Computer sciences and Information technology
In this scenario, you have been called into the office of the corporate attorney, who outlines the office gambling ring that has been running during working hours. This ring has been using the office computers, cell phones, and network for electronic gaming, betting on sporting events, and recording and accounting the financial transactions involved.
Create a four-page plan (excluding the cover sheet and reference list) for documenting the discovery process for this scenario. Follow the formatting standards, as well as the research guidelines in the study guide, to complete your work:
Include with this plan a one-page process framework description based on your research into computer forensics processing methods and procedures that support your plan with references to articles, laws and codes, and experts in the field. In this process framework description, you should explain why your approach to the documentation and processing of this case is necessary
In the final three pages of your plan, explain in detail the steps required to investigate, document, and preserve the evidence required by the corporate attorney. As an investigator, what steps are required to protect your interests?
Computer sciences and Information technology