What underlying assumptions about the nature of human beings did the theorists start from?
What are the sources of these assumptions? Are the assumptions testable, and have they in fact been tested? What effect did these assumptions have on the structure of the ensuing theories?How does each theory under consideration meet the criteria for a good scientific theory? To what extent are the theories scientific? How important is this as a criterion of assessment?What kinds and quality of research evidence have been offered in support (or in refutation) of the theories? How do the results of the research stack up against the predictions made by the theories? Is it appropriate to expect sound empirical research in a field like Personality?What effects have the theories had on modern psychology, and/or on life outside of academic psychology?How do you personally feel about the theories? What is it about them that you find satisfying or unsatisfying? What values of your own do the theories resonate with or offend? Are such questions appropriate when assessing a theory of personality?
Compare and contrast Adler and Erykson