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Compare the Aguilar two-prong test with the Illinois v. Gates decision. Academic Essay

RESEARCH PAPEROrder Description Compare the Aguilar two-prong test with the Illinois v. Gates decision. The Aguilar two-prong test is found in Aguilar v. Texas, 378 U.S. 108 (1964).The Gates test is found in Illinois v. Gates, 462 U.S. 213 (1983). You might want to discuss how Spinelli fits into this, too. To complete this activity, please do not exceed two type-written pages. This is not a major research paper, but rather a means in which to show me that you are understanding the material and can apply it to a specific topic. However, you must cite to any material that you obtain from other sources than your own thoughts. A failure to do so will result in a 0. Also, when providing your references, you must use proper citation (see lecture).EACH CASE SHOULD HAVE ITS OWN PAPER. TWO PAGES TOTAL.CJ400 Activity Rubric CJ400 Activity Rubric Criteria Ratings Pts Content (80%) 1 of 3 Content is comprehensive, accurate, and persuasive; definitions are clearly stated. 15.0 pts Content is not comprehensive and/or persuasive. 10.0 pts Content is incomplete or omits some requirements stated in the assignments criteria. 5.0 pts Did not complete assignment. 0.0 pts 15.0 pts Content (80%) 2 of 3 Major points are stated clearly and are well supported. 15.0 pts Major points are addressed, but are not well suppored by outside sources. 10.0 pts Major points are not clear and/or persuasive. 5.0 pts Did not complete assignment. 0.0 pts 15.0 pts Content (80%) 3 of 3 Research, if necessary, is adequate, timely, relevant, and addresses all of the issues stated in the assignments criteria. 10.0 pts Research, if necessary, is inadequate in either relevance, quality of outside sources, and/or timeliness. 7.0 pts No outside sources were used to support major points. 4.0 pts Did not complete assignment. 0.0 pts 10.0 pts Organization & Format (10%) Structure of the paper is clear and easy to follow; paper is the appropriate length; paragraph transitions are present, logical and maintain the flow of throught throughout the paper; conclusion is logical, flows from the body of the paper, and does not include new information; citations are presented appropriately. 5.0 pts Structure of the paper is not easy to fllow; paper is over or under stated word length; paragraph transitions need improvement; conclusion is provided but does not flow from the body of the paper; and/or paper provides citations for sources, but they are incorrectly presented, reference list has some errors or omissions. 3.0 pts Organization and structure of the paper detract from the writers message; paper is considerably below or above the stated word length; paragraphs are disjointed or do not transition ideas smoothly and logically; conclusion is missing; and/or citations and references are not provided. 1.0 pts No stucture or organization. 0.0 pts 5.0 pts Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling, Word Choices, Readability (10% Rules of grammar usage and punctuation are followed; spelling and word choices are correct; and language is clear and precise, sentences display consistently strong, varied structure. 5.0 pts Paper contains few grammar, punctuation, spelling, and word choice errors; and/or language lacks clarity or includes the use of some jargon or conversational tone. 3.0 pts Paper contains numerous grammar, punctuation, spelling, and word choice errors; and/or language uses jargon or conversational tone. 1.0 pts 5.0 pts Total Points: 50.0

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