Comparison of Governance in Islamic States IntroductionSubstantive law as contained in the Quran governs most Islamic republics. Being a Holy book, the Quran has its own standards that leaders are supposed to adhere to in governing the general public. Most significantly, merit is stressed as the main characteristic to be followed when electing or choosing leaders to serve in public offices. What should be understood is that, merit does not only refer to performance. If looked from an ethical lens of egoism, merit refers to actual performance of duties at everyone’s expense and, also at the expense of everything. The Islamic approach to merit is slightly different though. Merit in Islam is considered as, that which is based in a person’s submission to Allah, the rule of Law, trust, emphatic justice, promise keeping and, integrity. Islamic Leaders who are considered excellent have to adhere to some standards. These standards include: 1 Submission to Allah and conducting governance according to his EdictsAllah’s directions which are supreme ensure the rule of law is checked and that the governing powers are cautiously checked. Allah expressly states that ???Anyone who does not govern in ways consistent to Allah’s direction is a wrongdoer??? (Quran 5:45).
Comparison of Governance in Islamic States Custom Essay