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Controlling Data

Controlling DataPaper details:

For this assignment, you are to complete and submit for review by your mentor the fourth chapter of your capstone paper, Chapter 4: Results of the Study. In this chapter, you will report data to answer sub questions, which will, in turn, answer the study’s major question.

Tips for Controlling Data
For Research and Applied Projects:
When setting up this chapter, arrange all data under their relevant sub question, similar to your explanations in Chapter 3. Your findings must be reported in real terms, without discussion or opinion. Save that for Chapter 5.

Note: If you have used any survey instruments such as questionnaires, be sure to mention the total number of each, and report on those that you received back.

For Creative Projects:
If you are developing a creative project, you may not have data. This is where your creative product will appear. You must explain how the project answers your sub question, prior to your presentation of the actual project.

Chapter 4 Organization and Structure
Organize your chapter according to the outline below and complete the following steps:


For Research and Applied Projects
Write an Introduction to the chapter. Your Introduction should include the actual major and sub questions identified in your research design proposal and to be answered through data from your study. You will be repeating the major and sub questions that appeared in your drafts of Chapter 1 and Chapter 3. For an example of an introductory paragraph, see pp. 242-243 in the Writing the Winning Dissertation or Thesis textbook.
For Creative Projects
Introduce the project you have created in an effort to answer the main or sub questions. This will vary depending on the project. In some cases, sections of the project may answer individual sub questions. Provide an explanation of how your product results in fulfilling the goals represented by your question(s).

Body of the Chapter

For the Research and Applied Projects
Set up information based on the study’s sub questions.
Organize data by repeating each sub question.
Present all the data related to that sub question in the respective paragraph.
If you use any instruments such as questionnaires or surveys in your research present them in the text of this chapter as follows: The questionnaire (see Appendix A) has provided the following data…
If your capstone project includes images, graphics, tables, charts, videos, or other types of visuals, introduce each of them with a short paragraph related to its content.
Have a title on each image, graphic, table, chart, video, etc.
If your visuals, etc. are from other sources, be sure to cite them properly. (For MLA documentation of figures, see the Keys for Writers textbook, Part 3; for APA documentation see the Keys for Writers textbook, Part 4.)
For Creative Projects
This will be the actual Creative Project in its entirety. It may include a PowerPoint presentation, a video, a document, or any combination of these.


For Research and Applied Projects
Present a summary paragraph of the results of data as the conclusion to the chapter. Do not include interpretation or discussion of data.
For Creative Projects
No summary paragraph is necessary for the Creative Project.

For some techniques about how to write sentences with impact see the article Working with Words.

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