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Paper details:reply to the three post separately. Please so not be biased or disrespectful in any way. Include two references per post.

Post 1: The development of a satisfactory theory relied on the use of Conceptual-Theory-Empirical (C-T-E) structure Empowered holistic theory by Doctor Katie (Fawcett & Madeya, 2012). The theory revolves around holistic care giving in the nursing profession. In the past, nursing education institutions revolved purely on treatment, without considering nurturing and caring for patients. The situation above is what dictated the C-T-E used in discussing the Empowered holistic theory of nursing (Chinn & Jacobs, 2013).

Following Katie’s theory, one realizes that readiness to learn is playing a significant role in career paths. She believes, a wrong perception of the nursing career is one of the major contributors to the scenario (Dossey & Keegan, 2012). Many imagine that all nurses have to do is administer the medication from the doctor to the patients (Boykin & Schoenhofer, 2015). However, the theory incorporates support modalities, and interconnectedness to contextual studies making it very effective.
Boykin, A., & Schoenhofer, S. O. (2015). Theory of Nursing as Caring. Nursing Theories and Nursing Practice , 341.

Chinn, P. L., & Jacobs, M. K. (2013). A model for theory development in nursing. Nursing Science , 3-18.

Dossey, B. M., & Keegan, L. (2012). Holistic nursing. Jones & Bartlett Publishers.

Fawcett, J., & Madeya, S. D. (2012). Contemporary nursing knowledge: Analysis and evaluation of nursing models and theories. FA Davis.

Post 2:
A theory is developed from specific conceptual-theoretical- Empirical structures (Butts & Rich, 2014). My theory originated from questions earlier in my career: what does it mean to be human? What does it mean to care? What does it mean to heal?”(Watson, 2007, p.130). Questioning the essence of nursing. The questions initiated the Theory of Human Caring. Core concepts of my theory became transpersonal caring relationships, caring moments/caring occasions, and carative factors, which have recently been modified to caritas processes. The caritas processes delineate the standard of care every human being deserves. By using the caritas processes in the direct care of a patient or the implementation of a better working environment, seem to only bring quality improvements. Success comes from executing and basing your practice around concepts of the Theory of Human Caring. The results of applying the caritas processes in the care of infertile women truly displayed the success of treating woman through the foundations of my theory (Arslan-Özkan, Okumuş, & Buldukoğlu, 2014). This is only one of the many empirical indicators demonstrating of the significant effects my conceptual model has on care.

Arslan-Özkan, İ., Okumuş, H., & Buldukoğlu, K. (2014). A randomized controlled trial of the effects of nursing care based on Watson’s Theory of Human Caring on distress, self-efficacy and adjustment in infertile women. Journal Of Advanced Nursing, 70(8), 1801-1812 12p. doi:10.1111/jan.12338

Butts, J.B., & Rich, K.L. (2015). Philosophies and Theories for Advanced Nursing Practice (2nd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Barlett Learning.

Watson, J. (2007). Watson’s theory of human caring and subjective living experiences: carative factors/caritas processes as a disciplinary guide to the professional nursing practice. Texto Contexto – Enferm., 16(1), 129-135. http://dx.dio.org/10.1590/s0104-07072007000100016

post 3:
“A theory is made up of concepts and propositions about a phenomen” (Butts, 2015, p. 594). I, Rosemary R. Parse believe that everyone has a role in their own healthcare and have the right to make decisions that suite them best. I do not believe in just fixing a problem, but evolving and being involved with your own individual concerns and outcomes. I have received my education at the University of Pittsburgh and have obtained my MSN and also my Ph.D. while attending there. As I developed into my current role the humanbecoming theory was developed and has been expanded on.

“The assumptions underpinning the theory were synthesized from works by the European philosophers, Heidegger, Sartre, and Merleau-Ponty, along with works by the pioneer American nurse theorist, Martha Rogers” (Melnechenko, 1995, p.122). Within my theory there are three principles that were developed. These principles include meaning, rhythmicity, and transcendence. “Structuring meaning is the imaging and valuing of languaging” (Parse, 2014, p. 37). “Configuring rhythmical patterns is the revealing-concealing and enabling-limiting of connecting-separating” (Parse, 2014, p. 43). “Cotranscending with possibles is the powering and originating of transforming” (Parse, 2014, p. 47).

As you can see with my humanbecoming theory I tried to make this so it can be used not only from a nursing perspective but also in everyday life. Ultimately you are the only one responsible for your own outcome. What direction and paths that you take to fulfill your needs are completely up to you. Individuals will have advocates and their healthcare professionals will be there to assist them, but overall the sole responsible individual is the individual themselves.

Butts, J. & Rich, K. (2015). Philosophies and theories for advanced nursing practice. (p.594). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Melnechenko, Karen, L. (1995).Parse’s Theory of Human Becoming: An Alternative Guide to Nursing Practice for Pediatric Oncology Nurses. Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing, Vol. 12, No. 3, 122-127.

Parse, R. R. (2014). The humanbecoming paradigm: A transformational worldview. Pittsburgh, PA: Discovery International Publications.

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