Constructing gender (socialisation & psychoanalysis): jealousy
Constructing gender (socialisation & psychoanalysis): jealousy

Constructing gender (socialisation & psychoanalysis): jealousy

Constructing gender (socialisation & psychoanalysis): jealousy
Order Description
To what extent should displays of jealousy in a man be accepted as a healthy, rather than a patriarchal, form of behaviour towards a woman?
Topic: Constructing gender (socialisation & psychoanalysis):
To what extent should displays of jealousy in a man be accepted as a healthy,
rather than a patriarchal, form of behaviour towards a woman?
Theoretical Reading: [essential source]
Freud, Sigmund (1922) „Some neurotic mechanisms in jealousy, paranoia and
homosexuality’ in The standard edition of the complete psychological works of
Sigmund Freud: tr. J. Strachey, in collaboration with Anna
Freud. London: Hogarth Press, [1962-75] volume 18 BF173 .F6253
Suggested Readings (select from the following references, or find your own):
Benjamin, Jessica. The Bonds of Love: Psychoanalysis, Feminism and the
Problem of Domination, Pantheon Books, N.Y., 1988
Buss, David. The Dangerous Passion: Why Jealousy Is as Necessary as Love
and Sex Simon and Schuster, 2000 BF575.J4 .B87
Friday, Nancy. Jealousy. M. Evans and Company, Inc., 1997. BF575.J4
Moi, Toril. “Jealousy and Sexual Difference”, Feminist Review, 11, 1982, 53-
69 HQ29 .S43
Also in Sexuality: a reader, edited by Feminist review. London, Virago Press,
1987. HQ29 .S43
Lo, Louis (2008) „Jealousy: This strange passion? in Male jealousy: literature
and film London; New York, NY: Continuum PN56.J43 L6 2008
Yates, Candida. “Masculinity and Good Enough Jealousy ‘, Psychoanalytic
Studies, Vol. 2, No.1, 2000.
Yates, Candida (online). “Masculine Jealousies in
The End of The Affair” (dir. Neil Jordan, 1999, US/Ger. Prod. Columbia
Constructing gender (socialisation & psychoanalysis): jealousy

Constructing gender (socialisation & psychoanalysis): jealousy
Order Description
To what extent should displays of jealousy in a man be accepted as a healthy, rather than a patriarchal, form of behaviour towards a woman?
Topic: Constructing gender (socialisation & psychoanalysis):
To what extent should displays of jealousy in a man be accepted as a healthy,
rather than a patriarchal, form of behaviour towards a woman?
Theoretical Reading: [essential source]
Freud, Sigmund (1922) „Some neurotic mechanisms in jealousy, paranoia and
homosexuality’ in The standard edition of the complete psychological works of
Sigmund Freud: tr. J. Strachey, in collaboration with Anna
Freud. London: Hogarth Press, [1962-75] volume 18 BF173 .F6253
Suggested Readings (select from the following references, or find your own):
Benjamin, Jessica. The Bonds of Love: Psychoanalysis, Feminism and the
Problem of Domination, Pantheon Books, N.Y., 1988
Buss, David. The Dangerous Passion: Why Jealousy Is as Necessary as Love
and Sex Simon and Schuster, 2000 BF575.J4 .B87
Friday, Nancy. Jealousy. M. Evans and Company, Inc., 1997. BF575.J4
Moi, Toril. “Jealousy and Sexual Difference”, Feminist Review, 11, 1982, 53-
69 HQ29 .S43
Also in Sexuality: a reader, edited by Feminist review. London, Virago Press,
1987. HQ29 .S43
Lo, Louis (2008) „Jealousy: This strange passion? in Male jealousy: literature
and film London; New York, NY: Continuum PN56.J43 L6 2008
Yates, Candida. “Masculinity and Good Enough Jealousy ‘, Psychoanalytic
Studies, Vol. 2, No.1, 2000.
Yates, Candida (online). “Masculine Jealousies in
The End of The Affair” (dir. Neil Jordan, 1999, US/Ger. Prod. Columbia