Computer science

Paper details:This week you have examined the topic of virtualisation, which is distinct from client/server architecture. Virtualisation is becoming increasingly important as organisations are analysing ever larger amounts of data, and more employees wish to access their work files through cloud storage.
For this Individual Paper, you will research virtualisation architecture and explain how it is different from client/server architecture. There are numerous trends regarding virtualisation; however, for the purposes of this paper, you will only examine computer architecture.
To prepare for this Assignment:
Review your Learning Resources with a focus on virtualisation architecture and client/server architecture.
Research virtualisation architecture on your own as needed.
Reflect on the differences between virtualisation architecture and client/server architecture.
To complete this Assignment:
Submit a paper in which you address the following:
Compare virtualisation and client/server architecture.
Create a diagram that compares the similarities and differences between virtual and client/server architecture and include an explanation of all appropriate parts. Be sure that your diagram can be inserted into a Microsoft Word document.
Critically analyse the advantages and disadvantages of each type of architecture for at least three unique user or business activities. Identify a particular type of organisation for whom virtualisation will become especially important in the next decade, and provide a detailed rationale for your choice.
Fully state and justify any choices, assumptions or claims that you make using the suggested Learning Resources for this Week and/or your own research. Cite and reference at least 3 sources (including diagrams) that support your arguments.
Your document should have 750-1,000 words (not including the list of works cited), but it is the quality of the answer that matters, not the number of words. Cite and reference all sources use the Harvard Liverpool Referencing System.