The Consumption of Animals Essay Challenge: Whether shopping for fashion, furniture, or food, many products purchased by U.S. consumers are derived from the bodies of other animals. Write to a general audience of American consumers who take the consumption of animals entirely for granted because they lack awareness and education on this issue. Consider 2 or 3 specific social, ethical, and/or cultural consequences for the choices that Americans typically make involving the consumption of animals and persuade your readers to adjust or alter their lifestyle choices in ways that address these consequences. Your essay must be 600 words minimum and formatted in MLA style. Your essay must reference Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer; Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows by Melanie Joy; and Earthlings directed by Shaun Monson. You may include more resources from class if you wish, or resources that you locate on your own (so long as they are appropriate, reliable, and professional)
Consumption of Animals thesis