Examine public and private databases which contain information about health issues in the county and state where you live (DuPage County, State of Illinois) and develop a 10-pages paper which MUST include:
1- Introduction with overview, purpose, rationale for choosing the health issue (HEART DISEASE AS MAIN ISSUE), and plan for the paper.
2- Description of how the health in your state compares to the health of surrounding states.
3- Description of how the health in your county compares to the health of surrounding counties.
4- Description of the major health issues for adults in your county ( HEART DISEASE, DIABETES, and CANCER).
5- Description of the major health issues for children in your county (DRUG ABUSE, OBESITY, and CHILD ABUSE AND NEGLECT).
6- Description of the major infectious diseases in your county (HIV INFECTION, GROUP A STREPTOCOCCUS, and HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS).
7- Identify a theoretical model/ framework you believe would be useful for focusing on the health of your county population and explain why you chose that model/framework.
8- Description of risk factors for your chosen major health issue in your county or state (HEART DISEASE).
9- Description of pathophysiological process of this major health issue.
10- Genetic and lifestyle factors that contribute to the incidence of this major health issue.
11- Social and cultural factors that contribute to the incidence of this major health issue.
12- Environmental factors that contribute to the incidence of this major health issue.
13- Identify theoretical empiric knowledge (research) or theoretical research that is applicable to your chosen health issue.
14- Summary explaining how you have met the purpose for this paper.
15- References at least six which would be current, relevant, and sufficient.
Community Disease