Philosophy QUESTIONS: 1) Compare and contrast the Apolline and Dionysian spirits in art. How does the Socratic spirit relate?2) Do you think there is a contemporary equivalent of the tragic myth (if so, share what it is and why it fits Nietzsches description), or is our society too one- sided (too Apollonian or too Dionysian) to have a tragic myth?3) Is there a correlation between Nietzsches understanding of metaphysical truth and Kants understanding of the Sublime? Please explain why or why not.4) How does wage slavery, or slavery in general become an essential feature of society and a part of tragic culture according to Nietzsche, and how can we intertextualize this with Marx notions of labor-power?You need to choose ONE question (either 1,2 or 3) and then talk about it in one page (personal opinion).
Compare and contrast the Apolline and Dionysian spirits in art. How does the Socratic spirit relate? Academic Essay