Assignment 4.3 Continuous Professional Development
professional development. State how it contributes to enhancing your ability to support
children’s learning and appropriate assessment. Guskey, T. R. (2003). What makes professional development effective? Phi Delta Kappan, 84 (10), 748-750. Retrieved from
- Describe professional development that you have participated in the last year and five examples of how that training improved both your teaching and student achievement.
- Complete Part 3 by describing a minimum of three examples of how knowledge and skills
gained through the professional development listed in the chart will assist you in improving
EC 503 Page 24 of 35 Revised January 2015 children’s learning outcomes. If you able to attend any professional development activities, describe what you gained through the experience(s) (FEAP b.5.f/InTASC 9a.p).