, powerful or powerless, kind and cruel, all defined by their racism. Some are perpetrators of bigotry, others victims of it. All characters in the movie are emotionally or physically impacted by impulsive, thoughtless, in-your-face interchanges. Some characters may learn from their actions and appear redeemed by the end of the movie, although no attempt is made by the filmmaker to have a politically correct ending. Irony runs throughout the film in unexpected ways, and most of the characters maintain negative assumptions, based on stereotypes, even of those they care for. No character is untouched, as they continue to crash into each other, literally or figuratively.Compare and contrast any two of the characters in the movie Crash (only pick two to write about!). In thinking about the intersection of multiple identities, explain the ways in which their experiences of privilege and oppression were similar and the ways they differed. In other words, describe the ways in which the characters experienced AND perpetuated oppression (prejudice, discrimination, and/or internalized subordination.) Be sure to identify the categories of privilege and oppression each character experienced in your analysis and provide examples from the movie to highlight your points.Film Response should:(1) demonstrates that students have done the readings, understood them and are able to apply the materials to the real world.(2) be written in a standard 12-point font (double spaced, standard 1-inch margins),(3) at a length of 3-5 pages(4) demonstrate the student?s ability to clearly express their ideas through written expression.
Course: Race, Gender, Inequality, & Law