Life Sciences: Comparing Cell Parts to a City Endoplasm Reticulum has similar functions as a hospital in a city. Its main function in a cell is to facilitate protein folding and transportation of the same. A hospital plays a role of medication by ensuring that patients are treated to be healthy once again. Endoplasm Reticulum transports most of the biochemical compounds to be used inside or outside the cells as. It also regulates amino acids for keeping the cells healthy just the way a hospital ensures that patients remain health. In comparison of golgi complex and jail in the city is that Golgi Complex plays the role of sorting and modifying the cell macromolecules. A jail plays the role rehabilitating criminals or those who do not respect law and order. Golgi Complex modifies the proteins and place them where they are meant to be, it packages and clearly indicate where they should be to ensure that there is orderliness just like the way jail does buy retaining those who disobey lay and order for the rest of the people to live in peace. Vacuoles is being compared to a bus. Vacuoles, is an enclosed compartment just like a bus
Comparing cell parts to a city Custom Essay