India and China are two fascinating countries that are rapidly growing and changing. We can better understand these two very different countries by comparing and contrasting some of their key political systems, processes, and policies. Specifically, these two very large states provide illuminating country case studies for comparing and contrasting political systems, political cultures, and national interests. Write a Final Paper comparing and contrasting the political systems, cultures, and national interests of India and China. Students must address the following areas: 1.Introduction and thesis. 2.Compare and contrast the political systems: a.Discuss the similarities and differences between the legislative and executive institutions found in China and India. 3.Compare and contrast the political cultures: a.Discuss the similarities and differences between the political attitudes, beliefs, and values found in China and India. 4.Compare and contrast the national interests: a.Discuss the similarities and differences between the major national interests of China and India. 5.Conclusion.
Comparative politics