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Consumer Behavior Paper

Consumer Behavior Paper
Order Description
Read Chapters 4-6 of your text by Kotler and Keller.

Kotler, P., & Keller, K. L. (2012). A framework for marketing management (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.

Write a two-page paper concerning consumer behavior and decision-making.
To achieve maximum points for content and analysis, the following elements need thoroughly addressed.

? Search YouTube for an advertisement or video depicting obvious factors of consumer behavior.

? Include the URL for the YouTube advertisement as a subheading for the paper.

? Critique the video using concepts you have learned from the textbook reading.

? The critique will include suggestions for improvement and next steps the company should use in its communication using additional factors of consumer behavior.

? Provide at least two sources.

Citations to the dictionary should be provided on top of the required two sources.

The Bible (KJV) does not have to be listed in the References page, but does have to be cited in-text.

? Use the Paper Writing rubric provided in the syllabus to ensure you have met all of the criteria.

Learning Activity #2: Consumer Behavior Paper
Read Chapters 4-6 of your text by Kotler and Keller.
Kotler, P., & Keller, K. L. (2012). A framework for marketing management (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
Write a two-page paper concerning consumer behavior and decision-making.
To achieve maximum points for content and analysis, the following elements need thoroughly addressed.
? Search YouTube for an advertisement or video depicting obvious factors of consumer behavior.
? Include the URL for the YouTube advertisement as a subheading for the paper.
? Critique the video using concepts you have learned from the textbook reading.
? The critique will include suggestions for improvement and next steps the company should use in its communication using additional factors of consumer behavior.
? Provide at least two sources.
Citations to the dictionary should be provided on top of the required two sources.
The Bible does not have to be listed in the References page, but does have to be cited in-text.
? Use the Paper Writing rubric provided in the syllabus to ensure you have met all of the criteria.
Copyright 2012 Ohio Christian University. All rights reserved.
No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted
in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
including photocopying, or by any information storage or retrieval system
without the prior written permission of Ohio Christian University
unless such copying is expressly permitted by federal copyright law.

Address inquiries to:
College of Adult and Graduate Studies,
Ohio Christian University, 1476 Lancaster Pike, Circleville, OH 43113

Marketing and Advertising for Managers


Course Description 3
Course Objectives 3
Course Assessment 4
Due Dates and Late Penalties 6
Adult Learner Motivations 6
Assignment Rubrics 8
Discussion Rubric 8
Paper Writing Rubric 10
Presentation Rubric 11
Course Materials 12
Student Expectations 13
Facilitator Expectations 14

Course Description
This course is a study of marketing management with emphasis on analyzing marketing mix variables for problem solving in both domestic and international markets. Also, it explores and analyzes consumer behavior, as well as captures customer value through improving product management, maximizing channels, and establishing customer-driven marketing strategies. Evaluation of digital marketing strategies is included in the course.

Course Objectives
Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:

• Evaluate the opportunities and challenges unique to marketing to international markets.
• Compare and contrast various types of branding and integrated marketing communications used in marketing, including digital marketing strategies.
• Explain the steps to segmenting, targeting marketing niches, and positioning products and services in the minds of these consumer targets.
• Compare and contrast strategic pricing strategies based on market structures, cost, and demand.
• Illustrate how companies manage the flow (or distribution) of products and services.
• Evaluate a strategic marketing plan that addresses pricing, distribution, and product concepts as well as various types of integrated marketing communications.
• Apply Christian principles in critical thinking and decision making.
Course Assessment

Assessment Type Value
Weeks 1-6 Devotional 5 points each
30 points total
Marketing Discussion
Wal-Mart Discussion
Brand Equity Discussion
Public Relations Discussion
Pricing Influence Discussion
Marketing Plan Evaluation Discussion

30 points each
180 points total

Research Papers
Market Concepts Paper
Consumer Behavior Paper
50 points each
100 points total

Team Activities
Marketing Mix List (Individual Submission) 50 points
Environment Analysis: Team Project (Student 1 & 2 Submissions) 75 points
Brand Strategy: Team Project (Student 1 & 2 Submissions) 75 points
Marketing Communications: Team Project (Student 1 & 2 Submissions) 75 points
Product Life Cycle: Team Project (Student 1 & 2 Submissions) 75 points
Flow of Products: Team Project (Team Submission) 50 points

Branding Strategies PowerPoint 60 points
Advertising Messages PowerPoint 60 points
Marketing Channels PowerPoint 60 points
Global Interview PowerPoint 60 points

Exercise Activities
New Product Exercise 50 points

Total 1000 points

Points Letter Grade
94-100% 940-1000 A
91-93% 910-939 A-
88-90% 880-909 B+
84-87% 840-879 B
81-83% 810-839 B-
78-80% 780-809 C+
74-77% 740-779 C
73% and below 0-739 F

To receive an “A” (EXCEPTIONAL) the student
• constantly exceeds minimum requirements
• is always prompt and thorough with assignments
• uses outside research for self-evaluation
• integrates learning with life goals
To receive a “B” (EXCELLENT) the student
• frequently exceeds minimum requirements
• is always prompt with assignments and is generally thorough
• is eager to profit from instructor’s evaluation
• integrates learning with peer values and relationships
To receive a “C” (ACCEPTABLE) the student
• usually meets minimum requirements
• completes assignments reasonably well
• is willing to respond to evaluation
• integrates learning with course requirements
To receive a “D” (MARGINAL) the student
• occasionally meets minimum requirements
• sometimes does not complete assignments or does them inaccurately
• is slow to improve under instruction
• integrates learning only to avoid failure
To receive an “F” (UNACCEPTABLE) the student
• rarely meets minimum requirements
• usually does not complete assignments or does them inaccurately
• ignores or resists instruction
• is unable to integrate learning

Assignment Rubrics
Discussion Rubric

Discussions promote enhanced comprehension and critical thinking. Your satisfaction and the overall quality of the class are highly dependent on the interactions arising from discussions.

It is very helpful to your fellow students to include the previous statement when responding in the discussion forums; however, it is important to copy and paste only the piece of the message to which you are responding to clarify the context and to avoid the need to scroll though long messages.

Only interactions that include quality analysis and development of the topic within the time allotted count towards the grade. Disagreement is permitted, but must done with complete respect and recognition of the other opinion. It is always the best scenario to provide textbook and/or articles to support your statements. It should be noted that faculty in higher level courses may require it.

This is essentially what is happening when students do not respond to questions that the facilitator or other students ask them in the discussions! Try and keep this image in mind as you engage with other students.

See the Discussion rubric for more details about expectations.
Discussion Rubric (30 points total)
Initial Post (15 points total – 50%)
15-14 points 13-11 points 10-9 points 8-0 points
Initial responses are posted no later than the fourth day of each week. Initial responses are posted no later than the fifth day of each week. Initial responses are posted no later than the sixth day of each week. Initial responses are posted no later than the last day of each week.
The following actions are considered substantive for initial posts:

1. The response was well researched and involved thoughtful, detailed analysis.
2. While there may be some mechanical errors, the writing is professional.
3. Definitions and terms from the reading assigned were applied in the post.
4. The post should contain 200-300 words.
5. Proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, and standard English are used.
6. Resources are provided to support your opinions and may be required by a facilitator.
Interaction Posts (15 points total – 25% for each interaction)
15-14 points 13-11 points 10-1 points 0 points
There are at least two substantive interactions with other students posted on separate days. There is at least one substantive interaction with other students. There is no substantive interaction with other students. There is no interaction with other students.

The following actions are considered substantive for interaction posts:

1. The post should contain 50-150 words.
2. Proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, and standard English are used.
3. At least one of these options was clearly used in the interaction.

a. A question that is probing.
b. An insight gained from reading a post.
c. An opinion on the conversation that is substantiated with an outside resource.
d. A personal experience that validates or disagrees with statement posted.
e. Submit a suggestion that assists a colleague.
f. An expansion on the post with more details about the subject matter.
Paper Writing Rubric
Writing is an essential part of the learning process and an academic paper is required almost every week. The Paper Writing rubric is a general rubric to follow for all papers required in this course. Resources counted towards your grade that support your writing should be scholarly. Dictionaries and non-peer reviewed sites such as Wikipedia are not considered scholarly.

General Paper Writing Rubric (50 points total)
Content (20 points)
20-18 points 17-15 points 14-12 points 11-0 points
Please select and utilize the appropriate checklist to assist with content quality.
Adapted from The Bedford Guide for Writing Tutors

Research Paper / EssayRelevant content with analysis is developed. Relevant content exists, but needs more analysis.
Content is somewhat relevant, but lacks analysis. Information is provided.

Analysis is excellent. Analysis is good. Analysis is average.
Analysis is difficult to follow.
Supporting Resources (10 points)
10-9 points 8 points 7-6 points 5-0 points
The required number of supporting resources is provided, if applicable. Relevant Resources are provided, but not the number required for the paper, if applicable. Resources are provided, but not relevant to the content and requirements of the paper, if applicable. The required number of supporting resources is not provided, if applicable.
Presentation (10 points)
10-9 points 8 points 7-6 points 5-0 points
Once the paper is written, please apply the checklist for presentation points.
Adapted from The Bedford Guide for Writing TutorsWriting follows the presentation checklist.
Writing follows some of the presentation checklist.
Writing does not follow most of the presentation checklist.
Writing does not follow the presentation checklist.

Presented in APA format very well.
Presented in APA format with minor errors.
Presented in APA format for the most part. Not presented in APA format well or not at all.
Resources are correctly referenced to APA standard. Resources are referenced to APA standard. Resources incorrectly referenced to APA standard. Resources not referenced to APA standard.
Mechanics (10 points)
10-9 points 8 points 7-6 points 5-0 points
No grammatical errors. Some grammatical errors (1-3). Many grammatical errors (4-6). Many grammatical errors (7+).

Presentation Rubric

Each presentation has an individual rubric and can be found with the course materials.

Course Materials

Kotler, P., & Keller, K. L. (2012). A framework for marketing management (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
Duarte, N. (2008). slide:ology: The art and science of creating great presentations. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly Media, Inc.

Student Expectations

• Submit assignments on time. Discuss alternatives with your facilitator before the due date if it is known that the assignment cannot be submitted on time.
• Plagiarism is absolutely not permitted. All instances of plagiarism will be reported to the Dean/Assistant Vice President of Academic Services.

? For a student’s first offense, he or she will receive a zero grade on the assignment that was plagiarized.
? For the second offense, the student will fail the course.
? For the third offense, the student will be dismissed from Ohio Christian University.
? A student who has been dismissed for academic reasons may petition for re-admission after six months.
As a general guideline, plagiarism is defined by Lucas (2011) as “to present another person’s language or ideas as your own.” He describes three types of plagiarism: global plagiarism, stealing a speech [or a paper] entirely from a single source and passing it off as your own; patchwork plagiarism, stealing ideas or language from two or three sources and passing them off as your own; and incremental plagiarism, failing to give credit for particular parts of a speech [or a paper] that are borrowed from other people (Lucas 2011). All definitions of plagiarism are taken from The Art of Public Speaking, 2011, by Stephen E. Lucas, McGraw-Hill, p. 37-38.
• Read your posts aloud to ensure that your intended message is conveyed. If a posting upsets you, do not immediately respond. Always think through responses to ensure professional dialogue. Disrespect, sarcasm, and rudeness in discussion forums will not be tolerated.
• Disagreement with a facilitator should be handled privately and respectfully. If it is felt that the facilitator is not being responsive or respectful, it is important to contact the Director of Online Education immediately.
• Participation is determined by activity in course discussions and submitted assignments according to the absence standards below. Please note that an absence is defined as a complete lack of involvement in discussions and submitted exercises.

? No absences are permitted for a course running three weeks or less.
? One absence is permitted for a course running four weeks or more, although two absences still results in a withdrawal.
Facilitator Expectations

• Instructor will respond to forum postings daily.
• Instructor will be available by phone and email to address any student inquiries. Responses to voicemail and email inquiries will occur within 24 hours unless otherwise notified via Announcements.
• Instructor will be engaged in the discussion forum throughout the week.
• Instructor will provide meaningful feedback for all drop box submissions.
• Instructor will provide track changes and the rubric indicating what was earned for all papers.
• All instances of plagiarism must be reported to the Dean/Assistant Vice President of Academic Services with the plagiarized piece and the artifact demonstrating that it is plagiarized.
• Weekly grades and feedback for assignments submitted on time will be returned within 5-7 days of the due date.
• The Final Grade for the course will be provided to the registrar within 14 days of the course’s last day.

Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

Consumer Behavior Paper

Consumer Behavior Paper
Order Description
Read Chapters 4-6 of your text by Kotler and Keller.

Kotler, P., & Keller, K. L. (2012). A framework for marketing management (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.

Write a two-page paper concerning consumer behavior and decision-making.
To achieve maximum points for content and analysis, the following elements need thoroughly addressed.

? Search YouTube for an advertisement or video depicting obvious factors of consumer behavior.

? Include the URL for the YouTube advertisement as a subheading for the paper.

? Critique the video using concepts you have learned from the textbook reading.

? The critique will include suggestions for improvement and next steps the company should use in its communication using additional factors of consumer behavior.

? Provide at least two sources.

Citations to the dictionary should be provided on top of the required two sources.

The Bible (KJV) does not have to be listed in the References page, but does have to be cited in-text.

? Use the Paper Writing rubric provided in the syllabus to ensure you have met all of the criteria.

Learning Activity #2: Consumer Behavior Paper
Read Chapters 4-6 of your text by Kotler and Keller.
Kotler, P., & Keller, K. L. (2012). A framework for marketing management (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
Write a two-page paper concerning consumer behavior and decision-making.
To achieve maximum points for content and analysis, the following elements need thoroughly addressed.
? Search YouTube for an advertisement or video depicting obvious factors of consumer behavior.
? Include the URL for the YouTube advertisement as a subheading for the paper.
? Critique the video using concepts you have learned from the textbook reading.
? The critique will include suggestions for improvement and next steps the company should use in its communication using additional factors of consumer behavior.
? Provide at least two sources.
Citations to the dictionary should be provided on top of the required two sources.
The Bible does not have to be listed in the References page, but does have to be cited in-text.
? Use the Paper Writing rubric provided in the syllabus to ensure you have met all of the criteria.
Copyright 2012 Ohio Christian University. All rights reserved.
No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted
in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
including photocopying, or by any information storage or retrieval system
without the prior written permission of Ohio Christian University
unless such copying is expressly permitted by federal copyright law.

Address inquiries to:
College of Adult and Graduate Studies,
Ohio Christian University, 1476 Lancaster Pike, Circleville, OH 43113

Marketing and Advertising for Managers


Course Description 3
Course Objectives 3
Course Assessment 4
Due Dates and Late Penalties 6
Adult Learner Motivations 6
Assignment Rubrics 8
Discussion Rubric 8
Paper Writing Rubric 10
Presentation Rubric 11
Course Materials 12
Student Expectations 13
Facilitator Expectations 14

Course Description
This course is a study of marketing management with emphasis on analyzing marketing mix variables for problem solving in both domestic and international markets. Also, it explores and analyzes consumer behavior, as well as captures customer value through improving product management, maximizing channels, and establishing customer-driven marketing strategies. Evaluation of digital marketing strategies is included in the course.

Course Objectives
Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:

• Evaluate the opportunities and challenges unique to marketing to international markets.
• Compare and contrast various types of branding and integrated marketing communications used in marketing, including digital marketing strategies.
• Explain the steps to segmenting, targeting marketing niches, and positioning products and services in the minds of these consumer targets.
• Compare and contrast strategic pricing strategies based on market structures, cost, and demand.
• Illustrate how companies manage the flow (or distribution) of products and services.
• Evaluate a strategic marketing plan that addresses pricing, distribution, and product concepts as well as various types of integrated marketing communications.
• Apply Christian principles in critical thinking and decision making.
Course Assessment

Assessment Type Value
Weeks 1-6 Devotional 5 points each
30 points total
Marketing Discussion
Wal-Mart Discussion
Brand Equity Discussion
Public Relations Discussion
Pricing Influence Discussion
Marketing Plan Evaluation Discussion

30 points each
180 points total

Research Papers
Market Concepts Paper
Consumer Behavior Paper
50 points each
100 points total

Team Activities
Marketing Mix List (Individual Submission) 50 points
Environment Analysis: Team Project (Student 1 & 2 Submissions) 75 points
Brand Strategy: Team Project (Student 1 & 2 Submissions) 75 points
Marketing Communications: Team Project (Student 1 & 2 Submissions) 75 points
Product Life Cycle: Team Project (Student 1 & 2 Submissions) 75 points
Flow of Products: Team Project (Team Submission) 50 points

Branding Strategies PowerPoint 60 points
Advertising Messages PowerPoint 60 points
Marketing Channels PowerPoint 60 points
Global Interview PowerPoint 60 points

Exercise Activities
New Product Exercise 50 points

Total 1000 points

Points Letter Grade
94-100% 940-1000 A
91-93% 910-939 A-
88-90% 880-909 B+
84-87% 840-879 B
81-83% 810-839 B-
78-80% 780-809 C+
74-77% 740-779 C
73% and below 0-739 F

To receive an “A” (EXCEPTIONAL) the student
• constantly exceeds minimum requirements
• is always prompt and thorough with assignments
• uses outside research for self-evaluation
• integrates learning with life goals
To receive a “B” (EXCELLENT) the student
• frequently exceeds minimum requirements
• is always prompt with assignments and is generally thorough
• is eager to profit from instructor’s evaluation
• integrates learning with peer values and relationships
To receive a “C” (ACCEPTABLE) the student
• usually meets minimum requirements
• completes assignments reasonably well
• is willing to respond to evaluation
• integrates learning with course requirements
To receive a “D” (MARGINAL) the student
• occasionally meets minimum requirements
• sometimes does not complete assignments or does them inaccurately
• is slow to improve under instruction
• integrates learning only to avoid failure
To receive an “F” (UNACCEPTABLE) the student
• rarely meets minimum requirements
• usually does not complete assignments or does them inaccurately
• ignores or resists instruction
• is unable to integrate learning

Assignment Rubrics
Discussion Rubric

Discussions promote enhanced comprehension and critical thinking. Your satisfaction and the overall quality of the class are highly dependent on the interactions arising from discussions.

It is very helpful to your fellow students to include the previous statement when responding in the discussion forums; however, it is important to copy and paste only the piece of the message to which you are responding to clarify the context and to avoid the need to scroll though long messages.

Only interactions that include quality analysis and development of the topic within the time allotted count towards the grade. Disagreement is permitted, but must done with complete respect and recognition of the other opinion. It is always the best scenario to provide textbook and/or articles to support your statements. It should be noted that faculty in higher level courses may require it.

This is essentially what is happening when students do not respond to questions that the facilitator or other students ask them in the discussions! Try and keep this image in mind as you engage with other students.

See the Discussion rubric for more details about expectations.
Discussion Rubric (30 points total)
Initial Post (15 points total – 50%)
15-14 points 13-11 points 10-9 points 8-0 points
Initial responses are posted no later than the fourth day of each week. Initial responses are posted no later than the fifth day of each week. Initial responses are posted no later than the sixth day of each week. Initial responses are posted no later than the last day of each week.
The following actions are considered substantive for initial posts:

1. The response was well researched and involved thoughtful, detailed analysis.
2. While there may be some mechanical errors, the writing is professional.
3. Definitions and terms from the reading assigned were applied in the post.
4. The post should contain 200-300 words.
5. Proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, and standard English are used.
6. Resources are provided to support your opinions and may be required by a facilitator.
Interaction Posts (15 points total – 25% for each interaction)
15-14 points 13-11 points 10-1 points 0 points
There are at least two substantive interactions with other students posted on separate days. There is at least one substantive interaction with other students. There is no substantive interaction with other students. There is no interaction with other students.

The following actions are considered substantive for interaction posts:

1. The post should contain 50-150 words.
2. Proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, and standard English are used.
3. At least one of these options was clearly used in the interaction.

a. A question that is probing.
b. An insight gained from reading a post.
c. An opinion on the conversation that is substantiated with an outside resource.
d. A personal experience that validates or disagrees with statement posted.
e. Submit a suggestion that assists a colleague.
f. An expansion on the post with more details about the subject matter.
Paper Writing Rubric
Writing is an essential part of the learning process and an academic paper is required almost every week. The Paper Writing rubric is a general rubric to follow for all papers required in this course. Resources counted towards your grade that support your writing should be scholarly. Dictionaries and non-peer reviewed sites such as Wikipedia are not considered scholarly.

General Paper Writing Rubric (50 points total)
Content (20 points)
20-18 points 17-15 points 14-12 points 11-0 points
Please select and utilize the appropriate checklist to assist with content quality.
Adapted from The Bedford Guide for Writing Tutors

Research Paper / EssayRelevant content with analysis is developed. Relevant content exists, but needs more analysis.
Content is somewhat relevant, but lacks analysis. Information is provided.

Analysis is excellent. Analysis is good. Analysis is average.
Analysis is difficult to follow.
Supporting Resources (10 points)
10-9 points 8 points 7-6 points 5-0 points
The required number of supporting resources is provided, if applicable. Relevant Resources are provided, but not the number required for the paper, if applicable. Resources are provided, but not relevant to the content and requirements of the paper, if applicable. The required number of supporting resources is not provided, if applicable.
Presentation (10 points)
10-9 points 8 points 7-6 points 5-0 points
Once the paper is written, please apply the checklist for presentation points.
Adapted from The Bedford Guide for Writing TutorsWriting follows the presentation checklist.
Writing follows some of the presentation checklist.
Writing does not follow most of the presentation checklist.
Writing does not follow the presentation checklist.

Presented in APA format very well.
Presented in APA format with minor errors.
Presented in APA format for the most part. Not presented in APA format well or not at all.
Resources are correctly referenced to APA standard. Resources are referenced to APA standard. Resources incorrectly referenced to APA standard. Resources not referenced to APA standard.
Mechanics (10 points)
10-9 points 8 points 7-6 points 5-0 points
No grammatical errors. Some grammatical errors (1-3). Many grammatical errors (4-6). Many grammatical errors (7+).

Presentation Rubric

Each presentation has an individual rubric and can be found with the course materials.

Course Materials

Kotler, P., & Keller, K. L. (2012). A framework for marketing management (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
Duarte, N. (2008). slide:ology: The art and science of creating great presentations. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly Media, Inc.

Student Expectations

• Submit assignments on time. Discuss alternatives with your facilitator before the due date if it is known that the assignment cannot be submitted on time.
• Plagiarism is absolutely not permitted. All instances of plagiarism will be reported to the Dean/Assistant Vice President of Academic Services.

? For a student’s first offense, he or she will receive a zero grade on the assignment that was plagiarized.
? For the second offense, the student will fail the course.
? For the third offense, the student will be dismissed from Ohio Christian University.
? A student who has been dismissed for academic reasons may petition for re-admission after six months.
As a general guideline, plagiarism is defined by Lucas (2011) as “to present another person’s language or ideas as your own.” He describes three types of plagiarism: global plagiarism, stealing a speech [or a paper] entirely from a single source and passing it off as your own; patchwork plagiarism, stealing ideas or language from two or three sources and passing them off as your own; and incremental plagiarism, failing to give credit for particular parts of a speech [or a paper] that are borrowed from other people (Lucas 2011). All definitions of plagiarism are taken from The Art of Public Speaking, 2011, by Stephen E. Lucas, McGraw-Hill, p. 37-38.
• Read your posts aloud to ensure that your intended message is conveyed. If a posting upsets you, do not immediately respond. Always think through responses to ensure professional dialogue. Disrespect, sarcasm, and rudeness in discussion forums will not be tolerated.
• Disagreement with a facilitator should be handled privately and respectfully. If it is felt that the facilitator is not being responsive or respectful, it is important to contact the Director of Online Education immediately.
• Participation is determined by activity in course discussions and submitted assignments according to the absence standards below. Please note that an absence is defined as a complete lack of involvement in discussions and submitted exercises.

? No absences are permitted for a course running three weeks or less.
? One absence is permitted for a course running four weeks or more, although two absences still results in a withdrawal.
Facilitator Expectations

• Instructor will respond to forum postings daily.
• Instructor will be available by phone and email to address any student inquiries. Responses to voicemail and email inquiries will occur within 24 hours unless otherwise notified via Announcements.
• Instructor will be engaged in the discussion forum throughout the week.
• Instructor will provide meaningful feedback for all drop box submissions.
• Instructor will provide track changes and the rubric indicating what was earned for all papers.
• All instances of plagiarism must be reported to the Dean/Assistant Vice President of Academic Services with the plagiarized piece and the artifact demonstrating that it is plagiarized.
• Weekly grades and feedback for assignments submitted on time will be returned within 5-7 days of the due date.
• The Final Grade for the course will be provided to the registrar within 14 days of the course’s last day.

Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.
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