Topic 1:
Read the case study “Corporal Punishment Over Student’s Objection” found on page 98 of your text and answer all related discussion questions listed on page 98. Your answers should be numbered and your response to each question should include case citations, statutes/laws, or authority that supports your position. Each answer should contain your understanding of the law, as it relates to the question that has been posed, as well as the legal authority and analysis you used in arriving at your answer. Your answers should be comprehensive and reflect an understanding of the problem presented and the legal resolution. And include a minimum of two cites/references.500 word minimum
Corporal Punishment Over Student’s Objection
Carl Palmer, principal of Carbondale Middle School, became very upset with Walter Johnson for
being disrespectful to several of his teachers. Palmer explained to Walter that because of his
actions, he (Palmer) must administer corporal punishment based on school policy. When the
principal proceeded to get his instrument to administer the punishment, Walter told Palmer that
he was not going to hit him with anything. Other students, faculty, and staff in the outer office
heard him say this.
Discussion Questions
What is the dilemma facing Palmer?
Should Palmer proceed with his plan to administer the punishment? Why or why not?
Does the student have the right to decide his punishment?
Is the principal creating a problem maintaining respect and discipline when others heard Walter
refuse to accept punishment?
If the principal decides to administer punishment, what steps should he follow to ensure legal
What should the principal’s decision be in this situation?
What should be the basis for his decision?
Topic 2:
Read the case study “Gang and Student Dress” found on page 127 of your text and answer all related discussion questions listed on page 127. Your answers should be numbered and your response to each question should include case citations, statutes/laws, or authority that supports your position. Each answer should contain your understanding of the law, as it relates to the question that has been posed, as well as the legal authority and analysis you used in arriving at your answer. Your answers should be comprehensive and reflect an understanding of the problem presented and the legal resolution and include a minimum of two cites/references.500 word minimum
Gang and Student Dress
A large high school in the northeastern United States initiated a policy prohibiting the wearing of
gang symbols such as jewelry, emblems, earrings, and athletic caps. This policy was developed
based on gang activities that were prevalent in the school. Bill Foster, who was not involved in
gang activity, wore an earring to school as a form of self-expression and a belief that the earring
was attractive to young ladies. He was suspended for his act. Consequently, he filed suit.
Discussion Questions
Were Bill’s freedom of expression rights violated in this case? Why or why not?
Was his suspension justified? Why or why not?
Should Bill have been permitted to wear the earring, since he was not involved in gang activity?
As principal, what factors would you weigh in determining whether Bill would be permitted to wear
an earring? (Be specific.)
Would the court support Bill? Why or why not?
Would the court support school officials? Why or why not?
What are the administrative implications suggested by this case?
Corporal Punishment Over Student’s Objection" found on page 98 of your text and answer all related discussion questions listed on page 98. Your answers should be numbered and your response to each question should include case citations, statutes/laws, or authority that supports your position.

Corporal Punishment Over Student’s Objection" found on page 98 of your text and answer all related discussion questions listed on page 98. Your answers should be numbered and your response to each question should include case citations, statutes/laws, or authority that supports your position.

Topic 1:
Read the case study “Corporal Punishment Over Student’s Objection” found on page 98 of your text and answer all related discussion questions listed on page 98. Your answers should be numbered and your response to each question should include case citations, statutes/laws, or authority that supports your position. Each answer should contain your understanding of the law, as it relates to the question that has been posed, as well as the legal authority and analysis you used in arriving at your answer. Your answers should be comprehensive and reflect an understanding of the problem presented and the legal resolution. And include a minimum of two cites/references.500 word minimum
Corporal Punishment Over Student’s Objection
Carl Palmer, principal of Carbondale Middle School, became very upset with Walter Johnson for
being disrespectful to several of his teachers. Palmer explained to Walter that because of his
actions, he (Palmer) must administer corporal punishment based on school policy. When the
principal proceeded to get his instrument to administer the punishment, Walter told Palmer that
he was not going to hit him with anything. Other students, faculty, and staff in the outer office
heard him say this.
Discussion Questions
What is the dilemma facing Palmer?
Should Palmer proceed with his plan to administer the punishment? Why or why not?
Does the student have the right to decide his punishment?
Is the principal creating a problem maintaining respect and discipline when others heard Walter
refuse to accept punishment?
If the principal decides to administer punishment, what steps should he follow to ensure legal
What should the principal’s decision be in this situation?
What should be the basis for his decision?
Topic 2:
Read the case study “Gang and Student Dress” found on page 127 of your text and answer all related discussion questions listed on page 127. Your answers should be numbered and your response to each question should include case citations, statutes/laws, or authority that supports your position. Each answer should contain your understanding of the law, as it relates to the question that has been posed, as well as the legal authority and analysis you used in arriving at your answer. Your answers should be comprehensive and reflect an understanding of the problem presented and the legal resolution and include a minimum of two cites/references.500 word minimum
Gang and Student Dress
A large high school in the northeastern United States initiated a policy prohibiting the wearing of
gang symbols such as jewelry, emblems, earrings, and athletic caps. This policy was developed
based on gang activities that were prevalent in the school. Bill Foster, who was not involved in
gang activity, wore an earring to school as a form of self-expression and a belief that the earring
was attractive to young ladies. He was suspended for his act. Consequently, he filed suit.
Discussion Questions
Were Bill’s freedom of expression rights violated in this case? Why or why not?
Was his suspension justified? Why or why not?
Should Bill have been permitted to wear the earring, since he was not involved in gang activity?
As principal, what factors would you weigh in determining whether Bill would be permitted to wear
an earring? (Be specific.)
Would the court support Bill? Why or why not?
Would the court support school officials? Why or why not?
What are the administrative implications suggested by this case?